Full text: Modern business geography

The Contrast between Asta and Australia 315 
1G. 184. On an Australian sheep farm. The landscape is typical of the southeastern states. 
Victoria and New South Wales. 
The two continents are quite unlike in their relief. Asia’s main 
mountains and plateaus are in the center with projections extending 
in many directions toward the sea. The Australian mountains lie 
parallel to the seacoast, while the interior assumes the form of a great 
desert basin. 
9. Map exercise. On an outline map of Asia shade these parts: (a) where the 
July temperature (Fig. 18) is less than 52°; (b) where the rainfall 
(Fig. 1) is less than 10 inches; (¢) where the mountains are high and 
rugged. What areas are left unshaded in your map? Compare this map 
with your other map (Exercise 5) and see what products are characteristic 
of each unshaded area. Compare the production in these areas with that 
in the shaded portions. 
10. Map exercise. Make a similar map of Australia. What resemblances do 
vou see between this map and that of Asia? What differences? Explain. 
The productive southeastern areas of Asia and Australia. One 
of the most noteworthy features of both Asia and Australia is the 
concentration of population and of production in the southeastern 
11. Write a paragraph proving the statement made above, and explaining 
the physical conditions which make it possible.

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