Full text: Modern business geography

Desert, of South America 146; railroad | 
building in 181; of the Sahara 230, 233 
Detroit (Michigan) 78, 168, 219, 221, 240, 
253, 254, 330 
Detroit River 193 
Diamonds 231, 270, 290 
Dogs, and sheep-killing 100 
Donkeys, used in transportation 163, 165 
Drugs, chemicals for 268 
Duluth (Minnesota) 180, 181,* 193, 194, 
206, 220, 256, 257, 334 
Dundee (Scotland) 267 
Durban (Natal) 228, 231 
Dutch East Indies, commerce 270, 308; 
primary products 312, 313; area and pop- 
ulation 328. See also East Indies 
Dutch Guiana 303, 329, 336 
Dyeing, of cotton 14; of silk 251* 
Dves. manufacture of 15. 268 
‘ransportation 164, 165; steamships 166; 
motor vehicles 167; roads, in southeast- 
arn part 170; railways 183, 266*; steam- 
ship lines from 191; use of rivers and 
:anals 195,196, 197, 266* ; manufacturing 
264-271*; transportation facilities 266,* 
281; problem: what Europe does for a 
living 278-283*; food products 278; raw 
materials 279; minerals 279; foreign 
ommerce 281; cities 282, 318; value 
»f exports to United States 294; imports 
295, 323; as market 299-301; trade with 
south America 301; area and population 
of chief countries and colonies 329 
<xplosives, use of nitrates for 150 
xports, from United States, of wheat 55; of 
setroleum 129; value of, at principal ports 
f United States 221; from Africa 230, 
231; from Germany, of beet sugar 268; 
tom United States, of farm machinery 
‘or Australia 272; from Great Britain, 
f textiles and farm machinery 277; from 
Jnited States 295; to Germany 300; 
rom leading countries to United States 
308; from western Europe 310; from 
South America 336 
Earthenware 271 
East Indies, rice and millet 41; tin 120, 
275; petroleum 130*; exports to Hol- 
land 270; rubber 275; primary products 
312, 313 
Ecuador, climate 144, 145; cacao 150, 
289; area and population 329; exports 
Edmonton (Alberta) 225 
Zgypt, cotton 7,* 8, 275, 300; corn 41; rice 
50*; wheat harvest 53; sugar cane 71; 
railway mileage 183; foreign commerce 
308; area and population 328 
Elberfeld (Germany) 268 
Electric railways 184 
Electrical industries 252 
Elephants 162,* 163 
Embroideries 270, 290 
England, invention of spinning and weaving 
machinery 14; cotton manufacturing 17, 
20; wheat harvest in 53; consumption of 
cereals and meat 56; potatoes 63; apples 
76; smelting of iron ore 117; coal 123, 
127; roads 170; merchant marine 191; 
manufacturing 211; area and population 
329. See also Great Britain 
Erie Barge Canal 193, 196,* 197, 220 
Erie Canal 196,* 197 
Erie (Pennsylvania) 194, 334 
Erie Railroad 210 
Essen (Germany) 126, 237, 268, 333 
Europe, intensive cultivation in 29; size 
29*; wheat 43, 53, 54%; corn 49; oats 51*; 
rye 58*; barley 59*; vegetables 61; pota- 
toes 62, 67; sugar beets 70; fruits 76, 78, 
79, 80, 81*; dairy products 87, 95; cattle 
B9,* 90, 91, 95*; swine 93; zinc 112, 121; 
iron 114; tin 120; forest conservation 
139. 1140. 143: lumber 140. 143: animal 
Factories, cotton 17*; man power in 161; 
for airplanes 169. See also Manufacturing 
“airfield (Ohio) 169* 
Falkland Islands 93 
Fall River (Massachusetts) 10, 15, 17. 18, 
242, 334 
Farming, of cotton 2-8*; in United States 
27-39%; methods 26,* 45,* 46,* 51,* 57*; 
mportance 27; where possible 30,* 31%; 
tinds of 31, 61, 280*; farming population 
12, 33; soil 33; government aid 31, 38, 
11; in Alaska 36*; in Italy 38*; in Ohio 
'8; cereals 40-60*; vegetables 61-67*; 
mgar 68-73%; fruit 71-82%; animal 83- 
101*; use of man power in 160; of horses 
161; in Canada 225. 227*: in Holland 
“arms, number in the United States 47 
Faeroe Islands 107 
“eed, cotton-seed products used for 23, 96; 
sugar beet pulp 70; hay, corn, oats 83; 
and swine raising 100; forage crops 101* 
<ernandina (Florida) 136 
Fertilizers, nitrates 150. 289, 290; chemical 
Fez (Morocco) 228, 233 
Tibers, imports of, into United States 293. 
See also Cotton, Flax, Silk, Sisal, Wool 
Finland 281, 308, 329 
Fire, protection of forests from 142 
Fire-pots, in fruit orchards 77 
Fireworks. potash used for 290

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