Full text: Comparison of rates of duty in the Tariff Act of 1930 and in the Tariff Act of 1922

Jomparative ad valorem rates in the tariff act of 1922 and in the tariff act of 1930, based upon imports for consumption during the calendar year 1928 
[rnports calendar year 1928 
Computed duties 
Computed ad valorem 
Act of 1922|Act of 1930 
Free 1 
Total | Act of 1922 | Act of 1930 
Chemicals, oils, and paints_...___.___ 
Tarths, earthenware, and glassware___.__ .____.______.__ 
Metals and manufactures of. _____________________ 
Wood and manufactures of... ____________________ 
jugar, molasses, and manufactures of ..._______________ 
Cobacco and manufactures of... __________________ 
agricultural products and provisions __.________________| 
Spirits, wines, and other beverages__.____.___ _________ 
Aanufactures of cotton. ooo 
*lax, hemp, jute, and manufactures of . ________________ 
Vool and manufactures of ..____._._____ oo 
[anufactures of silk. ____.__________________ 
Tanufactures of rayon. o.oo. _________.__ . 
’apers and books..____. 8, EI rs mm Ew 
sundries... .. mem 
593, 161, 563 $94, 752,902 | $27, 688, 949 
52, 373, 827 55,921,814 25, 511, 007 
17, 838, 584 118, 658,708 40, 003, 772 
16, 017, 211 52, 609, 397 4,191, 356 
74, 759, 643 174, 759, 643 | 118, 572, 109 
62, 318, 624 meee... 62,318,624 39,314, 791 
182,417,950 40,390,840 322,808,790 64, 124, 204 
1, 847, 013 86, 603 1, 433, 616 523, 045 
18,300,609 ____.___.____ 48,300,609  'O, 451, 364 
83,207,491 \______________ 133,207,401 24,191, 702 
16, 343, 426 I 116,343,426 57, 636, 641 
32,440,182 _____________ | 32,440,182  '8, 348, 161 
11,425,596 —__.__________ 11,425 596 6, 019, 359 
20, 666,437 ._.___________| 20,666, 437 5, 113, 098 
194, 655, 665 132, 849, 127 | 327, 504.792 71, 959, 426 
$29, 748, 153 
29, 985, 159 
41, 538, 921 
5, 519, 370 
134, 939, 588 
40, 371, 197 
‘08, 514, 018 
680, 069 
22, 422, 198 
25, 500, 925 
39, 609, 241 
9, 181, 350 
3, 125, 965 
5, 385, 775 
10. 698]. 307 
Per cent 
29. 22 
45. 62 
67. 85 
63. 09 
19. 86 
36. 48 
10. 27 
18.16 . 
19. 54 ! 
56. 56 | 
52. 68 
"4. 74 
21. 97 
Per cent 
31. 40 
53. 62 
35. 01 
10. 49 
77. 21 
64. 78 
33. 62 
17. 44 
46, 42 
19. 14 
59. 83 
59, 13 
53. 62 
26. 06 
27. 39 
40. 00 
Total comparable. mm 
----I1, 358, 173, 821 
14, 978, 206 1, 573, 152, 027 
522, 648, 984 
629, 220, 236 
33. 22 | 
Some articles are so classified in the act of 1930 that 
he rates of duty therein can not be applied to available 
mport statistics for those articles for 1928. The avail- 
ible data for these noncomparable items are shown 
oy schedules below: 
larths, earthenware, and glassware____________________ 
detals and manufactures OFT 
Manufactures of TayON coo oeoe oil 
apers and books...._._____. mm RE 
Sundries... etm 
Total noncomparable_ o-oo ____________ 
Ttems reported in 1928 imports and not assigned to 
any schedule. 
8114 Repairs $0 engine..... ooo oeom ooo. i em 2 to ee a 
3114 Repairs t0 vessels. _ meee men me i iv som 2g rn i me 
3114 Repairs to vessels (from CUbA) wooo omomo fmm mmm re A mr 
40144 | Cement bags_.________________ 8,047 o_o ____ 8, 047 21,224 me 
Total unassigned. .___________________________ 361, 609 ] 361, 609 175, 470 175,470 poo fee 
Total, comparable, noncompsarable and unassigned J 399, 308,932 | 214, 978, 206 i 614, 282, 138 | 542, 242, 193 629, 395, 706 33. 59 —= 
Spa ——————— 1 i . 
* Articles on the free list in the act of 1922 which are on the dutiable list in the tariff act of 1930. 
¢ Countervailing duty. . 
+ Agrees with published statistics of dutiable imports for the calendar year 1928 under the act of 1922, 
47.63 ___..__

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