Full text: Iceland 1930

Thus fish and fish products represent by far the greatest part of 
the export value. Next in order comes farm produce. The other items 
are immaterial, the chief being ptarmigan, eiderdown, seal- and fox- 
The value of exported Icelandic goods for three years, distributed 
over the most important commodities, may be seen from the follow- 
ing summary: 
1925 1926 1927 
1000 kr.) (in 1000 kr.) (in 1000 kr.) 
Clipfish . . . . 39 521 25 987 28 451 
Saltfish, uncured . 3 609 3 556 4 667 
Fresh fish (on ice) . 2140 3132 3 643 
Salted herring « . . 7397 3075 5770 
Spiced herring. . 292 2 090 2443 
Fish and herringguano | 007 ‘014 2941 
Cod-liver otf . . . 3833 2 415 3631 
Herring oil . . . . 731 "345 2947 
Horses . . . . . 205 3 165 
Salted mutton . . . 3684 ES 2 004 
Wool . . » . » : 1489 102 2434 
Sheep-skins,green-salted 1 423 1 662 2045 
Other products . . 2267 1393 1829 
Foreign goods . . . 372 380 183 
Total 78 640 B23 070 1h7 
The following table shows the distribution of the value of the total 
foreign trade (imports and exports) on the countries with which Iceland 
carried on trade in 1927. 
Absolute numbers in 1000 kr. Percentage distribution 
‘mports Exports Total Imports Exports Total 
Denmark . 18152 5 487 23 639 hl 20.3 
Great Britain 16 481 9280 5 761 22.1 
Norway . . 3362 5 485 [4] 10.2 
Sweden . . 1780 389% 6.5 
Germany . 5 992 ‘669 9.2 
Holland . 1 023 11 10 
Spain . . . "83 21 825 ? 708 20.4 
[taly . . . 191 +6 930 1121 20 6.1 
U.S. A... 9c” [1] 1439 0.7 1.2 
Japan . . . * 109 1109 te 1.0 
Other countries 1325 907 2232 2 1 1.9 
Total 53 162 63 153 116 315 100.0 100.¢ 100.0 
Great Britain, Denmark and Spain are thus responsible for one- 
fifth each, or all three countries together for 63% of the total foreign

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