Full text: Modern business geography

Special Problems in Transportation 29% 
15. What important railroads pass through Toronto? 
16. Why is such a city a large importer of manufactured goods from the 
United States? 
All the main east and west routes across Canada pass through the 
narrow belt separating Lake Winnipeg from the international bound- 
ary line, a region which is one of the world’s richest wheat lands 
(Figs. 143, 153). 
17. What city lies here, at the junction of the Red and Assiniboine rivers? 
18. Why might this city be called ‘ the Chicago of Canada’? 
The importance of Ottawa is due almost entirely to the fact that it is 
the capital of the Dominion. 
19. Compare Ottawa with Washington as to position and facilities for trans- 
The value of the combined commerce of all the Canadian ports is 
only about two thirds that of New York. 
20. To what degree does this proportion depend on differences between Can- 
ada and the United States in (a) rainfall; (b) temperature; (c) relief; 
(d) coastline; (e) stage of development? 
21. List according to size the Canadian cities mentioned in this section. In 
a parallel column, write beside each the name of a city in the United States 
having nearly the same population. Use Table 5, page 35 
Firing Gallowa 
ia. 154. A stock ranch in Alberta.

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