Full text: Comparison of rates of duty in the Tariff Act of 1930 and in the Tariff Act of 1922

Comparison of rates of duty in the tariff act of 1922 and the tariff act of 1930—Continued 
Actual or com- 
puted ad valo- 
rem rate 
Commodity : | 
Unit of 
Imports, calendar year 1928 
Quantity | Value | Value | Act ot 102 aot of 1030 
Computed duties on 
1928 imports 
Rate of duty 
Act of| Act of 
1922 | 1930 
Act of 1922 
ot of 1930 
Act of | Act of 
‘922 1930 
1307 | 1407 
1307 | 1407 
307 | 1407 | 
307) 1407 
‘ne papers—Continued. 
Drawing paper— . 
Not ruled bordered. embossed, printed, 
lined, or decorated..._.........__.......[ Pound..._ 
Ruled, bordered, embossed, printed, 
lined, or decorated. .______. cc eooooooa} o @0eeeoe.. 
3ristol board made on a Fourdrinier machine— 
Not ruled, bordered, embossed, printed, 
lined, or decorated. _..... ..ccooooooooo]anadOacnn_. 
Ruled, bordered, embossed, printed, 
lined, or decorated... ...acaccacaooaaooo| doo... 
all other fine paper— 
Not ruled, bordered, embossed, printed, |._.do......_ 
lined, or decorated.  - 3 
Ruled, bordered, embossed, printed, |.__do_...... 
lined, or decorated. 
Total, parograph.-...-_..----rceceuf--_do.___ | 3, 137, 688 
Ruled, bordered, embossed, printed, lined, 
or decorated, except lithographic, made 
Wrapping paper— 
Kraft iano LdooaoC 
Of manila rope, jute, 8tCe.eeo-ceuaeef d0oeee.. 
Wrapping paper n. 8. p. fume .ocoo-__f___do_e__. 
¥riting paper, note, drawing, and similar 
papers weighing 7 pounds and over per 
Writing, letter, and note paper— 
Ruled, bordered, embossed, RT 
printed, lined, or decorated. 
N o ruled, bordered, embossed, |.__do....... 
all other— 
Ruled, bordered, embossed, |.._do....... 
printed, lined, or decorated. 
Nef ruled, bordered, embossed, | _do....___ 
Plain, made from— 
Wrapping paper... ..c.oooveuenncacnaanal@0n oo. 
Writing, letter, note, drawing, and similar 
papers weighing 7 pounds or over per 
ream — 
Writing, letter, and note paper— 
Not ruled, bordered, embossed, |.__do___.___. 
All other— 
Not ruled, bordered, embossed, etc.|.. .do.....__ 
Jthographed, made from— 
‘Wrapping paper. .-oocoooeoeoooeoaeo-fndoo. 
Writing, letter, note, drawing, and similar 
papers weighing 7 pounds or over per 
Writing, letter, and note paper— 
Ruled, bordered, embossed, ete.__|_._d0....._. 249 | 
Not ruled, bordered, embossed, ete.{.. .do...._.. £55 
Total, paragraphe..o.oc._..._|...dOccu... 641, 201 
acquard designs, Jacquard cards, and parts of |___do.__._ |... ..___. 
Ianging paper: 
Not printed, lithographed, dyed, or colored..._{___do....... 31, 151 
Printed, lithographed, dyed, or colored-....__|_..do......| 2 106, 582 
Vrapping paper n. s. p. f.: 
Kraft wrapping paper .....coveeueoeooaeuo-|.oodooo_..| 10,787,938 
‘Wrapping paper of manila rope, jute, ete.....|.__do....... 4,828 
ther wrapping paper n. 8. p. f...______._._......)_ do...___.| 16,012 114 
BIOLUINE DADET - cnmmmnnmpmm ann mm wR RCRA EH Nee Owes 5,064 - 
JHErIng PADBL . <snuimunssimmismn min nnn mswmm beer 545, 007 
PPS M. Su Po foo eee oe 80mm fe 
Total, paragraph, comparable items vty) wenmemsnn reese arenes 
Books, bound and unbound: 
Books, bound and unbound, sheets, pam- Pound... |-coerennnno 
phlets, music, and printed matter n. s. p. f. 
of foreign authorship. 
Allother nm. 8. P. fueee eee aoceomameen oe G0 oa 
lank books, slate books, drawings, engrav- 
ings, photographs, etchings, (maps and |}. do_.c.___|ocaeoo __.____ 
charts) (except post cards). 
Book bing wholly or in part of leather | ..d0.moee _|ocemneooaeno. 
ns. pf 
Books of paper or other materials for children’s |.__do.._.... 62,074 
use, not exceeding in weight 24 ounces each, 
Booklets, printed lithographically or other- |.._do...._.. 25,412 
wise n. 8. p. f. 
igoklets decorated in whole or in part by |._.do.._.... 4,624 
hand or by spraying whether or not printed 
| n. 8 p. 1. : 
Footnotes at end of schedule, on page 93. 
1,395, 268 | 
83,352 1 
52,869 | 
283,433 | 
90, 531 
sos1, 605 | 80.202 | $84,001 | 
21,379 1.256] 7,845) 
11, 467 l 217 
Lez! L172 
71,469 | 252 
10,220 | 212 
$84,091 | 8 cents per pound plus 15 per cent. | 3 cents per pound plus 15 per cent. 
7,845 | 3 cents per pound plus 25 per - 3 cents per pound plus 25 per cent. 
