Full text: Iceland 1930

experimental work in the cultivation of forage plants and grass-seeds; 
one skilled in irrigation and drainage work; one horticulturist; and 
one adviser in matters concerning farm machines and agricultural im- 
Besides the agricultural societies, which have mainly directed their 
attention towards matters relating to the cultivation of the soil, there 
have in the present century been formed a number of associations for 
the purpose of promoting rational breeding and rearing of stock. A 
few experts are employed in the service of these associations to advise 
and guide the members, and to ascertain which stock can be reared 
with greatest profit: and something has already been achieved in 
this field. 
Some progress has also been made in the handling of farm produce 
and in obtaining beiter markets. Mention has already been made of 
the premium granted on exported butter during the years 1900—1911. 
A law of 1915 established compulsory sorting of wool for export, 
and an act passed in 1919 provides for the sorting of salted meat for 
sale abroad. 
Since the beginning of the present century steps have been taken to 
promote the planting of forests. At the head of these operations there 
is a Director of Forestry with a few qualified foresters to assist him 
in the chief forest areas. The object of these activities is the protection 
and developmen} of already existing forests, the planting of new areas, 
and the giving of advice in the planting and treatment of forests. 
There are four well-trained government-paid veferinary surgeons in 
the country, one for each quarter of the land. 
Iceland possesses two agricultural schools, supported entirely by 
the State. They are situated in the country, one in the north, the 
other in the south. The duration of courses is 2 years, and the in- 
siruction theoretical in winter, practical in summer. Besides, the Agri- 
-ultural Society of Iceland holds short courses for farmers in winter. 
alternately in the various quarters of the country. 
The amount expended by the treasury on agricultural matters has 
increased greatly during the past 50 vears., as the following figures 
will make clear: 
Total expenditure 
2 400 kr. 
10 000 — 
18 500 — 
12 300 — 
{876 . 
i880 . 
1890 . . 
an0  .

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