Full text: Comparison of rates of duty in the Tariff Act of 1930 and in the Tariff Act of 1922

Comparison of rates of duly in the tariff act of 1922 and the tariff act of 1980—Continued 
Paragraph | 
Act of| Actof , 
1922 | 1930 
Imports, calendar year 1928 
Computed duties on 
1928 imports 
Rate of duty 
Actual or coms- 
puted ad valo- 
rem rate 
Unit of 
Quantity Value 
per unit 
Act of 1922 | Act of 193¢ 
Act of 1922 
Act of | Act of 
| 1922 1930 
Per cent| Per cent 
(25 cents per pound plus 30 per cent; 
| 50 cents per pound plus 40 per: 30.00 | 110.71 
mmm meme penne nesns] 30,00 1 110.71 
IO per cent. «ccc cemmcccccaeeewaa| 10.00 10. 00 
Electrical insulators of copal and shellac and 
1441 | 1,539 other ii of (synthetic phenolic resin) | Pound... |eeemseccanna- 
etc, n. 8. p. 1. 
$9, 660 $8, 533 
12, 879 heen $6,762 { 16, = 30 per Cento omen 
22,539 =] 8,762 BLIGE: [cannes micmmupimmm wn mmm mmmm——— 
44, 636 4,464 4,468 | 10 DOL COM. cans snainrrmnsenmnins 
Total, paragraph. .....__.. reese 
1442 | 1540 * Moss, seagrass, eelgrass, and seaweeds, manu- . _ = 
factured or dyed. Tome 
3and, orchestra, and other musical instruments 
except violins, violas, vielincellos, pianos, 
organs and carillons:» ? 
Band instruments. ......_.__._.._...____ 
Cases for musical instruments... J" TTT 
Pitch pipes, tuning forks, tuning hammers, 
and metronomes, 
Strings for musical instruments, catgut. ___ 
Jtrings for musical instruments, steel ang 
other metals. 
Tuning PINS... 
Other musical instruments, parts, and ac- 
cessories n. s. p. f. 
Other musical instruments, parts, and ac- 
cessories n. s. p. f., from Cuba. 
‘fanos, player pianos, actions, parts, and per- 
forated music rolls: ) 40 per cent smeananencenseneenns] 40.00 40. 00 
Pianos, including player pianos.._.________ Number | 54 24,141 | 447.056 9, 657 9, 657 do SoTL 40.00 40.00 
Bispos and player piano actions and parts | Pound... 7,860 ooo 3, 144 3,144 Teen mmm 
of pianos. TET mmmmomemmmses 
Organs, orchestraions, and organ parts— | 0 cent wnmenne| 40.00 60. 00 
Organs... J. 7 4,919. 051 | 76,737 | 115,106 ‘..__.dO._oo ol ieeeneeeno.... BODET sameeren senses] 40.00 60.00 
wy Prils Wo er fone Number. 28 us IRR 1,583 | 2878 dO cece mee QO 
iolins, violas, violincellos, and double bagggg-_ | ~~ 00-===--=|-==~n=smemme- ! | . 1.25 each plus 35 per cent.._.._..| 66.45 74.31 
Assembled. ooo Number. 103, 490 320,114 | 3.180 | 218,680 244,557 1ench plus 8 per cent... NZ COME nme omm memo] 40.00 | doco 
nassembled Parts... TTT 71.029 |. 28, 412 28,4 POI CENT. weenie meen do. i, JU 
Violin bow, hair ITT ll JR Tee... finials: Hata oe fe 
Tonnes i en er ee ememmmmenae] wa 44.10 
Total, DATEGTAPE eee eee ce 3 e34,138 feomeeaonao| 1,664,896 | 1,734,965 5 rt 
chonographs, gramophones, ate. : - ) i" 30. 00 30. 00: 
Phonographs, gramophones, and similar | Number. _ 187, 805 12,592 |  .669| 37,677 | 37,677 | 30 Der comb. -oooooooooeeeooooo.| 30 Per CORE oieeenn | 
Parts of phonograph, including records— I 45.00 | 131.00 
<ewen--] cents per thousand plus 45 per 3 
HOI .. eeeeeesteeecerirmmnnnens Thousand. 162, 555 15,106 | . 093 | 6,798 | El Re cent, ’ 30.00 80. 00 
I bee cemrmmm meena naman] - 
FL 498 | 28 008 28,008 | 30 per cent. -.ovoommmmeono-----| 30 per cen ol 3000 | 30.00 
Other PArtS eee Number. . 218,825 _ 2 | 5 556 79, BEB [neon B0cisoo ers nmraennamrti mia smalls min oim sm mmm sme ome 
mmm senna al i a J eemevmsmmeememeee. 30.45 33.08 
Total, paragraph........_.______ . 499,545 |...) 152,120 1 185,133 joerc cee cmon oe 
Tn es me —— ee mee mem eeem———— 35. . 
