Full text: Comparison of rates of duty in the Tariff Act of 1930 and in the Tariff Act of 1922

Tmports, calendar year 1928 | Compiles Suis on 197 
Rate of duty 
' Actual or com- 
puted ad valo- 
rem rate 
Act of | Act of 
1922 1930 
Per cent! Per cent 
14.15 25.94 
25.00 38. 74 
26.14 © 32.67 
°. 22 40.95 
3.87 25.17 
Free, | 25.00 
wry 20. 00 
2 25. 00 
}] 40.31 
0 oo 
Act of| Act of 
1922 | 1930 
Unit of 
quantity |————————— — - 
Quantity | Value | Vem | Actof1922 | Act of 1680 
Act of 1922 | Act of 1930 
Acetic acid, containing not more than 65 per cent acetic acid......| Pound. .... 
Formic aca. imeem meme fmm en Oa 
Pannic acid, tannin, and extracts of nutgalls, containing less than |.._..do_...... 
50 per cent tannic acid. 
Tannic acid, tannin, and extracts of nutgalls, containing 50 per |.....do..._.... 
cent or more tannic acid, not medicinal. 
Martane anil. ccc si se egg yess ua us A ae 
Shromicaeld. .. ooool.l cam m w w l i h 2 Bia 
Holo Aol OF 1BA Ofl..um ese cmvim mn mim mins mma ae Smears mmm mmmm wD men we 
itearic acid. oo. ef eo Oo 
ammonium carbonate and bicarbonate .__.._._____|oo..dO.....__ 
Synthetic gums and resing, n. 8. PD. foe o om 
12, 163, 499 $644, 816 $0. 053 $91, 226 $167,248 | 34 cent per pound .....| 184 cents per pound... 
2, 250, 090 174, 246 L077, 43, 562 67,503 | 25 per cent....._._-.-_| 3 cents per pound..___| 
55, 342 8, 469 L153 2,214 2,767 | 4 cents per pound.._..| 5 cents per pound.____ 
49, 200 | 13,220 .269 | 4,921 5,413 | 10 cents per pound. ...| 11 cents per pound.... 
1,810,362 | 575, 484 . 318 108, 622 144,829 | 6 cents per pound._... 8 cents per pound...._. 
99, 617 24, 547 . 246 Free. 6,137 | Free... oocweecocceee 25DET COND. nora 
486, 282 §, 800 L127 694 1,180 | 134 cents per pound.. 20 percent... oo... 
2,003, 042 226, 268 L113 J 30,046 56, 567 |aececdO cian acaeae. percent... 
1,356, 875 67,327 L050 20, 353 27,138 |o_..Q0. ccocae—o.. cents per pound._._... 
an “ 25 percent____._...... 4cents per pound plus 
: 30 per cent. 
156, 652 Le pt 134 cents per pound... "5.89 134.76 
46,898 | 114 cents per pound.. 2 cents per pound..... 5.07 | 185.71 
24,875 | 25 percent.._....._.. ' 2% cents per pound___; 5.00! 46.83 
84 ___..dO...._.cu_.._.. 75centsperpound....| ".00 81.30 
W202 precise: puna enmimisnimonsgmal wi 61.86 
~~ “3| Free. __.._....._._... |cent per pound..___.| Free. 28.46 
« 630 | 215 cents per pound_. S}4 cents per pound..__| 19.47 42.83 
32,,983 | 25 per cent...ooe..... Ao cent per pound..._| 25.00 | 175.76 
“2,195 |. QO aecacnacn. eee p2.50 per pound. ....__| 25.00 30. 61 
ceect Free .oooo_.......... 20cents per ounce.....! Free, {_.____.. 
Barium carbonate, precipitated... .....| Pound._..... 
Barium chloride. .... coco sen ansmu amin mmmmg eae 
30rInT0 ORIA0. «ccna san a ain a i mis mere CL er 
Zaffeine citrate... eae cen GO 
Theobromine. cocoa mmc ccm mc cmnn aman mmm mm en ome QO 
Calcium acetate, Crude. oa cacccneceecimcaccmaeccmm cmon eee QO eos 
Casein. ooo rma ass Dp ain 
Whiting, dry, ground, or Dolled. eeseesapummmm mmm fo sos dlB mus cme 
Diethylbarbituric acid, salts, and compounds... ooocooemooao_|_____do __ 
Ethyl-hydrocupreine, salts, and compounds... coeoruceoeouani nu. — 
Cellulose acetate, and compounds, combinations, or mixtures con- | 
taining cellulose acetate: 
(1) In blocks, sheets, rods, tubes, powder, flakes, briquets, or 
other forms, whether or not colioided, and waste wholly 
or in chief value of cellulose acetate, not made into fin~ |{~-=--==----~ 
ished or partly finished articles. 
