Full text: Modern business geography

Modern Business Geography 
Brown Brothers 
F1a. 179. The city of Paris represents the largest kind of market. The total population is 
large, and the purchasing power of the average individual is high. Both domestic and foreign 
roods and products of hich cost are in seneral use. 
Our natural wealth, however, like that of Europe, is being used up 
rapidly. The country must carefully plan for a future when its buying 
power, and hence its value as a market, will depend more upon the 
efforts of the people than upon vast natural riches. 
Why the United States supplies most of its own needs. One of the 
most noteworthy differences between the United States and the other 
populous and highly progressive countries is that the United States has 
a far larger area than any of the others and hence a much greater vari- 
ety of products. China rivals the United States in resources and in the 
variety of its climate, but its people are not progressive. Russia is even 
more extensive, but is largely undeveloped. Great Britain rivals the 
United States in progressiveness, but its resources are relatively lim- 
ited and its climate almost the same in all parts. Because of the great 
variety of the climate and resources of the United States, this country 
is capable of supplying practically all its own needs. For example, 
the northern part of the Mississippi valley is a great grain region; the 
Pacific states supply fruit, the southern states cotton, the Rocky 
Mountain states live stock, wool, and many metals; the Lake Su- 
perior region provides iron; Texas furnishes petroleum: Pennsyl-

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