Full text: Comparison of rates of duty in the Tariff Act of 1930 and in the Tariff Act of 1922

Comparison of rates of duty in the tariff act of 1922 and the tariff act of 1930 
The equivalent ad valorem rates are calculated from the quantity and value of imports in the calendar year 1928} 
Imports, calendar vear 1928 Comite on | 
TTT ards TR FO EE 
; alue , 
Quantity | Value, a |v: ue | Act of 1922 | Act of 1930 Act of 1922 
Actual or com- 
puted ad valo- 
rem rate 
Actof | Actof 
1922 | 1930 
wg Per cent Per cent 
1 cent plus 10 per cent_._____._...| 15.35 | 15.35 
14 cent plus 10 per cent. 21.82 11,98 
Act of Actof | 
1922 | 1930 
Unit of 
f duty 
Printing paper n. s. p. a Pound.._ | 7,314, 058 | $341, 618 | $0. 047 
From country which forbids or restricts the | __de i” © 760 242 .138 
exportation of or imposes an export duty, 
license fee, or other export charge upon 
printing paper, wood pulp or pulownn? 
Total, paragraph. o.oo ceoecieecnecaeceeeey odo. 
Paper boards not laminated, glazed, decorated, 
ete: ; . 
Paper board, pulpboard, and cardboard. ......|...do...__.| 21,112,312" 470, 427 [022 Z 2 g 9% 
WRIIDOAI -  - —- eeammmmmeeencmmeeemmseeee moon enon oa 137, 638 5689 | 041 , 300 iT 
Leather board or compressed leather. ._...._..[.._do._.... 72, 639 3,251 | L045 2 ’ } 
Pulpboard in rolls for use in the manufacture |...do......| 52 770,222 1, 150, 968 . 022 57, 548 115, 0. 
of wallboard. | 132 13; 
Sheathing and roofing paper, deadening, i._.do__... 1. 628, 486 86, 259 . 053 8, 626 8,62 
sheathing and roofing felt. 
ee ifr —— 
Total, PAFAEIAD - «ween oececoeomomeamnn|oood0... 75,721,207 1,716, 504 = 1116, 575 | VI, 12 eee eee 
Tilter-masse, or filter stock, composed wholly or |... do. __.._ 331, 728 65, iy . 198 13, 147 13, Wi 20 par oonb...cuiemmmimpnensvinnsn 
in part of wood pulp, wooed flour, cotton or other 
vegetable fiber. | 
fiber ware indurated... ..ceeoaoiincaaacnaans| dono. 14,825 3,182 L215 796 ; 796 25percent.. ..o.ouoooocaeaaaa.. 
Pdlp or papier-mché and manufactures of, mus. | | 1432,805 |..._....| 108,201 { ty in [eres rmcmmammermenasasenes 
‘Aasks of paper, pulp, or papier-maché. oo l]ecomeaeo enema 108, 151 |... 27,038 27,088 ree lim mn mmm mmm mmm nia 
TAO), BEBE. vn mn iesssrs a a a SE EH WE SSAA RR ERRS 609, 872 —— 149, 182 160,002 Jemima Seen 
issue paper, etc.: CL 
Tissue, stereotype, copying, india, bible, con- 
denser, carbon, bibulous, pottery, and simi- 
lar papers n. s. p. f.— 
Weighing not over 6 pounds to the ream | Pound  .__! 2, 941, 596 
(20 by 30 inches). 
‘Weighing over 6 pounds and less than 10 {.__do._____ 351,718 
pounds to the ream. 
'ndia and bible paper weighing 10 pounds {...do.__.__ 120, 715 
or more and less than 18 pounds (in- 
creased to 203% pounds in act of 1930) 
to the ream. 
ED PAPE oo ocean GO 142, 868 
Totaly, paragraph... __._._._____..|...do._.._. 3, 556, 897 
turface coated papersn. 8. p. f..___..___.________f._.do.._.__ 552, 866 
Imboted or printed otherwise than lithograph- |...do.____, 15,904 
Sovered with metal or its solutions or with gelatin, | ..do_.._._. 312, 464 
linseed oil cement or flock, 
Jovered with metal or its solutions and weighing do. ._... 332, 939 
less than 15 pounds per ream, basis 20 by 25 
inches, 480 sheets. , , 
decorated or covered with a design, pattern, or | .do._.... 108,972 
character. . 
ecorated or covered with a design, pattern, or | . do______ 1.042, 832 
character and, if embossed, printed, or covered 
with metal or its solutions, gelatin or flock. 
Decorated wrapping paper: . 
