Full text: Comparison of rates of duty in the Tariff Act of 1930 and in the Tariff Act of 1922

Paragraph | 
Let off Act " 
1922 | 1930 
i | ' Actual or com- 
Computed duties on 1928 - 
Imports, calendar year 1928 | imports | et, va 
Quantity | Value | Value per | Act of 1922 | Actof1930 | Actof i922 | Actof1o | AL | Ah ot 
er cent] Per cent 
$836, 962 | $0. 054 $154, 432 $308,864 cent per pound...... cents per pound..._.| 8.45 36. 90 
1,114, 549 .53 158, 471 108,088 3 cents per pound.....| 0 cents per pound....| 14.22 17.77 
433, 191 154 56, 372 140,931 2 cents per pound.....| 6 cents per pound._....| 13,01 32.53 
2, 287 LOT 165 83 nnd iin nmnnnipaninn inna ens cian). 123 18.06 
7, 558 +232 1, 632 2,611 | 5 cents per pound..._.| 8 cents per pound._._..{ {_. 59 34. 56 
30,97¢, 540 | L201 rm 167, 455, 035 Fre... -covween-n-.| 7 conts per pound.....| F ee. |! 24 08 
231,749, 073 cme oonme| 45,178,300 91, 070, 671 BRYA Amn emrmmeen| 19.49 39.30 
Unit of 
"1 | Bpiees and spice seeds: 
Mustard seed (whole) cae. Pound...._. 15,443, 218 
Mustard, ground or prepared, in bottles and otherwise..._.__|.._._do_..... 1, 980, 89° 
Capsicum or red or cayenne pepper, unground. . o_o... {..__do_..... 2,818 a1 
2aprika, unground o-oo oo ler icici) AO oo. 
Capsicum or red pepper, ground. _...__.__.__.__ J TTT qe ol © 32,640 
“ton having a staple of 1} inches or more in length...._.____._|_.___do__.____| 106, 5C9, 500 | 
Total BE smumemanmuenintstsones sussssarersmmmmmnsmsthunsmsmem arm ofuma sss anaes 
7/11 | 1682 Bobwhite quail for Sjpxing PUIDOSOS a ce eee emer mmm mmm i eae) 24, 349 $11, 643 
711 712! Bags, dressed or undressed; poultry prepared in any manner____| Pound...._. 173, 559 289, 820 
Fish: : . 
717 | 1760 Herring, frozen artificially ooo oooeooomeoiioeiieee ssesilfluumn) 2, 219, 209 101, 986 
718 719 pio or salted cod, ete., containing more than 43 per cent |.....do.__.__. 7, 000, 000 210, 000 
: moisture. 
720 720 Kippered herring, er pr area etme] G0 1, 000, 000 156, 000 | 
"30 730 ben 8] ort, DT predacs feeds obtained in milling cereal other | Ton... _._. 572 17,962 
an wheat. . 
/30 | 1649 | Citron and citron peel in brine... _.... oon ooo... Pound._.__. 1,431,144 90, 038 
739 | 1849 | Citron and citron peel, crude, dried. ome ooo dono... 225, 529 36,730 
CE JE 1 i UE HAP: 7 30,923 39, 342 
68 | 770 | Garlic, general tariff. Lo... nooo do LC 5.930, 206 173,036 | 
FIOM Olli co nmewnmininy wonpsananmsssn isi panna ent smln tamed como mmm 5,642 242 
"18 777 | Chocolate and cocoa: ’ ; 
Chocolate, unsweetened, dutiable at ad valorem Tat een eeoae|ene celine 337,485 | 94, 851 
Cocos, unsweetened, dutiable at ad valorum rate... .._...___|_...do....__. 1, 255, 367 | 230, 801 
710 oe, having the eye formation of the Swiss or Emmanthaler ) 
AL SPOT PALE. vw wo wis pusn passe smn mim bah AA HR nm ee rem mmc ml mmm 56, 004 10, 626 
At minimum 000. conassmriminsa nn momnemomemamesmemieslsrmoeBsssonn] 
Spices and spice seeds: 
SLE do... 
