Full text: Comparison of rates of duty in the Tariff Act of 1930 and in the Tariff Act of 1922

Comparison of rates of duty in the tariff act of 1922 and the tariff act of 1930—Continued 
ted duties on 
Imports, calendar year 1928 ! Compl) iperte 
Rate of duty 
Actual or com- 
puted ad valo- 
rem rate 
Act of Act of 
1022 | 1020 
Unit of 
Quantity Vaiue 
value. | Act of 1922 | Act of 1930 
Act of 1922 
Act of 1930 
Act of | 
Act of 
fides and skins, raw—Continued. 
Bute CC salt - of 285, 001 | 
TY Or dry § 00 meee eae {oI y , em —  ———————— rm 
eeeeeees POSSE], 800 008 | $1,621,852 [ Free. | $162,185 | Freo 
iy SB eee, BOC we 3 } 26,388 |c Free. 2,633 ooo aOmmm momma omceeemmneenae 
in: ge hy 
Dry and dry salte ‘eco. ..-- 331,774 
et ea d (6 to 12 pounds). _... amd | 35078 1,132,046 |-ooomene-. Free. | 113,205 |e .eo@0umeeeemeemcemnnemmmecomnoes 
ot salted (12 to 25 pounds)..... Jlece.._.. , 2,100,640 |-oeecmcnne Free. | 210,064 .ooc@0umemomemiommaenonmenmmmaaen 
Caliskins: TrTett Pound... 7,556,021 EE I 
Dry and dry salt deco .....| 2,395,340 | 
¥ salted (less than 6 pounds). a 200% } 3,710,466 |-ooeoeee. Free. | B7L047 oe. G0 ooeeeemeeeeeammnannes 
Wet salted (less than 12 pounds) .......__. long eed] BIDTAN DAME eecsnmonse Free. | 015,220 + .@0uiumnercemoenamnenna 
Total hides and skins (bovine species). |{Elecer---| 4 4 iz "\ 81.446,857 |oooooeeoaut Free. | 8,144, 686 
Upholstery leather | 09 ped 2 t 
; Se memmeecnmesccmeaecmmemea-aa] Square ft. 05, 024 $6, 655 6,655 20 per cent. .......coeaceacocaoce £0 DOI CONG aoe 
os i Dosen....| 47.28 84,430 | 105537 frre, Bey 
, 38d player-piano actions, 7°01" actions, | Square 14,303 1,420 1 728 Lovee Mesmunsamnuseenmnmnnamnmonnnn i rr 
2 » ¢ase, and football leather. ____._..___|...do_..._.. 329, 349 | 43, 689 43,680 [Locac@Omee ccna annnas 20 DOT CODE een 
Hove leather, finished in the white of in the |o.do...o..| 178, 447 | 12,799 | E50 I: SN 7-5 SR Ct 
‘eal, sheep, goat, and calf leath | i 112.804 ' 169,340 |._...do SRST 15 + = of" | FUR 
“nished, other than shoe Jeathar, dressed and |...do.......| 1.805.195 8 ’ omer G0uenoeeaen - 
Total leather dutiable under act of 1922 foo ro mmmmmem enna mean ——— 
1580 | 1530 
1589 | 1530 
| Per cent| Per cent 
10 per cent. coeuecenaacaceauanaae-| FloO. 10.00 
aeeeB0 ee cccmemcmcaeamnenamens| Free. 10.00 
vee@0 eer cnvmcnameneeaa| Fre@ 10.00 
wu ran manne nr serps amensnan} F100, 10.00 
eenlOu ce naommmmmmmmmmmammemmmnnas] Free, 10.00 
coeee@0n ce imceeceeeeo| Fres. 10.00 
ei] Free. 10. 00 
1666 | 1530 
1666 | 1530 i 
1666 | 1530 
1666 | 1530 
1431 1530 
1431 1530 
1431 1530 
1431 1530 
1431 | 1530 
1431 1520 
0. 00 
20.00 | 
20. 00 
20.00 | 
2.00! 26.19 
Jpper leather—cattle: . 0,449 | 1,846,832 
ze TP Grains and finished splits, _________________ omy fl 8 1 211 "50,759 
153C Wax and rough splits... __T0UTTTIIITTITT ound. oo 26, 620. 870 9,227,345 
V8 Dtwmd i, 2 ees smsenninnianne Aisi. 2% 814, 041 578, 551 
1530, Sheep and lamb, upper and lining. ____.______.. --40. oe 9, 203, 160 1,329,875 
1630 | Goat and kid, including glazed. 21111 Tao op) © 606. 435 
" 0 y 
Aning leather, calf ang kiponly. o.oo... _dO.__ % or i 4,475, 318 
Patent upper leather. 7 Totton 40... 2 860. 600 3, 567, 349 er 
Jpper leather, n.’s, p, Ethene smatnratints iD fava 2791 926 4, 206, 847 ; 
win, SS scl we BE Ts them oe 
Leather cut info shog uppers, vamps, ete., 0. 8. ._d0-ceeen ! 430 | Free. 38, 804 
ther cut into Soles. BIT. «735,22 550, 1 Free. 92, 511 
Rough-tanned leathar: 847. 904 925, 107 i. = free. | 055,421 
Skins for moroceo tanneq but unfinished... Bote 1,581, 208 i 1,036, 137 oe | Free. 106, 592 
Rough-tanned leather, 1, 5. Peleoceennfendon 1, 682, 360 | 852,744 . Free. 66, os 
Harness em py HEE md 660, 893 | 531,109 11103 | Free. 350 0 
Jelting leather I T7n Tree A 845, 176 | ne 1430 Free. 81, 49 
ae a T60TT 1,263,600 iain -— F "5,818, 421 Srmenmnnes 
d TS Pe eee 2 B0 ae _— ree. y » mmm 
41,884,428 _ — rl] ememmmm———— 
Total leather free under act of 1922... _.._. mee en | 6 161,417 |e cee aan 
1 loath --|_ 43,193,860 |.---oooooe —_ 35 per cont ees 
Total leat, OL ee eee POI wr ary a ary 102, AER 
or Tin ron 292, 122 . 255 + 
footwear with uppers of wool, cotton, ramie, Pair._....| 1,145,672 | 
animal hair, fiber or silk or substitutes, and 1. 2d 34 34 
rayon, Cd i 83 | 121 go 3,062 2,041 
From Cuba ae A, 11, 542 10,207 i err ls 
Moceasins....... III sr rti0eeny Ta san 105,339 104, 
Total other footwear. | do... 1,157, 207 soa — 
Boots and shoes; 
15630 Men’s and DOYS A iwcnan 
1530 | Women’s and misses’... TT TTTTTTTTTTTY nanan] 
