Full text: Iceland 1930

ng | 
import duties 79—80 
Imports 80—84 
Improvement of Estates 60-62 
index-numbers 109 
Industry 75—76 
, population 17 
International Status of Iceland 23—25 
'nsurance 94, 96 
—— of fishing vessels 73 
—— , foreign companies 96, 156, 159 
-— , social 111—114 
trrigation works 62 
islands 1 
issue of notes 87—90 
Justice 32-33 
Jokulls 2 
King 26—27, 31-32 
Labour disputes 106—107 
Lakes 4, 172, 175—176 
Laws 30—31 
— , historical 36--38 
Language 11-12 
Legislative power 30—31 
Liabilities, municipal 49-50 
—— , State 45—46 
Libraries 126—127 
Life assurance 95--96 
Lighthouses 102 
Literature 133-156 
Live stock 54—58 
[.ocal government 35 
Manufactures 75—76 
Marine insurance 94-95 
Maritime jurisdiction 74 
Marriages 14 
Mediation in labour disputes 107 
Mercantile marine 100 
Meteorological Institute 128 
-_— —- expenditure 45 
Milk production 58 
Vines 9—10 
Ministers 26—27 
Ministries 34--35 
Money 97 
Monopolies 44, 78-79, 118 
Motor cars 99 
Mountains 1 
Municipal finance 47—50 
Museums 127 
Music 158—160 
Mutton, salted, exportation of, 58—59, 83 
National Bank 86-89 
Debt 46—47 
Estates 52—53 
Library 126—127 
Museum 127 
Record office 127 
Theatre 160 
Nationality 11 
—— , acquisition of, 166 
Natural Resources 9—10 
Navigation 100—101 
Newspapers 131 
Notes, issue of, 87—90 
Novels 154 —156 
Occupations 17—18 
Old Age Insurance 111 
Painting 157—158 
Parishes 35, 121 
—— , finance 47—50 
Parliament = Althingi 
?arties, political 131 
Patents 164 
Peat 5, 54 
Periodicals 132 
Petroleum, importation of, 82, 84 
—— , import duty on, 80 
~— , monopoly 78 
Joetry 133—144 
Political parties 131 
Political rights of foreigners 166 
Poor relief, expenditure 48 
— , organization 110 
— , receivers of, 17 
Population 11—18 
Postal Service 102—103 
— , revenue and expenditure 
40—41, 44 
Potatoes 7, 54 
Poultry 54, 57 
vices 108—110 
Jrinting 131 
vohibition 117—119

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