281aWaY 568d. _ oo reocciacecicecn mmemecememecmmem|eme CD mee 
"BEAATION BO0 «ccs vss AERA EA ert nt at Tormmms 
Jassia and cassia vera, Unground. - oo .ceoooo moos ccemmeooooofon oo 
‘assia buds, UREIOUNA nore eee ceeds ma 
SlOVOS, UNEIOUNG oom ieee eee ome | me omome 
Jlove stems, unground.. o_o. oio ican) sl 
Cinnamon and cinnamon chips, unground. ..ooooceeeeoceon ane oon. 
C0riander S88d uo cece cence emcee oo enon 
OUTNINHN S88 + «cco rccmem mm mcm mmm tom mmol ooo 
CORON OOH. oo or ome armen gimme ga gs ssmnryelnannal Tiumaens 
Ying root, unground (mot preserved or candied) general A. 
tariff. ; 
FIOM QUDB..cocnmmnimcn mmm mam smi Aa aA iss Es rs 
Mace, UNETOUNA ... ce cmacne came cao ce ceeme mmr emememncs omer eamomen 
Nutmegs, Unground. ._..covecrcnmcunaanacmnmenereemeemseenes|ooeen’ oomeeem 
Pepper (Unground) black. «.ccoe oo cceece ccs cocoa femme 
Pepper (unground) White ....eeov ooo ooo uence QO 
Pimento (allspice), unground, general tariff... .coceeeeeoeloeeedOmenon. 
From Cuba. __ lie mccmcccecoesm came cee ceca aloe oO ___ 
A). 476 
Per cent| Per cent 
$6,087 |.ueeeeonoen.| 25centseach..c.o.... Free... .__..oo.cco.....| 52.98 Free. 
101, 437 $47,356 | 35 per cent_.......... 10 cents per pound....| 35.00 16, 34 
22,198 \oeeeueeeo_..-| lcentperpound.... Free... _._.__________.... 21.76 Free. 
87, 500 52,500 | 13{ cents per pound... ¥ cent per pound.....| 41.67 25. 00 
39, 000 30,000 | 25 pereent...._____... 3 cents per pound_.___| 25.00 19.23 
2,694 1,796 | 16percent............ Opercent ........__' 1500 10.00 
28,623 2centsper pound... ee. oo .oeoee_oon._.| BL70 Free. 
4,511 meee dO el T€€ nel] 12.98 Free. 
9,83C | ooenaana_| 25 percent_.____..... Free.___.....____._...| 25.00| Free. 
118, 606 88,054 | © cents per pound_._..| 134 cents per pound. _.! 43.44 32.58 
90 68 ; 2 cents per pound less.{ 13% cents per pound | 37.19 28.10 
20 per cent. less 20 per cent. 
186, 590 10,125 | 1714 per cent, not less | © cents per pound net | 17.50 10.67 
than 2 cents per weight. 
40, 390 37,661 QO een | aeoidOee oo. 17.50 18.32 
4, 200 3,920 | 734 cents per pound, | 7 cents per pound, not | 39.5% 36.89 
not less than 3714 | less than 35 per cent, 
per cent, 
1,975,515 [neo n@O econ @O ee 
cemeemceeen.} 2 cents per pound.....| Free_._______.___.. 
Jumma) 1 CONE DO? PONT. ocreafes ca aliincnm ems min 
—eo_-| 10cents per pound....} _... dO. eee. 
—--} 2 cents per pound. ofc A Como. 
san ipn sta O0e rmbt mmo emarme] irs tl Dresses sma 
--| cents per pound... .|ouu- QO. ooo. 
.--| “cents per pounqd.....f cual Gucci 
calammendOn de ieee 
Ye cent per pound... _|-oe. QO ooo ____.. 
Llcent per pound... .._| cee €Ommmemeean 
yr circa) aa Dae a 
Yeents per pound... .. cee Ocmevcevmmencnnn. 
' cents per pound 1685 ooo GO cromamnecnane.. 