1530 Chilldngniy. 2 07 wm erennannnbanasins -do....... 
1530 | a IY A0ecccanng 
Total boots and shoes................__| __do....... 
Total boots and shoes and other foot- |. do...... 
darness, saddles, and saddlery, in sets or in } 
parts (more than $79 per set), dutiable under 
act of 1922, 
1530 | Harness, saddles and saddlery, n. 8, p. fone... gm ——— 
1330 | Shoe laces, finished or untnishéd. 21172] Gross pai 
Total harness, saddles, etc., free | onsssnee 
under act of 1922, 
Total harness, saddles, and saddlery, I 
Total, paragraph. ..ooeonon.o...... 
Footnotes at end of schedule, page 108. 
277,025 Free... co cccaeana. 
8,004. .dOeo oe _.. 
1384,102 oes 0mm en 
BEEBE Lume ciotfDicsn mmm miami mnssin sm sesien iss 
132,008 coo ADucmsimumnmviimummnmme~ ws 
BIOP cocoon sessssssmsssmesavemes 
cel emma 
en fO ——— -—- 
eel O ea 
cea irc. 
cnc mmm mm 
wanallBinvennonnne Hag mmimsieg i 
sewsllfacissanaanpn ements = 
mamnl Inmmmmmemim end mbnntmmiind hi 
ceeldOn ih eee 
me 0 eee 
15 per centac cc anamnmamanas 
nn 0 pp 
RE | 
10 per cent or 25 per cont ae. canon 
10 per cent or 25 per cent, or 30 per | 
011 3 1 J ——— 
soimilY Osim amma mits s— 
args CY ccs i i i i a 
214 POT CONE. cee mmm win 
per cent or 10 per cent... ___| 
O54 DOE OBIE... mv mmm a) 
‘0 per cent or 25 per cent... ._..... 
Spereento uaa 
2Y4 per cent. cue 
sg AN i mg ho ws ge 
.0 per cent or 25 per cent. ...___.__ 
B DOE. OBIE cowie wm aww aii] 
TE 15.00 
ree. 15. 00 
Tree. 15.00 
free. | 10.00 
“ree. 10.00 
15. 00 
15. 00 
12. 50 
15. 00 
12. 50 
free. 0.00 
Tree, 16.00 
“ree. 12.50 
ree. 12. 60 
‘ree. 10. 00 
“ree. 15.00 
— Free. ) 13.89 
ARR L610 14.26 
A 35.00 | 35.00 
28.00 | 28.00 
30. 00 | 20. 00 
34.83 34.39 
1405 | 
1405 | 
15 per cent. ..ouene-. 
35 per cent less 20 per cent.......-. 
30 Per CeDt- cums camnmcn cmc nnnannae 
35 per cent less 20 per cont nc on-.. 
20 POY COME wun sre mmm roman 
Tee. 20. 00 
Free. 20.00 
Tree. 20.00 
Free. 20.00 
v asmarREieeann;  sesne-ee] 20.00 
cm mmcemmmeemesaesesaemes—mamaman 110 1.10 
F135 a5) Jc) 11 Op TT 35.00 
—me—= Ae = me ee 
mennmengrpnd 2°), 59% nanny Free. 33,050 FTe....ecmcencamocoancacancaanaa: 5 POX EORba ooo oceoaanaoooo.j Free. 15.00 
3, 596 7,378 5.943 Free. B28 iin mi es me i —— Pon Free. 15.00 
eee] 241768 fees 36, 265 + nooo ammmmcm ee emm mm cmenen emma amen naaaee| 15.00 
remnmeeneene| 398,861 — 54,086 | 91,20 eee eeeeeeeeereesseedeenemmmesereeeseeeesseeeeneeeeeee] 13.79 22.8 
_——————e———— ee ee meee 
mmmmmcmmnmanas]| 134,615,546 |e... 422, 210 | 16, 356, 434 amesmcmremmsnamesmsemmannmsenmealesso enamine ass ana anes] .31 12.15 
i —— _———e———- —r—l ee 
436 | 

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