Full text: Modern business geography

Foreign Countries and World Markets 307 
Brown Brothers 
Fig. 183. In the modern city, the market place has become a whole district of streets with large 
shops. like this street in Chicago. where goods from all over the world are sold. 
the Philippines and the United States. Then American trade increased 
rapidly. It was further favored by the opening of the Panama Canal 
n 1918. In 1928 about three fifths of the $125,000,000 worth of im- 
ports came from the United States and Hawaii. 
The best way for our country to increase trade not only in the Phil- 
ippines but everywhere else is to play fair, make the best kind of goods 
at the lowest reasonable prices, be content with moderate profits, and 
remember that even the most backward people will buy more if treated 
with honesty and respect. 
A. Trade of the United States with its neighbors. 
l. The United States supplies two thirds of the Canadian imports, whereas 
only one eighth of Australia’s imports are from the United States. How 
do you explain this difference ? 
Compare Hawaii, Porto Rico, and Cuba as markets for American 
goods. Consider these points: (a) the number of people; (b) their stage 
of progress; (c) their governmental relations; (d) the products they can 
offer in exchange ; (e) their position. 
Compare these three with Alaska. Why should Alaska rather than any 
of the others be called * a market of the future” ? 
Give examples of commodities that each one of these regions needs and 
can purchase from the United States.

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