Full text: Modern business geography

Modern Business Geography 
Swiss Aviation Service 
Fic. 174. Bremgarten, in Switzerland, photographed from an airplane. What kind of farming 
is indicated by the many small farms? What accounts for the evident fertility of the soil, in a 
region that has been farmed for manv centuries? 
6. On the basis of these figures, prepare a table and map like those of the 
preceding exercises. 
Explain how Europe ranks as a producer of minerals, and how different 
parts of the continent compare with one another. 
From what regions may Europe import the copper needed in all electrical 
work p 
What advantage has Great Britain in manufactures that make use of tin? 
The parts that engage in manufacturing. On the basis of manu- 
facturing, the countries of Europe may be divided into three groups 
(Fig. 162) : 
(a) Those having areas where more than 15 per cent of all the people 
are engaged in manufacturing (the heaviest shading). 
(b) Other countries where at least five per cent of the population 
are engaged in manufacturing. 
‘c) Countries that have very little manufacturing throughout most 
of their area. 
10. Compare the European part of Figure 162 with Figure 176, and draw con- 
clusions as to the relation between manufacturing and density of popula- 

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