Calender HE Number__| 108 11,223 | 110.020 | 3,028 | 3,928 | 5 per cent. ooooeoeeooeeemoooo 35 percent........ Tc Wii 
Rosaries, chaplets, etc.: = == == = oo | s0.00| 50.00 
Composed of gold, silver, platinum . ; 33,250 | 50 Per Cent. ceocommenmeeecnnenean. BOO CORE. oo ooeeieeeeeeeae of OO. 
plate, silver plate, precious or imitation | Dozens... x2.077 £0, ae Bin S28 ' 
gi ] 3 i emmemenee | 15 DOE COO ceeeaeoecceaniiannnnnc] 15.00 | 15.00 
~omposed of other material valyeg not do 210, 566 88,120 L418 18,218 13,218 | 15 per cont. _aeena- 7 
Roe than gL 5s per dosen, * © A PE | | wor | 30per cent 30 POT COD eennrnnmeccecenne $0.00 30.00 
- o material valued | 7 rm men em RE pa 
$1.25 per dozen, Over |-alonee | 8,014 Wwe) 24] ot % ee re 
i cei fod neti 30.05 | 30.05 
Total, paragraph..........______ el co 50, 494 | BUN Lewnunecnenmmmmmmmnnmumsnnsns saws ar tts 
Sponges and ae thereof: » } Co 15 t 15 per cent sesermommeee] Lp 5 % 
homges ofall kinds... Pound 9,20 12,060 1.205 1, 808 1300, 12 Dh sennsunansmeriysnsones [BORE OMe rer nnnnnnnl S58) - 
nde Soul BE oe AO 145, 612 188, 945 1.298 28,312 47,236 RR 25 Ne cent less 20 per cent......... 12.00 | 20.00 
rom Cu Bee eee eee een 775, 044 918, 631 1.184 110, 236 183,726 Peron ee 25.00 25.00 
Manufactures of sponge, n. 3, p. ines do 587 766 1.305 | 192 | 192 | EB ee I dl wer 
emfenalOn By ” a ; 
Total, paragraph... ernie 931, 437 1, 120, 402 |omomeeenes 140,679 | 232,063 |euuonmmosaemnneat emcee | Erm [2x] 25 
a ; — Ee lee ere me 7 br erm m——— . - 
1448 | 1546 | Violin TOSI Pomd... 2508 13,930 | 543 | 2,000 2,090 | 15 PBT Cent cmonoeeeestnnnenanan.-f 18 per cen LR 
Works of art, n. s. p. f.: = eel] 20.00] 20.00 
1s 35 Etchings and engravings, n. s, DA. | do 5.878 |. 1,076 | 1,076 20 per OBIE oem ooo] chic ARAN 20.00 | 20. 00 
547 Paintings, pastels, pen and ink drawings |. qq "T7lmTootooiooo 176,374 |....1 35875 35,875 ore@0nooco einen remem 
and i replicas, or reproductions, | "7 TTT TtRTTTReeeet ’ | 0 
n.s.p.f. 120.00 3 
1449 | 1547 Sculptures, statuary, and copi ; 5 | mmmmmome eee 0 cee y 
, o ” 2 99,452 |-oeeG0mmmmencnmeen 
reproductions, n. 8, p. 1. ¥ oe epHeasor | do. |. _____._____.. 497,201 |ococeeee| 99,4 
— = ee ey ee eeeeemmneenaees| 20.00 | 20.00 
Total, paragraph... ___ 682,013 |-ceenoee.- 136, 403 136,403 | score ceemcrmmmcmene eee mmm | 
Tf mee fem e eaee En Eat — eg) s 
1450 | 1548 | SO oan casssmsamessiogae) Toot tom T 702 dm om | 1L708| 17.8% | 17,896 | 50 cents per tom. oeemw.o.....-.| 50 conts per ton 
1451 | Pencils, crayons, leads, ete. mat g ton... ’ ’ 26 went. ' 50 cents per gross plus 30 percent. 37.58 43. 98 
5 1649 PN is or other materials, not metal, | Gross... ao | 475,819 3.577 178, =) 209, 255 45 cents per gross plus 26 per cent. 3 i 3 - 
1451 .8.p. I ) eee el Oana . s 
1549 ohne Including charcoal crayons or |.__do...___. 38,270 2,552 008) 2610] 26801 |..dooe. 
oint protectors or clips— 
; wanenmanus] 171181 171.18 
| we) pla gem booame| asl ssl su Somme Some me | TL 10 
1451 | 1549 Pencils stamped with other thas ooo [==-00ceaenns s 11, 687 11,687 50 cents per gross plus 25 per cent... = 
turer's name or trademamie 2 TRUE: |... oo... 57 %, 205 R557 HE 
Footnotes at end of schedule, page 108.

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