(2) In finished or partly finished articles, n. 8. p. foo oooeoi]omaaomoamooan. 
Cellulose compounds, including pyroxylin and other cellulose 
esters and ethers, combinations or mixtures: 
(1) Transparent sheets more than 0.003 inch and not more | Pound. .....; 
than 0.0032 inch in thickness. 
(2) Transparent sheets of cellulose not exceeding 0.003 inch in |.....do..-..--, 
Zompounds of casein, in finished or partly finished articles, n.s. p.f.|.....d0 
BULL B0MAER «pm mmm rss ammo sme sess garg SE Canine 
JONNY IOBERITAINIIIN wep oi wi wim mim ims min gases vst win i wae i uy sys 
Edible gelatin, valued at less than 40 cents per pound.._____.._.|.____do._.... 
{nedible gelatin, valued at less than 40 cents per pound. ....._. |. ....do...... 
Inedible gelatin valued at 40 cents or more per pound... _.____.)..__.do.._.. 
Vegetable glue... __.___. ceelaendoL oo 
Pectin ceca . 
IOTOIIN BI ors gio sg I EE RR NT Se 
Hue, glue size, and fish glue, valued at less than 40 cents per pound.| Pound. __.. 
Tue, glue size, and fish glue, valued at 40 cents or more per TT do... 
Juice of lemons, limes, oranges, or other citrous fruits, unfit for |..._.do.._.._. 
beverage purposes. 
Magnesium sulpbate. ...........__ Rs in SO as 
Magnesium oxide... _..._____._._..__. senalmnnuaQ0cmans 
Sperm oil, refined or otherwise processed ..__....._..____._.__.__| Gallon. __._. 
Spermaceti wax... .oooeoooooooooo______.__._____________| Pound... 
‘Wool grease, containing more than 2 per cent free fatty acids..__..|..__.do___... 
‘Wool grease, containing 2 per cent or less free fatty acids, not |____.do____.. 
| _ medicinal. 
‘Wool grease, medicinal, including adeps lanae...__._...._..._.__.| _....do_._.._ 
f. Linseed oil and combinations and mixtures. _______._...._______.|.....do__._... 
53 | Olive oil, weighing with container less than 40 pounds....__._____l.____do.__._. 
54. * Palmrkernel oll, 68IB10. cc. imsmmmmmmiiisinams cemnmpmnpnanwnneis anne Be mens 
54 Sesame oil, edible... .._.___. reece fenmnn@O os 
58. Soybean ofl. ...ci cuensse ns omen sen seven [RN do. __.. 
phosphorus trichloride... ooooooue ~do.._. 
Paints colors, and pigments, commonly known as artists’, school, 
stud ‘ents’, or children’s paints or colors: 
1) Not assembled in paint sets, kits, or color outfits, in tubes, | Number. _— 
Jars, cakes, pans, or other forms, not exceeding 136 pounds 
net weight, valued at less than 20 cents per dozen pieces. 
(2) Not assembled in paint sets, kits, or color outfits, valued |.._..do....... 
at 20 cents or more per dozen pieces, in tubes or jars. 
In ookes, pans, or other forms not exceeding 134 pounds net (.....d0 cc... 
Precipitated barium sulphate... coceervoomaeao  ocuee...| Pound...... 
Ultramarine blues, valued at more than 10 cents per pound... ....|...._do....... 
Necolorizing, deodorizing, or gas absorbing chais and carbons, |.....do_.____.' 
whether or not activated, and all other activated chars and car- 
10,443,443 | 116,241 011 
2,344, 604 | 25,253 | L011 
994, 999 | 53,115 ee 
112 92 R 
62, 616 75,910 Les 
9,005,800 «316,416 [03 
8,612,360 3,674, 303 1128 
80,245,760 . 182 626 002 
was 190112 8 167 | 
10 cents per pound ¢._ 
ht oa cents per pound... J50 cents per pound.oeenee Piha 
tsommemmmane]emmenmeemcmenfomeeecao.. 60 percent. __...._...! 80 per cent ooo 60. 00 80.00 
12, 500 410, 000 . 800 5, 000 5,625 | 40 cents per pound _ wr] 45 cents per pound ._...| 50.00 56.26 
690, 500 508, 504 787 127, 227 229,007 25 percent ..........] 45 percent ...........| 25.00 45.00 
89, 762 i 178, 152 1.985 80, 443 124,98) 40 cents per pound 40 cents per pound | 45.15 70.15 
plus 25 per cent. plus 50 per cent, 
5,347,902 701, 827 L131 175, 457 374,350 25 percento..... _..... cents per pound._....| 25.00 53.34 
5, 898 1,643 L279 411- 640 ____do___..._____..__. -1cents per pound._._[ 25. 00 39. 50 
*, 957, 969 . 438, 401 L224 156, 209 185,57¢ 3) cents per pound , 5 cents per pound plus | 35.63 42.23 
plus 20 per cent. 20 per cent, 
636, 553 123, 563 L194 34, 261 43,622 | 134 cents per pound | 2 cents perpound plus | 27.73 35.30 
plus 20 per cent. 25 per cent. 
