Full text: Modern business geography

Manufacturing Regions of the United States 257 
Fic. 168. Rolling steel plate. 
developed. The best part of the wheat belt lies just to the northwest, 
and the flour market lies farther east. 
Scranton is a little Pittsburgh, for its chief industries are founded on 
coal, — anthracite in this case,—and it is the head of a cluster of steel 
Duluth is the main outlet on the Great Lakes for the Superior iron 
ore. It now receives quantities of coal from Pittsburgh, so that it 
carries on iron and steel manufacturing to help satisfy the market 
of its hinterland to the west. 
Outside of the northeastern section, the manufacturing industries of 
the United States are generally simple. Because of their simplicity, 
many of them do not require a large body of skilled workers and 
are therefore often scattered widely at small centers where they can 
ret a local supply of the chief raw material. 
The Southern States 
In the southern states the presence of cotton fields has led to the 
establishment of many small factories that make oil and * cake ” 
from the seeds (page 23). Likewise the southern forests supply the 
pine wood from which turpentine and rosin are manufactured. 
Industries fostered by cotton growing. Cotton growing has also 
built up the cotton spinning and weaving industry of the piedmont

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