Full text: Modern business geography

Cereal Farmang 
Farmers in Maine do not find it profitable to raise corn except for fodder 
or to sell as green corn to be eaten on the cob or to be canned. Why 
do they not deal in the ripe crop? 
Make a list of the by-products of corn that might be useful in your home. 
Why oats are widely distributed. 
Oats stand third in acreage among the cereals grown in the United States. 
How do they compare in value with the two having larger acreage ? 
From Figure 41 name the eight states that are the greatest pro- 
ducers of oats. 
In his dictionary, Samuel Johnson defined oats as a grain fed to horses 
in England and to men in Scotland. When this definition was quoted 
to a Scotchman he answered, * Yes, and that is why you have such good 
horses in England and we have such good men in Scotland.” What 
geographical conditions account for the fact that oatmeal often takes the 
place of wheat flour in Scotland ? 
Compare the maps of oats and horses (Figs. 41 and 79) to see what re- 
lation can be forr~- »tween the raising of horses in the United States 
Fig. 42. Harvesting oats with a scythe. On the hilly farms of Scotland, Norway, and Sweden, 
where oats and rve are the main cereal crops, harvesting must still be done by band.

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