Full text: Comparison of rates of duty in the Tariff Act of 1930 and in the Tariff Act of 1922

Comparison of rates of duly in the tariff act of 1922 and the tariff act of 1980—Continued 
Actual or com- 
| puted ad valo- 
: rem rate 
Act of | Act of 
1922 1930 
der cent| Per cent 
25. 00 25.00 
25. 00 25. 00 
5, 00 25.00 
28.00 25.00 
28, 00 25. 00 
<£. 00 25.00 
5. 00 25.00 
25.00: 25.00 
"4 PEI LON. eunnneneenmanananameanal 15.64 | 115.64 
LEO DOr BOW ve vninimnmaanmn inne 5213 62.15 
YM cents per pound. o_oooooo... 43.57 54.46 
rt emmemmmaennmammmemaennaneane 80.12 84.80 
3 cents per pound. covcoccacnaraonr 28.39 28.39 
> cents per Pound ceo oacrcans 
| cents per pound _..occecenaconacn 
percent... ocmamomaeoeos 
th per cent. co ocean. 
Imports, calendar year 1928 Congied Sn "| 
Unit of 
Rate of duty 
Act of Act of 
1922 1930 
7 Value | 
Quantity | Value |Z i Act of 1922 Act of 1030 | 
Act of 1022 
68 66 
38 | 66 . 
68 66 
58 66 
58 66 
88 66 
58 66 
"igments, colors, stains, n. s. p. L.: 
Enamel paints. -caceeacmerasscamoccamaan._.| Pound_.__ 
3rown, vandyke, cassell earth, or cassell | an .__ 
brown. . 
Aineral earth pigments, 0. S. Pu fae cer ccvcaan d0aannnn 
Jhemical pigments, 0. 8, Po foo meen iva ]oodoo. 
’aints, colors, pigments, stains, n.s. p. foo... fl ..do_._._. 
Jolors ground in water and fresco colors....__}...d0...... 
Solors 2round in JADA. — meee comes moe 
ound -... 
142,999 | 
358, 993 
151, 213 
,982, 525 ' 
05, 147 
7,359, 664 
$28,496 | $0.199 | $7,124 | $7,124 
24, 255 .018 6, 064 6, 064 
1,307 L083 | 327 327 
8, 168 . 607 2,042 2,042 
38, 029 L195 22,007 22, 007 
46 .329 12 12 
9 sane 
150,301 |... 37,576 | FLOT0 want ii wim ion min a sm im mown 
190,766 | 3.460 220, 588 220,588 34 PET tOD. omen naman 
33,378 | 12.070 20, 745 20,745 $7.50 POT LOD oo ceomcecieaamnes 
168, 923 .023 73, 597 91,996 1 cent per pound... ccumeaeene- 
393,057 |o.ooan. 314, 930 833,329 Meera nrn nee 
7.619 . 282 2,163 2,163 8 cents per pound. _.._aoccenn. 
28 PRP EDL. cme nmi cmmennmmmnnen] 25 POL CIE os srw wan mm mn 
sous car wsmmmmrwmismmn mana] ia oo EL ots st AAI 
rll tm——— RR 
wn RR Se SR Hr RY GR RR 
ceedO ea al a ey Si a 
veeeQ0e sm rp mmm tm 
nnlO ema eeem————————— 
Total, paragraph_......... rim 
Barytes ore, crude or unmanufactured_._. _.__.._j fon...__.. 
Barytes ore, ground or otherwise manned | doo 
Precipitated barium sulphate or blanc fixe_____.__| Pound. ___| 
Total, Pagani. umn. wssmmmmnsnass 
Blue pigments and all blues containing iron ferro- * 
cyanide or iron ferricyanide. . 
Tltramarine blue and all other blues containing 
uliramarine, valued at: 
10 cents per pound or ym) MO nnn 373,684 | 
More than 10 cents per pound ....eo._.___..l__do...... 560,526 
Total, i 961, 247 
«one black or bone char, and blood char....._.._,__.do.__.._ 1,017,171 
secolorizing, deodorizing, or gas absorbing chars [66mm] 1,264,073 | 
and carbons, whether or not activated, and all 
activated chars and carbons. 
Lotal, paragraph. .eooeoecocmeneeean bo do._....| 2,281,244 
"0 | Chrome yellow, chrome green, and other colors |-..do..__.. 147,317 [ 
containing chromiurg. 