20 per cent. % 
cents per pound. ccoo|-cce Occimmmcnccmand.s 
cents per pound. .erec ree” Derecc nm cancmnan.. 
vm pom e 00 ee cc ceceneeeee On iL 
wofrenn Ono ceeen@On TL 
maw ww wwe’ GONE POP POUND... cc cfc rian cima inmm—— 
lemme. cent per pound 1ess |.....dO.coeeueocen ooo. 
20 per cent. 
35. 00 
40 Frees. 
33.33 | Free. 
20,337. 655 |--nnmmeme | 18.44 | 11.05 
1 | 
1 Import statistics not segregated to apply rates under the tariff act of 1930, but an estimate has been made on which the rates have been applied, as follows: 144,958,601 pounds, valued at $11.596.688. for eattla weighing less than 
0 pounds each, and 105,438,750 pounds, valued at $8,461,329, for cattle weighing 700 pounds or more each. 
! Import data not available to apply rate of duty under tariff act of 1930, but it is estimated that practically all the imports were of light blood albumen, and therefore the rate for light blood albumen has been used. 
' Import statistics not segregated to determine fish roe boiled and packed in containers so as to apply the rate of 30 per cent. It is, therefore estimated that all the imports would take the 20 cents per pound rate. 
4 The rates on dates, under tariff act of 1930, are as follows: Fresh or dried with pits, 1 cent per pound; with pits removed, 2 cents per pound; any of the foregoing in packages weighing with immediate containers not more than 
0 pounds each, is 7%4 cents per pound. Import statistics not segregated to apply the 7%4-cent rate on fresh or dried dates. The rate under tariff act of 1930 on prepared or preserved dates is 35 per cent. Under Treasury Depari- 
nent decision, dates pitted were dutiable under the prepared or preserved rate. In applying the rate of duty for prepared and preserved dates under act of 1930, it has been estimated that 50 per cent of the imports were pitted (fresh 
ir dried) to which the rate of 2 cents or pound has been applied and the rate of 35 per cent applied to the balance of these imports. The rate of 74 cents per pound on packages of dates pitted weighing with containers not more 
han 10 pounds each can not be applied, as statistics are not segregated. . 
i ili tor act of on are as follows: Green, ripe, or in brine, one-half cent per pound; dried, desiccated or evaporated, 2 cents per pound. Import statistics not segregated. The rate of 2 cents per pound is applied, as it 
~stimated all imports are dried. . 
} Import statistics not segregated to apply rates under 1930 tariff act. It is estimated that 300,000 pounds were imported which would take the rate of 25 cents per pound; balance of importation would be duty free. 
! Import statistics not segregated. It is estimated all imports are shelled nuts. 
* Import statistics not segregated. It is estimated that 40 per cent of imports are shelled and 80 per cent unshelled. 
It is estimated that 85 per cent of the imports were shelled, consisting of cashew nuts, and that 15 per cent of the imports were other than cashew nuts, and were unshelled. 
0 Sweet clover dutiable under 1930 act at 4 cents per pound. Import data not segregated so as to apply rate. } i . 
-t Tariff act of 1930 provides: Beans not specially provided for, and black-eye cowpeas, green or unripe, 3% cents per pound; dried, 3 cents per pound; cowpeas not specially provided for are free. The imports shown are dried 
owpeas, but the bulk of them are black-eye pe 5 
17 In absence of statistical data, it is estimated one-half of import quantity would be dutiable at 10 eents per pound drained weight, plus 45 per cent ad valorum on total import value. 
1s Import data not segregated to apply rates under tariff act of 1930. Segregation, as to quantity and value, has been made on estimates based on 9 months analysis of 1928 imports invoices at New York, together with data pub-~ 
ished by the Federal Horticultural Board for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1928. . 
# Import statistics not segregated, but it Is estimated all imports were crude chicory. Chicory crude is dutiable, under 1930 act at 2 cents per pound and dandelion roots are dutiable at 1} cents per pound 
#5 1¢ is estimated that 1,000,000 pounds of sweet chocolate were imported which would be dutiable at 4 cents per pound and the balance at 40 per cent ad valorem. 
18 Traport statistics not segregated. Quantity shown as imports has been calculated from data of imports of the country of origin 

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