Full text: Comparison of rates of duty in the Tariff Act of 1930 and in the Tariff Act of 1922

Comparison of rates of duty in the tariff act of 1922 and the tariff act of 1930 
The equivalent ad valorem rates are calculated from the quantity and value of imports in the calendar year 1928} 
Computed duties on 
Imports, calendar year 1928 1098 imports 
: Value | letof | Act of 
Juantity | Value | ve ni] Act of 1922 | Act of 1930 23 | is 
\ cids and acid anhydrides: per cont Per cent 
Hoody i Tok Mors $hion.65 pat | Pound....] 12,163,499 $644,816 | $0. 053 $91,226 | $167,248 | 34 cent per pound........_....... 136 cents per pound. ...o..o.... 15 | oh od 
cent af - 
Acetic acid, containing more than 65 per cent | do......| oom e790) .10| 2162] 120162 | 2 cont per pound. ....o.oooooo. 20EDES DOF POUR.ororeneneene 16.63 | 16.63 
aceti : 
soetic SRAYAride. -oomom remeron cee, MO 8,90 | L701 191 445 312 ' § cents per pound. _............... '% Cents PEF POURA.-ceeeeaeomeae. 6.17 18.34 
Sr A ener em et 4 at I ee ne 405, 545 19,895 -049 6,083 4,055 11% cents per pound. .....-....... cent per pound. ...coeaveeeaeonn 10.58 20.38 
FJ RITo00I0 8 cnmnsassssnsntmss snmsenmusesl uo Is sane 5 6, 1200, 25cents.| 25cents. A cents PEr POUDA..ooooeoeoooooo CeDES DE POUNd,--oommomoooons| 417] 417 
TIO GH] mene comm AR REA a 1,338 524 .392 227 927 7 cents per pound. _......._____| cents per pound. cocoeoemmeoo| 3.41 43.41 
TOME BOI. pono oen enone ranne dO * 250, 030 174,246 | 077 | 43,562 67,503 5 DOr Gent. o.oo orn oll cents per pound.......-.........| 45.00 | 38.74 
guifp ood, saniaioig Ioss (090.20 PREURLY .ocssursme M M semeee= eee-meees-  -eeme----.  centsper pound and notlessthan cents per pound and notlessthan LL. |... .. 
a ini | 25 per cent. 25 per cent. 
Lactic acid, containing 30 per cent or more and ] Pound... 84, 672 6,817 .081 3,387 3,387 sents per pound and not less than ‘ents per pound and not lessthan | 19.68 | 49.68 
AE | 25 per cent. 25 per cent. 
factin 20d, eon BS Pe el d0 enn] 283,008 3,438 | .313| 25,434  25,43¢' ents per poundandnotlessthan | ents per pound and notlessthan ' 38.76 | 28.76 
lannic acid, tannin, and extracts of nutgalls— 2 per Got. Rien 
Containing less than 50 per cent tannic |..do....... 55,342 8,460 | .153 2,214 BTS en] OSD POD. eee] 614] 267 
Zentaining 50 per cent or mors and wot |...do......... 49,200 3,220 | 269 4,921 BA 0000 gor Penne] 11 CHES DOE POE rere] WE} 40.95 
Yhlalatng 5) DF S50 OF TOOTS AOA T0H> |... 80reer. 215 92 | L807 55 50 0conts per pound.................| 18 cents por pound..-oororr| 4.77 | 22.52 
aro ceecferdooen  L810,362] 675,43 | 318] 108,622] 144.82 cents per pouna..............| >centsperpound ........| ‘887 | 2.17 
Sipe sid... vmmooen eee d0e 75 30 | .400 2 2 cents per pound... _.......______| cents per pound. --cecoceeemceen| 7.50 7 50 
I i cnnern mr nemme ces esmesmammrsfosgune nen 9) a wamsmoee a TTY cents per pound. -----_.| Cents Der POUNM- c accmmmmmoooonfeeememe|an os 
Jralie gold... ooo orem enniene | PoURd.... 890, 203 46,447 | .052 % 53,412 53,412" cents per pound -oooooomooo--..| *cents per pound. ...------.-.....| 115.00"| "115.00 
Phosphoric acid, containing less than 80 per |_______.__.. 0) 1) TE TE ents Ber petal Cents por pound wT LL 
cent phosphoric acid. 
Phosphoric acid, containing 80 per cent or | Pound... 316,470 32,665 | .103 6,320 6320 do rE I 
nore phosphorle seid. 
