Full text: Comparison of rates of duty in the Tariff Act of 1930 and in the Tariff Act of 1922

Comparison of rates of duty in the tariff act of 1922 and the tariff act of 1980—Continued 
Paragraph | 
Tmports, calendar year 1928 
Computed duties on 
1928 imports 
Rate of duty 
Actual or com- 
puted ad valo- 
rem rate 
Act ofl | Act of 
1922 1930 
1 Per cent| Per cent 
o|aemmanaa mmr e—a 
Unit of 
—— Value | prone, | got of 1922] Act of 1930] Act of 1022 
Akct off Act of | 
1922 | 1930 
Aet of 1930 
air) 1513 
Toys and parts of—composed of ruobu 
china, porcelain, parian, bisque, earthen- 
ware or stoneware, n. s. p. f., includ. 
ing. Joy [sles of whatever materia’ 
composed, . 
Other toys and parts of, not celluloid, china, $2,777,918 ho] $1,944, 543 | $1, 944, 543 | ToOpercent.. o.oo... |TODPEr COD... 
Yoroan, fas, bisque, earthen or 
won n.8.p. 1. 
From Cuba___............... QO 3 Lonnianins 4 2 | 70 per cent less 20 per cent...._....| 70 per cent less 20 per cent.......... 56.00 | 56.00 
TOLL ecm ee GR b 4,239, 667 — 2,967,767 | 2,967,767 omnes eee W000 | 70.00 
Dolls composed of products from paragraph [mmmmmmmmmmee Mm nN meme eer 90 percentand 75 percent... percent. ._._________.___...___| wn — 
1430, 4 
Dolls cornposed of products from paragraph + 
Movable parts...c.. ...ccecceeeoaa....] Gross..... SE © 156,846 |oooon.o.| 04, 107 266,457 | 60 percent... .............._._ Lcent each plus 60 per cent....._._| 60.00 | 169.88 
Not movable Parts... .ooeeevoeercomacaeac@0 coef. ¥ 150,846 |oooocmnn.. 94, 107 250,770 | QO ana -< a=. | cent each plus 50 per cent...... ' 60.00 | 150.88 
Parts of dolls, toys, ete., from paragraph 31. | ..ooc.o.... 0 1) mommmmmame eee ee cteemeeea]. mmmeeccvma—a mmm] 
POR sss msn RRR RSE SOSH Hmm Jr se $313,602 |... 188, 214 BLE BRT cocoon soni mms ii wwii 60.00 | 164.88 
Total, PEMEIDR snr nremeneonsmashr rman cern deren] 4,563,359 | -..o_._.| 3,155,981 | 3,484,004 |._ _eeeeicamanneeneanennnnannn |e 00.31 | 76.04 
Rmery, corundum, and artificial abrasives, in 
rain or manufactured: 
Emery and corundum, grain or ground. ....| Pound.__. 
Artificial abrasives, ground......_._........i...do_...... 
Manufactures of emery, corundum, and arti- |... .do.._.... 
ficial abrasives, except paper and cloth, : 
Manufactures of emery, corundum, and | Ream._.:_| 
artificial abrasives, paper and cloth, 
Total, paragraph. ....oooenano. 
Firecrackers more than 3{e inch in diameter | Pound... | [ 8 cents per pound. 
OF 134 inches long. . | «4,370,670 | 814.185 | ase) most | Loess 
irecrackers, other .._.....___.__...._........do....._ » I 
Bombs, rockets, roman candles, and other Ido 106, 686 | 26, 019 | . 244 12,802 12,802 | 12 cents per pound. ......._. 
fireworks, n. s. p. f. : 
Total, Paragraph... ooooooeoeo. 4,477, 356 | 840.201 .........| 362,456 | 1,105,470 | ._.. 
Matches: - 
Splints_ i .cceeoaeeoouo..._.| Thousand. 
Jkillets for match boxes... oo... _._...0._.do__.____ 
1 boxes containing not more than 100| Gro ss 
matches per box. boxes. 
1n other packages containing not more than | Thousand 
100 matches each. 
Nax and wind, and all other matches in { Pound__ 
books or folders or having a stained, dyed, 
or colored stem, 
Tapers, fuses, and night lights._........_...|...do...... 
Potal, paragraph wooo ooo aas 
Porssn aps, cartridges, and empty car- 
ridge shells: 
Percussion €aps.-ceeceeecacccacneeaaaa-..tt 2housands 80 734 9.175 220 220 30percent........._..._..... 30.00 30.00 
Cartridges and cartridge shells, empty.....| Pound..__}....___.___.. 52,000 |eemmeenno- 15,627 15,627 |. 0m ian 30. 00 30.00 
Blasting guns contig charge of explo- Thousands 4 41 10. 250 9 9 | $2.25 per thousand... ........... 21.95 21.95 
sive, not more than 1 gram. 