Decorated or covered with a design, pattern, |...do.__.___ 21, 246 
or character. i | 
Decorated or covered with a design, pattern, |...do.____. 133.972 
or character and if embossed, printed, or 
covered with metal or its solutions, gelatin 
or flock. 
fe 1., including Simpl 8 447 5 cents per pound | 22.08 
ummed paper n. s. p. {., including Sim; cen mmm A 
1305 | 1405 decalogrmania papyr not printed. z Ll | T— 40,588 | 227 8,943 { 319,352 Is cents per ER cents per pound plus 10 per ani | 22.03 32.03 
1305 1405 Cloth lined, or reinforced paper. -ccueeneeeeeoo. do doo 23,768 | . 601 6,017 6,017 | 5 cents per pound plus 17 per cent. | § cents per pound plus 17 per cent! 25.32 | 25, 32 
Grease proof paper: - | 
1305 1405 Grease proof and imitation parchment papers, odo | 51,958 L174 18,775 16,775 | 3 cents per pound plus 15 per cent.| 3 cents per pound plus 15 per cent.' 32.29 32.29 
| supercalendered and transparent. . | . 
1305 1405 Other grease nd and imitation parchment |-..do......; 142, 383 .185 44, 464 44,488. Lou... B00 ian mmm nit Anni m ome err se it SR in bre em mmm mmm mmm mmremee BF 23 31.23 
aper, n. 8. p. f. 
1305 1405 Paraftoaod or waxed Paper. caceeueuaccmmcmncnmac|mmad0mueeo.n 2,328 .315 571 S71 {oem cdO ccen cmon fname 0 ieee 24.52 | 24. 52 
1305 1405 | Vegetable parchment paper o-oo oocaeeooouneofoadooo__ 34, 208 . 193 10, 438 10,438 [aan dO mecca QO eee ccna 30.51 30. 51 
1305 1405 | Manufactures of foregoing papers: Bags and ar- {-..do...._._ 643, 366 L724 173, 088 173,088 | 5 cents per pound plus 20 per cent.| 5 cents per pound plus 20 per cent. 26.90 26. 90 
ticles of surface-coated, parchment, or similar 
papers. ; 
1305 1405 | Boxes of paper, papier-mfché, or wood, covered |...do....... 1,317,925 L721 354,972 854, 972 eees0 memes meee eemeec| eean sO enenen 26.93 | 26.93 
with surface coated, parchment, lithographed, or 
similar paper or covered or lined with cotton or | | 
| | other vegetable fiber. | ’ i | 5] 
305 1405 ' Printed matter n. s. p. I. other than lithographic...|. _.do..._... 81, 839 87.331 | 1.412 20, 558 20,558 |... QO. re ciame mem mmmmm mts ca a80 ee eeece en caaannaaad 28.54 23.54 
Footnotes at end of schedule, page 93. 
15.36 | 15.35 
10 Der Cent. «enmeomoooenoeeoeee| 10 por conte ooo. 10.40 | 10.40 
moeen@0 ie @O0u el 19.12 | 19.12 
ween B0L no eemememeee comes 0a. ILILY IL 
5 DOr COME. oem emoemnae. peel eae. 5.001 10.00 
lopereent. ooo de cee 0.00 | 10.00 
20 DET Cento ooo ome 20.00 | 20.00 
25 percent... _.........___.......| 25.00 | 25.00 
lipoma ) mon | 2200 
20 DOT CBD vcs mmm nnnwnssnswan] + oO | 25.00 
sss se) BLU | 0. 
24.85 20.85 
26.231 26.23 
_— 23. 26 
‘25,729 | L180 ' 12, 431 12,431 | 6 cents per pound plus 15 per cent. 6 cents per pound plus 15 per cent 48,32 | 48.32 
ti - — ] nr ——— ee 
", 033, 4™ cee BIZB07 802,144 | iieiiieeemeas|oeeeiiemeceeccceceeeaaea. 25.20] £8.61 
—_——— mem ame meme ——— 
273,416 . 495 68, 656 68,636 | 5 cents per pound plus 15 per cent.| § cents per pound plus 15 per cent 25.11 25.11 
11,620 | 731 2, 538 2,538 |-eeaelOn eminem eecido CDC 21.84 21.84 
221,347 © .708 48, 825 48,825 mf 22.06 © 22.06 
148, 099 | .445 41,824 43,305 | 5 cents per pound plus 17 per cent_! 5 cents per pound plus 18 per cent. 28,24 | 29.24 
i | 
38, 540 | . 354 | 4,004 | 8,758 | 434 cents per pond oe] 41% ons per pound plus 10 per | 12,72 22.72 
cent. ! 
308.8333 1,382 114, 644 126,594 ' 414 cents per pound plus 17 per | 43% cents per pound plus 10 per 28.78 | 31.78 
cent. cent plus 10 per cent 
. , 
956 | 1,576 | 4% cents per pound....._....._...| 4} ames per pound plus 10 per | 15.43 | 25.43 
14. 659 16,182 414 cents per pound plus 17 per | 4}¢ cents per pound plus 10 per | 28,87 | 81.87 
cent. cent nlus 10 per cant.

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