3,306 | 3 cents per pound plus 15 per Ll 3 cents per pound plus 15 per cent. 
820 | 3 cents per pound plus 25 per cent. 3 cents per pound plus 25 per cent. 
19, 222 | 3 cents per pound plus 15 per _y 3 cents per pound plus 15 per cent. 
7,523 | 3 cents per pound plus 25 per cent.’ ; cents per pound plus 25 per cent. 
Per cent| Per cent 
20.87 29. 87 
86.70 36.70 
28.83 28.83 
12.46 | 42.46 
26. 90 | 26. 90 
39.12 | 39.12 
29. 25 29.25 
3,306 | 
19, 222 | 
7,62 | 
239, 046 | 
817, 167 | 
239, 046 
308 | 1408 
1308 | 1408 | 
1308 | 1408 
180 | 
3.822 | 
41 . 228 18 
16 | 2.000 6 
1,010 . 264 404 
8 | 30 per cent plus 10 per cent... 
6 JrunsalOuinmans sususysamns. Pp 
04 a . 
30 per cent plus 10 per cent_._..._. 
peed . 
pO eee 
10. 00 
10. 00 
0. 00 
10. 00 
10. 00 
10. 00 
| 1408 
308 | 1408 
247, 815 | 
152, 755 
122, 507 | . 405 50,343 
58,208 | .382 19,156 
s1i2| 236 
2,476 | 382 
347] 470 
60, 343 | 3 cents per pound plus 35 per cent 
19,156 ° 3 cents per pound plus 25 per cent 
149 | 3 cents per pound plus 35 per cent 
813 | 3 cents per pound plus 25 per cent 
911 35 percent ______._______ __ 
cents per pound plus 25 per cent 
plus 10 per cent. 
cents per pound plus 15 per cent 
plus 10 per cent. 
: cents per pound plus 25 per cent 
plus 10 per cent. 
, cents per pound plus 15 per cent 
plus 10 per cent. 
$0 per cent plus fiver cent_._._... 
41.08 | 
29.86 | 
17.70 47.70 
32. 84 32.84 
34. 87 | 34.87 
149 | 
308 | 
moos | a2) 
379 | 151 | 
Laosr | .os3! 
20, 916 | 
0, 916 | 3 cents per pound plus 20 per cent. | 3 cents per pound plus 15 per cent 
plus 5 per cent. 
UBT Lennon bn sg Smo SR SHES hr rimm ne wt mmm mn mt mms mt 
"721 60percent. ._..._............___..| 30 per cent plus 30 per cent..___._. 
20.23 | 
308 | 1408 
308 | 1408 
151 | 
19. 86 | 
30. 060 
308 | 1408 
308 | 1408 
333 | 1.337 | 
3141 L470 | 
191 1 
101 | 3 cents per pound plus 55 per cent. 
161 ' 3 cents per pound plus 45 per cent 
57. 24 
FR 20) 35.99 
Spercent...oooioiiiiicanaaaaa] 35.00 35.00 
10 per TT 10.00 | 10.00 
1% cents per pound plus 20 per | 25.03 25.03 
——— — _ 
258, 963 fo 919 | 03,109 ooo erae eee oem eames 
16,352 |... 5723 5,72 "5percent.. .o.occoicucmcaacaoos 
Oper eant.......c.oosunnmmannnsnn 
}6 cents per pound plus 20 per 
0pereent _...__.._____....... 
were eR ER 
cq BD egy gE ER 
stl sian mi sp SAREE 
ents per pound plus 15 per cent. 
percent. o.ocoeomomacan 
309 | 1409 
29 | 
461, 430 
330, 297 | 
252, 170 | 
04, 207 
'. 815, 97) 
043 138, 420 138, 420 
094 136 13¢ 
021 99, 089 99, 08¢ 
285 434 43: 
.463 65, 076 65, 076, 
.. 31 260 ; 21,260 
499, 48° 499,489 
30.00 30.00 
30. 00 30.00 
30. 00 30.00 
30. 00 30.00 
25.81 25.81 
30.00 30.00 
Meemmmmmesceememmremraamesncananes’ Dr 27.51 27.61 
366,461 | 15 DBE COMt + oes eomoceeeoommcnae.d L5DET CONE eee no 15.00 | 15.00 
349, 327 | 25 Pr COOL. c--neneoereencaeeaans] 25 DOT ot] 25.00 | 25.00 
145,660 {nee 0umemauccaaeciemmicaenanemacfomene@O ieee iieeaceacaeaaa] 25.00 25.00 
2,722 { 30 per cent... ccoeacncnaannaaa| B0pereent. .o..oooo.oooo.. $0.00 30.00 
3239 26 percent... ..oo.eooeoneeeeoe..l 16pereent. oo... oo... 25.00 15.00 
,779 | 7 cents per pound.................| 7 cents per pound. ................| 9.38 9.38 
694 | 15 cents per pound................| 15centsperpound.._.......__..0| 14.74! 14.7 
30 POLI cc visi msn wns wns 
ena rn e ———— 
wend ra pa SR RRR 
ere 0 rm Be mr 
‘ cents per pound plus 15 per cent. 
“ner cent - o-oo eee 
310 ) 
2,443,006 | _.__._.1 
,397,308 |... 
$582,630 |_______. 
00,074 | __.___ 
34,024 | 563 
8,078 | M7 
4,704 | 1.017 
366,461 | 
145, 660 
310 ' 
310 | 
310 | 
310 | 
210 |

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