Mining, blasting, and safety fuses.......... "housand | ____. ceeaccer|ammamecao__| $1 per thousand feet ..____..... wvwenalsopminge 
Total, paragraph. coool foeeeioiieaaes amma 7 15, 856 | 15, 856 en. I 29.89 | 29.99 
waathers, artificial flowers, ete.: 
Ostrich feathers. ........o.o-seeeveeoenennnn. Pound... 56, 802 171,848 3.02! 44, 37C 34,370 | 20 percent. ...ooooo.oooceeoo. 20pereent._......._..___.__| 20.00| 20.00 
feathers for beds. «oo nu.veusaceeceonneae ocean oonGOoo__. 2, 554, 73; | 1, 441,416 . 564 288, 26. "88,283 | 0mm - mann] 20.00 20.00 
EDEN. A: MR 617, 604 369, 159 . 598 73,83: 73,832 ern 00ers vrs sr arr ass en afoot 20. 00 20.00 
Feathers, colored or advanced, not for mil- '-...do.  ... _. 8,928 Lueissine 10, 875 10,875 | 60 per cont. ..uueee  cuceeneoooeeo-ld0percent. o_o..." 50.00 
inery. % # 
Quilts and other i woe mma 8,595 [momen 5,157 8187 |e 0m eee Oe] 80.00] 60.0 
Sethe, artificial or ornamental, for mil |...do._____. III 60,732 | coon 41, 839 41,839 |oo oe edOn aimee edo 60.00] 60.0 
Other manufactures of feathers, n. 3. p. Lo... Oia eel A377 [wns 61, 846 81,846 |e iGOueenomican ren oedOoe 80.00] 60.00 
atural nes etc dyed, nlored patted qo TEI wig IT pl on pee I noo | {0 
or chemica eated, n. s. p. f. Snares lanes es RE 3 s mmo irae emer eanan : . 
ATOR] pork Croom owers, fruits, [rtltmemshimtan anne 1,770,636 |. 10100 1,067,782 1.067, 782 foc oc@Ouonmmmaees RO Der cent... ~-. B0.0D! 60.00 
vegetables, grains, leaves, stems, ete., and 
articles thereof, n. s. p. f. 
414 | 1813 
ua] 151 
1430 | 1513 
31 1513 
31 1513 
31 1513 
1415 1514 
1415 1514 
1415 1514 
1415 1514 
16 | 1515! 
1416 | 1515 | 
1416 | 1515 
410 | 1516 
410 | 1516 
1417 | 1516 
1417 | 1516 
417 | 1516 
417 | 1516 
1418 | 
1419 | 151f 
1419 | 1518 
1419 | 1518 
1419 | 1518 
1419 | 1518 | 
1419 | 1518 
419 | 1518 | 
1419 | 1518 
1419 | 1518 
RN emnemenmneieons eoeemeeneecloeoeeeaee 3,988,048... 1,500,850 | 1,508,867  _..._ cemmanefiresean nnn cars sssnesrnennent 4011 | 40.00 
Feather AUSTerS. oo cmo. enema aeenefemm memes odes emee 10,178 |ccemnacans 4, 580 4,680 I5percemt....... .oo..eo......|45Der en mmmmmnensesspyemey 45.00 | 45.00 
Artificial flowers of yarn, threads, or fila- [oo AE 1,982,029 |. ...._...| 1,783,826 | 1,783,826 QO percent... ... ...___.........|90percent _._..._._________..__.| 00.00 90. 00 
ents. . | 
ems mm rere smn rere | sme ee ee] re 
Total, DAragradll.. .coccoiionooie  eneicee aeeemeoeoooo| 5,980,253 |........| 3,388,265 | 3,387,273 SR RR A SE ARR smmmmeseemcsceeocene. 56.66 | 56.64 
1519¢} Silver or black fox skins dressed, or undressed... Number. 1,574 ) 160, 912 102. 231 B80, 456 80,456 , 50 percent... ........._.......jb0percent.... _....__.........__.| 50,00 50. 00 
151%] Manufactures of silver or black fox skins._..___.| Pound. ... 199 6, 949 | 34.920 3,475 3,475 dO iene dO _] 50.00! 50.00 
1519el Fur wearing apparel composed of fur, n. 8. p. {..[...do_..__. 6, 234 110, 300 17.745 85,100 |, SB.100 cern sQBen rina nnn nanan nav ann wna msl es muses nn nn mnmni san meesys] 50, 00 50. 00 
1407 | 
1420 | 
Footnotes at end of schedule. page 10R

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