GU TIE... swwmeeemrrmismmbsi rims aim sso pp pmrgeenet 3 
LAMP black «oom eieenanecnacoaaa | Pound... 444, 38% 
Black pigments, 0. 8. Pe fueemmmanceccmameanee|oodoonoo.] 1,350, 523 
Tolnl, Praglail. cocannn mrs a maim mens | WL 1, 794, 911 
ead pigments: 
LAtharge. oc vu-susmmmrmcsnannmacnmemmeneemen|ena@0 eae 2, 10( 
Orange Mineral. ooo eecenememeeeeof odo 62,409 
Red 168d. .coeammmenumromcassaamnamcmermnnmnna| ee On 24, 675 | 
White lead ..-« «occmmoooaniemcaaceeeee dO 166, 236 
Pigments containing lead, n. 8. p. foo. dooL._. 43, 380 
oinl, PUIEEAD ccc cimmmmmmn nm mses memos wn in nis 208, 800 
yehers, crude, NOt ErOUNA . «om wemmnamcceonmecoemsjonatl een) 371, 474 | 
iennas, crude, not ground. coc vememeeeeanoonofo foo _L_ |, 691, 925 TE 
Jmbers, crude, not ground. oeoeeeooooo lL 8, 264, B44 oo 19,12 
Jehers and siennas, washed or ground... ...____|..“o. 8,157, 511 ns, 18. 56 
Jmbers, washed of ground. weeeeeraeeeen oof. doo} 1,290,679 Bs 18.31 
ron-oxide, and iron-hydroxide pigments, n.s.p.f.l  do.._...l 25,456,096 0.00: 20.00 
Tots), parton sossmnncsmemsnansmnmanss bosons 53,152, 530 8.46 | 18.48 
+ —_— mmr Tmo 
4 | Satin white and precipitated calcium sulphate._..! do _..... 4,712 1.22 11.22 
rm ———— mm me 
Tarnishes: i . 
Spirit varnishes containing less than 5 per | Gallon.... 82 612 | 7.463 333 333 ' $2.20 per gallon plus 25 per cent. - 54.48 | 54.48 
cent methyl aleoliol. 
Spirit varnishes containing 5 per cent or more { do...... 257 1,822 | 7.080 456 456 26 percent oo iinieans 26.00 25.00 
methyl alcohol. i . 
7arnishes, including gold size or Japan, n.S.p.f.| dow... 28, 361 47,499 | 1.675 | 1,875) 11,875 renee, 25.00 | 25.00 
Total, paragraph. —oovoccaeoacemmoemccvecaee] en@0ucmnnos 28, 700 19,933 | -aeo-- 12,664 , 12,664  mmommmmecmmmcmees cman 25. 36 25.36 
Sr ems meme) ee mi 
Vermilion reds, containing quicksilver............| Pound.... 96, 248 127,752 | 1.827 26, 949 33,687 28 cents per pound... .._... ----.| 35 cents per pound. .ococeocreeno 11.10 26.37 
CUDIOUS 0Xid€.mnn.  .owmscocmmmmomnmsmmemennn) 40 261, 350 44,074) L172 11, 244 15,741 25 per FS 35 DOr CBMb. coo ececnamanennnnn) 25.00 | 35.00 
Paty], TREAT ev mimn ceinmnnnnmmmmnnoe SH ian 357, 598 172,726 |oooooo- 38, 193 ED 08 msm wep. ttc DAD 28. 62 
me ee ee me 
Zine oxide and leaded zine oxides containing not | ..do-...-.| 2,696, 585 208,557 | L077 47,190 47,190 134 cents per pound. .-.onereene-.] 184 cents per POUNd.uoveeeanemnon) 22.63 | 22.63 
mo, an 25 per cent lead, in any form of dry 
Tr. # 
.,, Ground in or mixed with oil or water........ ..do....... 213,731 25,620 | .120 | 4,809 4,800 24 cents per pound. ..........-... 2}{ cents per pound. eee] 18.77 18.77 
ithopone and other combinations or mixtures of 
zing sulphide and barium sulphate: 
Containing less than 30 per cent zine sulphide... Aossmmnt 17, 770, 703 | 688,200 | .039 | 310,987 | 310,987 134 cents per pound.-............  3/centsperpound...._._.____... 15.19 45.19 
Containing 30 per cent or more zine sulphide. | do_.__.. 2, 000, 000 120,000 |. 060 35. 000 53.000  am=@Oeamemeueiceaacu-acooo. %{ cents per pound, plus 15 per 20.17 | 44.17 
Total, Paragraph. - oeeeeeeeneo emma eaiened] BBIB | 30.01 
— — 
-orassium compounds: 
Chromate and dichromate... _...._..__..__. 
Jitrate. ceaeaam comme 
BY 100) 2:17. MUERTE EE, 
2rCRIOTat0. cca cmmm emcees momma 
Terricyanide or red prussiate of potash...._._. 
‘errocyanide or yellow prussiate of potash...) 
OIA. «eee ememmamanero accom smammam——mmaon 
rMANEANAte rarrone ounce enema. 
JORDON ovis cian dR wm 
ALDODALE acc coco acicavanmamee——————— 
ydroxide or caustic potash... ccemoeaoas 
.itrate or saltpeter, TOI ummm wrmmmmmrme] 
3romide. oe emcee am ———— 
Total, paragraph... I 
32.9 32.96 
21.48 | 28.64 
2.02 29.66 
2.00 | 20.00 
20.00 | 45.00 
20.00 | 38.32 
25.00 | 25.00 
0.00 | 20.00 
0.00 | 20.00 
20.00 | 20.00 
00] 20.00 
i | 
3 | 
269, 551 
24, 00° 
5,431 | 
126, 8 
57 f 
7 3 
621, 74: 
507 °° 
Tootnotes at end of schedule, page 13.

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