Full text: Comparison of rates of duty in the Tariff Act of 1930 and in the Tariff Act of 1922

Actual or com- 
puted ad valo- 
rem rate 
Act of | Act of 
1922 1930 
| - -———— 
| i Per cent| Per cent 
1700 401 | Fir, spruce, pine, hemlock, or larch timber, hewn, sided, or | Mfeetb.m.. 1,081 | $35, 942 | $33.25 Free. | $1,081 | Free. ...._.._.........| $1 per thousand feet...! Free. 3.01 
squared, otherwise than by sawing. 
1700 401 | Fir, spruce, pine, hemlock, or larch, round timber used for spars | Linear feet. 1,106,173 73, 154 07 Free. B00 Lue Bcc mii A aia iimunwnnsie | ET08, 9.02 
and in building wharves. . 
1700 401 | Sawed lumber and timber of fir, spruce, pine, hemlock, or larch | M feet b. m.. 1,372,447 35,412, 234 25.80 Free. 1.3727 | viseiWiccummiman swamp] nsdn momeeen: Free. 3.88 
| dressed on more than one side. 
1700 | 402 | Maple (except Japanese maple), birch, and beech flooring... do... pe 2,925 170, 856 58.41 | Free. 13,668 |.....do_.._._..........| 8 per cent. _.._...___.| Free. 8.00 
410 405 | Plvwood mmm meme Square feet. . 3, 441.408 100, 943 .03 $33. 648 50,471 1 3314 per cent.__..____.{ 40 per cent and 10 per ' 33.33 50. 00 
cent additional for 
birch and alder. 
5,225 | 35 percent.._.____... 
22,920 | 45 per cent. .__._._.__ 
25,785 | 35 percent. ooo. an dO. oeoo. 
198,046 |_____do___._ oie dO el 
13,064 {_____do__ 80. 
304 ERE 
5 [ 35 per cent less 20 per | 50 per cent less 20 per 
cent. cent. 
64,007 .06 28,803 32,004 | 45 percent. __......... 50 percent ......_... 
345, 553 .06 | 155, 499 172,770 LicicallDecanmmnmmnnmnas 5 mmm mm eee moe me mmswmen 
91, 978 .05 41, 390 45,980 | ___.do_ of O_o 
1,019 L370 459 510 {odo dO aa, 
11,488 16 10, 452 13,936 i 15 cents per gross......| 20 cents per gross. .... 
3,585,246 |._.__...____ 1,178,415 1,414, 098 3314 per cent........._| 40 per doy and 47% 
per cent, 
1, 510, 540 2.79 503, 513 1 604, 216 rere sires wR AR 
BO, B57 |wismsmmmins 5,003 10,186 16% percent......_...| 33Y4 percent. .._._.__.. 
17,218 |einnmanmann 4, 589 5,507 | 334 per cent less 20 | 40 per cent less 20 per 
per cent. cent. 
1,993 3.55 531 638 celO dO 
41,933,420 | oeooaoooo 2, 152.716 4. 009, 476 [ 
Blinds, curtains, shades, screens: 
411 | PIAL ics omission ss RS HE i ig i m5 i 1 rm mm 
411 Sina, dyed, painted, printed, polished, grained, or creo- 
Baskets, plain: 
41 Bamboo. «ao. 
411 ‘Wood or composition of wood... _.__._ 
411 NI cogs vi ro 3 A 
411 Papier-méché and palm leaf __.__._._.__. 
411 From CIDR. mms stm SiR A SRS 
naskets, stained, dyed, painted, polished, grained, or creosoted: 
409 ' 11 Bamboo. o_o... efeeandoo ol 1, 006, 778 
409 1 411 Wood or composition of wood... cece] 6,014, 093 
409! 411 FS ZOIDS 1,747, 233 
409 411 Papier-méché and palm leaf... oie] eceandOa ol 2,728 
410 412 | Bpring dothospinti.. comssminmwessmssesynassesasipranaipegvmnesy] GOB wvumus 69, 678 | 
House or cabinet furniture: 
410 412 Furniture of wood (excluding chairs) I. |eeeiiiaaoan. a 
Ho 412 CROITS «eee ee eee eeenn| Number. 541, 458 
10 412 | Paintbrush handles... occa |onm—an meme mmc 
. From Cuba: 
410 | 412 * Household, or cabinet furniture of wood (excluding chairs) |__| oo... 
410° 2. DOME. vusammmmaseserissm mss ss ss spas suavapaasuasus | NUDE. 567 
Total increase... 
401 | Logs, cedar, fir, spruce, or western hemlock: 
COAT more amen cam mmme amen neemee M foot b. m1! 15, 061 
Fir, spruce, or western hemlock... corommenccnae an 0a 50, 644 
Cabinet woods in the log: 
Spanish cedar__..._..__..__. SERRE mamma: wine anmm 5,082 
Lignum-vitae_.._... . RRR RRR RRR Panne} 4, 398, 419 
DON 2a neocon meee ceca mien nmemmccamceammomeesmmmmem—ane= JL feet b. mo 40 
BOXWOOAe moo emma ome ccmcanacamacmmas ime Oecumann 
Hranadilla. «oer r mac cc ccc cmmccmmcamen eens’ Dmommman 
Tah0ganY oem cimenccanmcamcmm mmm: moms Dacamcee 50,” 
VOSEWOOU eranmmmm ee cmmmmmccmam scan c acm m am memasamema me mmm Domenie 
BIEIITOD, cri worm sisi ms ss sll sw se wii ssa won asain: ims sss we 
+ anese white oak. a wan: pei Deman 
_n.S. peas gp a pe me wae) TTOIODON ves 545, 097 
Natal decrease. ooo ooo mee 
$234, 974 
709, 785 
348, 119 | 
56, 38( 
49, 14¢ | 
arc - 
$15. 60 
$15, 061 
50, 64¢ 
5, €.. 
Free. | $1 per thousand feet... 
Fee  idOmeeamcmncaee. 
a 10percent..___.___.._. 
ceeeeO meas 
wows sn EA ss Ho ARH 
JommmeOn es 
wun tls sin gama nnn 
wi ssn am 
ern Gi Sm 
aeee Oe 
3 | 10 percent... ccane-. 
eis cme | medseecesenal 0 co mam 
" Includes bentwood furniture which was raised from 40 per cent to 47% per cent ad valorem. Import data are not segregated therefore the full effect of increase can not he ghee 
528. 746 | 
Per cent Per cent 
Bree. oeeecaraeea 6.41 Free. 
lO s 7.14 Free. 
aoe Omeeccaccaao] 10.00 Free. 
wns? Dmsmamrn mmm) 1000 | Free. 
wwwnd Dinawownpnnananaewe] 1000. Fres 
wees: Busuampmmnwenanssl THLY Free 
NE ON —— Ul. DE Free 
wi ean ns ane nn] Free 
BE I Free 
imme QOe mc . Free 
vA , Free. 
TA Bree

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