Full text: Modern business geography

Manufacturing Qutside the United States 77 
? i latively declining, her exports 
. Although England’s exports of textiles are re 
A machinery are increasing. Is there any connection between these two 
Japan's progress in manufacturing. 
What countries will be especially affected by further growth of competition 
from Japan in the manufacture of artistic textiles? of fine earthenware? 
of paper? of matches? 
Why do the Japanese pack goods in rice-matting wrappers instead of in 
heavy paper, as we do? 
High-priced labor and inventive skill are usually found together. Ex- 
plain their relation. Do you expect that the Japanese will be as quick to 
invent labor-saving devices as the Americans have been? Justify your 
F. Manufacturing in remote regions. 
l. In appearance and climate New Zealand, in the southern hemisphere, is 
somewhat like New England in the northern. Examine New Zealand’s 
statistics in an encyclopedia or in The Statesman’s Year Book to see if the 
two regions are similar in industry. Explain why they are or are not. 
In the United States, although the government is encouraging the manu- 
facture of iodine, we still import a great deal produced in Chile. Some of 
sur iodine we get from a peculiar source. You will find this worth looking 
for in the Year Book of the Department of Agriculture for 1900. 
Several meat-packing concerns of the United States have established 
branch houses in Argentina. What does this suggest as to the manufac- 
turing industries in Argentina? What other kinds of companies might 
profitably do the same? 
For an example of isolated manufacturing, study Formosa’s camphor in- 
dustry as described in The National Geographic Magazine for March, 1912; 
or Turkey’s rug manufacture as explained in Ross’s Russia in Revolution. 
G. Hand manufactures. 
1. During one week keep a list of all the handmade things you can see in your 
own homes, the homes of your friends, or the stores of your town, particu- 
larly the oriental store, if there is one. Take notes as follows : 
{a) Brief description of the article. 
(b) Where it came from. 
{¢) Materials of which it is made. 
..* Where the raw materials were produced. 
¢ Whether it indicates great skill in the maker. 
f In what respects it seems to you artistic. 

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