Full text: Modern business geography

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Aachen (Germany) 267 
\byssinia 175, 328 
\driatic Sea, fisheries of 103 
\frica, sugar 71; grapes for raisins 81; tin 
120, 231; trade with United States 230, 
294, 295; transportation backward 159; 
few horses 165; trade routes and cities 
298-233; raw materials 228; railways 
229-231; area and population 328 
Agriculture. See Farming 
\irplane transportation 159, 167,* 168, 169* 
\ix la Chapelle (Germany) 267 
\kron (Ohio) 168, 330 
\labama, mining 116, 117, 126, 325; lum- 
ber 111; value of manufacturing 257: area 
and population 326 
\laska, average temperature 36*; fisheries 
105, 107; fur-seals 106; fish hatcheries 
108; value of purchase 111; copper 118%; 
gold 120; forests 138, 141; as market 
301; mineral production 325; area and 
population 326, 329 
\lbany (New York) 196, 252, 334 
\lberta, farm in 227* 
\lexandria (Egypt) 228, 229, 330 
\lfalfa 73, 88, 101* 
Algeria, wheat harvest in 53; citrus fruits 
78; goatskins exported 215; foreign com- 
merce 308; area and population 328 
Algiers (Algeria) 165, 228, 230, 233 
Allegheny River 196, 218 
\ltoona (Pennsylvania) 212, 334 
Aluminum 112 
Amazon River 151, 289 
Amsterdam (Holland) 269, 290, 330 
Andes Mountains. effect on climate 146. 
Animal products 83-101,* 149,* 152,* 336 
Animal power, used in farming 26,* 33, 44, 
16, 51*; in mines 113; in lumbering 133; 
in transportation 9,* 10, 159, 162,* 163,* 
164,* 165,* 166, 171, 174, 179,* 195 
Annapolis valley, apple growing 75 
Anthracite coal 113, 124, 125, 126 
\ppalachian Mountains, apple growing dis-! 
trict 75; coal fields 124; national forest 
139: routes through 210, 211, 212 
\pples 74-76,* 313 
vrea, of United States, and western Europe 
29%: of United States, by states 326; 
of chief countries and colonies 328-329 
rgentina, farming methods 33; wheat 13, 
33, 55; corn 49; sugar cane 71; grapes 
31; cattle 89, 90; sheep 93; exports of 
seef 97; mining 122; railways 167, 183; 
reed for shipping 191; industrial develop- 
ment 236, 212, 272; wool 275, 276, 291; 
asides 293 ; market for manufactured goods 
301; foreign commerce 301, 308; area 
and population 329; exports 336 
cizona, cotton 5; sugar beets 70%; mining 
118*, 325; railway mileage 187; manufac- 
turing 327; area and population 326 
irizonan, voyage of 200 
\rkansas, cotton 5; rice 49*; apples 75: 
lumber 141; mining 325; area and popu- 
lation 326; manufacturing 327 
arkwright, Richard 14 
\roostook County (Maine), potatoes 62 
vshland (Ohio) 194, 333 
.shtabula (Ohio) 19%, 333 
sia, transportation 159, 160, 161,* 162,* 
163,* 161,* 165,* 317, 318; tin 120; 
nanufacturing 272, 276, 318, 319; living 
sonditions in central 286*; trade with 
‘Tnited States 291, 295; contrasted with 
\ustralia 311-321*; countries of western 
118; cities 318; consumption of products 
320; exports 321; as source of raw mate- 
rials 323 ; area and population 328 
\siatic Russia 165, 329 
\ssiniboine River 227 
\ssuan (Egypt) 8, 229 
\suncion (Paraguay) 147, 335 
\tlanta (Georgia) 258, 330 
\tlantic Ocean, fisheries in 103, 105; steam- 
ship routes 158, 202, 212, 220, 225 
astralia, farming in 33, 315; wheat 53, 53, 
275, 300; cattle 90; sheep 92, 93, 316%; 
;opper 119, 274; gold 120; tin 120; rail- 
vay mileage 183; shipping 191; indus- 
rial development 236, 212, 271, 322; 
wool 275, 276, 294; trade with Great 
Britain 300: as market 301: foreign 

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