Full text: Modern business geography

Canals, Liverpool to Manchester 20; Suez 
191, 198, 199, 229, 230, 246; in America 
192, 196,* 197, 198, 204*; transportation 
by 194, 195*; in Europe 196, 197; Pan- 
ama Canal 198, 199,* 200,* 201, 202, 205, 
206, 246; in France 267 
Canary Islands 79 
Cane, sugar. See Sugar cane 
Canning, fruits 238, 259; fish 259, 260 
Canton (China) 178, 330 
Cape Cod Canal 198 
Cape Town (South Africa) 228, 231 
Cape Verde Islands 79 
Capital, required for railroad building 178; 
and establishment of industries 241, 243 
Caracas (Venezuela) 153, 335 
Carbolic acid 268 
Cardiff (Wales) 267, 331 
Carpets 270. See also Textiles 
Carrara (Italy) 122* 
Carvings 273 
Casablanca (Morocco) 228, 230 
Caspian Sea, fisheries 103 
Cataracts, of the Nile 232 
Cattle, dairy 81,* 85,* 86, 87, 95, 96, 259, 
275: in United States 87-89,* 96,* 97*; 
world production 89*; Europe 90, 95%; 
feeding 98; in South America 149,* 152*; 
in Asia 312, 314, 316. 319: in Australia 
312, 316* 
Cement 112, 113, 236, 313 
Census, Bureau of the 261, 262 
Central America 41, 78, 151-156, 289, 301 
Cereals, farming 40-60*; consumption of 
37; from South America 152, 336; from 
North Africa 230; cereal foods 253 
Ceylon 291, 308. 313, 328 
Chagres River 199 
Champlain, Lake 225 
Charcoal 239 
Charleroi (Belgium) 270 
Charleston (South Carolina) 9, 222, 334 
Charlotte (North Carolina) 237, 334 
Cheese 84, 86, 94, 95; in United States 256, 
259: in Canada 260; in Switzerland 270; 
in Denmark 271; in Australia 271 
Chemicals, manufactured in Germany 268, 
271, 291: in Chile 272; in United States 
290; United States imports of 293 
Chesapeake Bay, oyster fishing 105. 212 
Chiaravalle (Italy) 38 
Chicago (Illinois), as market for citrus 
fruits 78; meat packing 88; stockyards 
96*; number of horses 100; transship- 
ment point 161; railway center 178; 
as a great lake port 193, 217,* 219, 220; 
population 212, 330; ore docks 223%; 
manufacturing 253, 254; street in 307* | 
Chicago River. improvements in 219 
hile, wheat harvest in 53; copper 112, 119; 
position as mining country 122; coast 
region 146; nitrate of soda 150, 290; rail- 
way mileage 183; industrial development 
236, 272; foreign commerce 308; area 
and population 329; exports 336 
.hina, cotton 7, 19, 23; percentage of farm- 
ors 27; intensive farming 29; rice and 
millet 41, 50, 52; wheat 53; vegetables 
51, 65, 67; swine 94; fishing 103; tin 
120; mining 122; coal 123, 127; trans- 
yortation 159, 160,* 165, 195, 317; rail- 
vay mileage 175, 183, 317; climatic con- 
fitions and industry 236; manufacturing 
272, 273, 290, 318; silk 273, 275, 290; 
population and purchasing power 287, 288, 
320; cheap labor 290, 291; market for 
foreign goods 300, 301, 302, 303, 313; 
‘foreign commerce 308; primary produc- 
tion 312-313; area and population 328 
_hinese sugar. See Sorghum cane 
“hocolate 150, 250, 269, 270 
.hosen 302, 308, 328 
Incinnati (Ohio) 196, 253, 255, 330 
‘ities, of South America 145-153,* 335; of 
northeastern North America 201%; of 
United States 207-223,* 250-260,* 309, 
330, 331; of Canada 224-226, 260; of 
Europe 265-270,* 282; Asiatic 318, 319; 
~hief commercial, of world 330-333 
lay 112, 236, 312 
leveland (Ohio) 194, 220, 253, 254, 330 
“limate, and cotton industry 17; and farm- 
ing, in United States 30-32; conditions of, 
for wheat 42-45; for corn 49; for rice 50, 
50 ; oats 56; rye 58; barley 59, 60; pota- 
oes 62; vegetables 61; sugar beets 69, 
0; sugar cane 69, 71; sorghum cane 72; 
pples 75, 76; citrus fruits 76, 77; bana- 
was 78; peaches 80; cattle 85, 87, 95; 
sheep 91, 92, 93; fisheries 102, 103, 107; 
f South America 145, 146, 148, 150, 151, 
53; effect of, on use of horses 165; on 
ocation of Canadian cities 225; influence 
>n manufacturing 235, 236,* 213; in 
{Jnited States 219, 259, 260; in Europe 
265; of New Zealand 277; in Mexico 
306; in Asia and Australia 314 
lothing industry, in United States 2.10, 250, 
251, 252; London 266; France 267 
_lyde River, shipbuilding along 266 
“oal, as source of power 15; importance of 
111, 117; uses 112, 123; value in United 
States 113; ventilation of mines 113; 
nse in smelting 115; conservation of 
115,127, 128 ; mining in United States 123, 
{24,* 125, 126, 325; deposits in United 
States 124,* 196, 254 ; production in Penn- 
sylvania 124: coal cities 125. 126: world

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