Full text: Modern business geography

Modern Business Geography 
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Tnited States Geological Surve. 
Developed water power Potential water power 
#» = 100,000 horsepower O = 200,000 horsepower 
+ = less than 100,000 horsepower x = less than 200,000 horsepower 
Fig. 160. Water power is found where the relief is rugged and the rainfall is at least moderate. 
Why is so little water power available in Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois? in the states from North 
Dakota to Texas? Why have the Pacific states so much? Why have Nevada and New Mexico 
together much less than California? Where is the available water power most nearly utilized ? 
lines bring the power two or even four hundred miles from the Sierras 
to the cities of the lowland where some of the other favorable condi- 
tions for manufacturing are found. They illustrate the way in which 
people try to get as many favorable conditions as possible in one place. 
Raw materials and the location of industries. Many manufactur- 
ing industries are located near the source of their chief raw material. 
For instance, the industries of fruit canning and fruit drying are highly 
developed in California, where fruit grows in great abundance. For 
similar reasons Maryland cans many tomatoes, and the state of Wash- 
ington many fish, while Wisconsin is a great state for butter, cheese, 
and condensed milk. 
The raw materials for the products mentioned above are alike in 
being perishable, a condition which draws the industries to them. 
Where such materials are transported long distances in the fresh state, 
the cost of refrigeration makes the prices relatively much higher than 
for canned goods. 
Other kinds of raw material that attract factories include the prod- 
acts of mines, quarries, and forests. Many metals, unlike the bulk 
of the American iron ore, are smelted near the mines. This accounts 
for the manufacturing carried on in mining centers like Butte, Mon-

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