Full text: Modern business geography

The Contrast between Asia and Australia 319 
Fic. 186. Owing to the scarcity of grazing land in Japan, and the poor quality of the grass and 
of the rice straw, there are few draft animals. The Japanese make use of man power and of 
hoats on their narrow rivers and deeply indented coasts to supplement railway transportation. 
(¢) Japan: a considerable variety of goods, especially silk, cot- 
ton, and woolen textiles (the cotton being eight times as valu- 
able as the wool and twice as valuable as the silk); paper, 
matches: earthenware: oil. 
Elsewhere in Asia there is almost no manufacturing except of a very 
simple or even primitive type. In fact, except in Japan there is not a 
single manufacturing city in our sense of the word. Even in Japan, 
although there are more than half as many people as in the United 
States, the number engaged in manufacturing in 1918 was only one 
eighth as great as here. 
27. How far does Table V indicate that Asiatic industries use raw materials 
imported from other continents ? 
28. Which of the raw materials used in the industries mentioned above are 
produced in Asia to the extent of at least 30 per cent of the world’s total ? 
29. What does Figure 7 show as to the cotton production of Japan? Why 
does Japan import raw cotton from the United States ? 
30. Why are Japan’s exports of cotton and silk cloth worth ten to twenty 
times as much as her exports of iron goods and machinery?

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