2yrogallic 8CId. «oo oo meee 1 — und. 2 cents per pound. ommend 
\eid and acid sabydnaes 5s pio) 9 conts por POUR. —ronrooooonne DEBE DEE POUD. ooo 
Jhromie aid... .oozomeenccecaccmncenennnn.| Pound... 99, 817 (L280 mmmmwsmnnmmemennmnes BO Bk emisnnnna nme naenmine F000 
Meic acid or red ofl.-o-eooeooreoneeo oneal GO 46,28 va pr il peinesesesusssennse TH) 
ly wy ol air we] Y 5 Foo. nen III per eemt UII aos 
mbon, dex] umber -. 864, 000 3 cocennesmensangnsnceosn SS rpm smear] 15.08 
containers and carton, 1 pound or less. 5 per cent per p 
ict off Act of 
1922 | 1930 
01 , 
1 Rm RS Sg 
90, 501 . 248 22,626 22, 626 
4,547 | 246 Free. 6, 137 
5, 900 L127 694 1,180 
126, 268 L118 30, 046 56, 567 
21,021 . 024 5, 256 720 
Patel, PAIBEIADN. «ooo oomemmmmmremoe lee eeen loon. 4,700,086 | 525,702 689, 360 eee 10.40 | 25.44 
ree ee ee mf 
reetaldehyde. oe vama oie eiicameaeeee.| Pound... 4,472 803 . 180 509 [ 509 cents per pound plus 30 per cent.| 63,41 | 63.41 
11do} Or acetBldol. mma meee ee (1) n MAE] Simm mm—— aa _co. AAR mm moms 
Aldehyde ammMONIA. ava mmmeeae 0 ® mmmmmmme| cme cement e besemnmamcrnememnmmrmmmemmmmen] comme emmn 
Jutyraldehyde. _ioooceacmmicacciieenccaaacne-| Pound... 45, 008 9, 664 L215 5, 600 5, 600 mmwmwmmemmemae © 37.94 57.04 
Crotonaldebyde. «ooo emma 0) Mm cmon r emcee a fmmeecasemmmesmmanacmnmee  ammmee mean 
>aracetaldehyde. . ..oooooooooeoonecoao———-..| Pound.... 19, 587 3,216 . 164 2, 140 2,140 cmmmmanammmmnanammnn 08.54 | 68.54 
Derivatives of ethylene, propylene, or butylene: ) 
Ethylene chlorohydrin. oooeooooooomel| doo. 11 7.636 | 3 3 do... oe eencmameneeene 30.43 [70.43 
Ethylene glycol. om ooeemceeeeeeeeec Lb doo 14 10 714 4 A ecermeremem mmm smear te ED in remem e ens, V0 [ 32.40 
Derivatives, n. s. p. {.: i 
Glycol H0D0ACEEED0 nme emmmm mmm emnceonns] Asana 24, 200 2,184  .000 , 2,107 2,007 |e 0m eee eemmma meee BO eee immmeeaeen 96.48 | 06.48 
Total, — Lo [J 03, 202 | 15,884 ma 10, 363 i 10,863 |. vmimcmmcnmeamcemaeemmmamaene—men|ee meee mm memeemannaeee——————— 65. 24 65.24 
meee eee ee Ee a 
\cetone and ethyl methyl ketone, and their | do...... 37,808 4,650 | .123 1,163 930 | 25 Or 08nt ee oe omeecoocecaeeee | 20 DET CODE aoiieecooe. 25.00 | 20.00 
homologues, and acetone oil. ERAT rm | em ee — — 2 TZ 
Amy oo cecmciit eemcmmmmemmanet 
AT cummins e nae Semana mmmannn 
TLBRTL mim im im ie eH 
FIN mis 0 im 8 A 
torr | TO SRY. 
ethyl or wood (methanol)... cecaeenooo- 
Ithyl for nonbeverage PULDPOSES. momo 
Total, Paragraph... cececccccacicccaccannean 
Shemical elements, salts, compounds, combina- 
ions and mixtures, n. s. p. f.: 
Hydrogen peroxide. .......cccceocceeeemeceene Cound... 
Dalelum arsenate. .....-cae-ecceececcemmcanac| G0cceee 
Sodium acetate. veo cece PV 
Sodium fooride. uo. ooo 
Magnesium silicofuoride. emo ooeoe cocoon am 
ferric ehloride. ol Ic. 
ehthyol. |e TT 
Potashsalts, n.s.p. fo... _____ Tl "qo. 
Sodium sulphhydrate...._______.____ ZT TTT Tdol 
\lkaloids, salts, and derivatives, n.s. p. f.____|___do....___ 
suprarenal preparations and thyroid and |.._do...____ 
other gland extracts. 
)x gall, bile salts, and bile compounds.......|.__do._._... 
Aaa] chemicals of vegetable origin, |.__do.._____ 
ns pf. . 
“reparations not containing alcohol, n. 8. p. f..|. Aa ______ 
sodium compounds, mn. 8. Pe form cmiiecreni]ean Yosameen 
Jhromium compounds, sulphate. uemeameen oe eQO can. 
3 Boalentol. couras aman ng nes nmsnsaaneset sun Avani 
-ootnotes at end of schedule, page 13 
25, 00 
25. 00 
5. 00 
’5. 00 
25. 00 
25. 00 
25. 00 

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