831,412 691, 868 L832 1 196, 572 239,480 | 7 cents per pound plus = 8 cents per pound plus | 28.41 34.61 
20 per cent. 25 per cent. 
1,427 150 . 105 51 686 135 cents per pound 2centsper pound plus 84.27 44.00 
plus 20 per cent. 25 per cent. 
® (3) wg ieeee. Wpercent........... Bpercent___.__.._... 20.00 25. 00 
[0] | ¢) . vemmessznmenelomnsnnucaaea. 90 POI eMb.o.oioeae.. JO Percent. .......... 25.00] 30.00 
9, 181, 005 | 798, 229 297, 361 383,177 114 cents per pound 2centsper pound plus 37.25 48.00 
plus 20 per cent. 25 per cent. 
2,266 1, 601 497 604 7 cents per pound plus 8 cents per pound plus 29.38 35.72 
+20 per cent. 25 per cent. 
2, 387, 207 182,712 Free. 119,365 “ree. eo-e-u-a--. cents per pound... Free. 65.33 
.0, 459, 506 61, 600 | 52,298 78,447 | 14 cent per pound... ¥{ cent per pound... 84.90 | 127.35 
300, 897 60, 325 10, 531 21,083 31s cents per pound... / cents per pound.... 17.46 34.92 
156, 899 81,196 15, 690 21,966 10 cents per gallon..... 14 cents per gallon.__.. 9.32 27.08 
115, 856 27, 805 Free. 6,951 Free. .......occ-...... bBceentsperpound._... Tree. 25.00 
3, 297, 650 202, 611 41, 488 22, 977 14 cent per pound..... 1cent per pound...... 1.48 40. 95 
1, 185, 655 52, 426 11, 857 ".713 | 1 cent per pound..... 2 cents per pound.... 2 62 45.23 
1,185, 655 104, 338 11, 857 25,570 | 0. neoaacaae--., © cents per pound... 11.36 34.00 
173,918 14, 056 5,739 '" 826 | 3340 cents per pound. .| 434 cents per pound... ‘0.83 55.68 
49, 265, 513 9, 114, 471 3, 604,913 , 224 | 714 cents per pound. ._.| 9% cents per pound... 0.54 51.36 
53, 812 4,369 Free. 538 | Free _--oocc-ce---e.-.. lcent per pound...... Iree. 12.32 
6, 264, 113 667, 902 Free. 187,928 |.....d0._.o.cceooo... 3cents per pound._.... Free. 28.14 
12, 587, 150 776, 557 314, 679 | 240, 560 | 234 cents per pound.. 34 cents per pound 10. 52 56.73 
1 - and not less than 45 
per cent, 
40,121 5,712 1,428 2, 407 | 25 percent... .._. 6 cents per pound... 25.00 42.14 
4,040, 571 | 23, 570 9, 428 30, 304 40 DOF CODE emer] 34centeach.. ........1 40.00 | 128 57 
707,112 | 58, 926 .083 | 37,712 renee 2cents each plus 40 per I 40.00 | 64.00 
3, 676, 992 153, 208 L042 107,245 |oceea@Ounecncccecaunna. 134 cents Sen plus 40 J 40.00 | 80.00 
per cent. 
7, 358, 664 168, 823 .023 91,996 | 1 cent per pound...... 34 cents per pound... | 43.57 54. 46 
560, 526 78, 296 . 140 22,421 3 cents per pound..... 4 cents per pound.....| 21.48 28.64 
{, 264, 073 96, 070 .076 13,232 20 percent. ..._... 5 percent... .......i 20.00 45.00 
42 | 
610 | 
632 | 
39 i o7 
70 | 68 
1 69 | 
.wutnotes at end of schedule, page 113.

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