Full text: Comparison of rates of duty in the Tariff Act of 1930 and in the Tariff Act of 1922

Comparison of rates of duty in the tariff act of 1922 and the tariff act of 1930—Continued 
Act of Act of 
1922 | 1930 
Imports, calendar year 1928 
Computed duties on 
1928 imports 
Rate of duty 
Actual or com- 
puted ad valo- 
rem rate 
Unit of 
Value 2 le | Act of 1022 | Act of 1930 
Actof { Actof 
1922 1930 
Per cent| Per cent 
* T5 cents per pound. «ooo cnmennn  Fr@@o oie] 0.63 Free. 
Free? oeeeeeececccmacncennna| 25 DOL CONt oe cmaamcmnanne. cmmmeeed| 25.00 
reid wae ween wed re ve mmm mmm mmm ego 1 105.00) 
oll0 snares suns enna eens Deeps nm em samme 25. 00 
oll rm mmm HER SMS me $8 TI RE RRR SS SSS REE Lummis 25. 00 
DETR a1: of oT) 4 | J 
BO DEL ORID  cvu mmm msi mmm mini 
5 DOF 080E, «cama unm mmm mwas 
) per cent less 20 per cent________. 
TOBE COM cvninmmar manne ©, 
Act of 1930 
81 1764 
562 79 
1562 79 
1562 79 
Santonin, and salts of. eee ceeecceecanacnan 
Sodium.__..... mem —ma———n ne 
Potassium. coerce ccc cca names 
Lithium, beryllium, and caesium... o.oo... 
Tolan), PATAgraDD. « ccavuersvsmnnmn=sasam mens ——- 
OBI10.. nism mms missin pm mini mm minimis spawn; BORA wan 
Perfumed. ...coeeceececmacnecnmaccreaneane ==t00mcn. 
Unperfumed. .aceecreeccmcccacccacccaoene Danas 
Medicated. coven cesncccmameocrc am caamcmnps Jmemenn 
Perfumed, from Cabs. om ITIIITE eol 
Soap and soap powder, B. 8. Pu facececaciananan 1emmee 
Tolal, DABETADR. co uiunnsmmmummnmmmumsssnns doeoeaad 
Pound....! L845 | $218, 064 |$118. 192] $1,384 | Free. 
memmm— " * memmmn fmm nnnnns eeenoe ole 
somes) 0} * smneemce les emmeamea|ennn eee 
--- “) i ® a Ces 
82 80 
82 80 
82 80 
82 80 
82 80 
82 80 
3,170,300 | 411, 52¢ 
1,833,278 554, 31¢ 
206, 392 32, 55° 
11, 761 3.77 
1,716 90 
1,714,581 ! 182, 647 
8,938, 097 1,185, 71 
13¢ 61,728 | $61,728 
302 166, 206 166, 296 
158 9, 767 9,76” 
321 566 5 
508 217 2 
107 27, 396 27,39 
265,970 | 265,97 
15 DOF: CONE cn ccrammmmn ws ser mann 
80 Par GAME. wc vn nnmmmm mn panna 
18 DOF CON wpm smn seh a Rd 
40 per cent less 20 per cent___....._ 
Spercent. iene aeaeas 
cent per pound... 
“cent per pound... ooo .... 
cent per pound... oo... 
cents per pound..___._.._____. 
’ =k per pound. econo. 
ao rem m rtm ———————— 
15.00 | 
30. 00 
15. 00 
24.00 | 
22.43 | 
15. 00 
83 3 
83 1766 
83 81 
83 81 
83 81 
83 81 
83 81 
33 81 
82 81 
. 8 
Sodium compounds: 
ATSONAt. oo ceeceecmecmcaacceacmcenecccameen =ea80aol 
3icarbonate. ovo oeemaccammmcmceasmanee dec O ol 
Jorate or borax, refined... eceraocccncuniynaG0a 
SOIR swim pis wie pr wii iss mn oY sg et 
Jarbonate, calcined, or soda ash........--....| Pound..__i 
Iydrated or sal soda, sesquicarbonate, and |-..do.______i 
monohydrated. . 
THIOTALE.. .... rm mig rE RN A SRS EAE RRs 5) me AO ss mast 
Jbloride or salt, in bags, sacks, or other pack- |._.do_______ 
hloride or salt, in bulk. coup -oQOamin 
THER. comping mm np poms 
‘hromate and dichromate. .co-caecraacaaaa-.| Zound.._. 
MLTR cpm wm m min = mii mim mem eimai fears Wass as 
“OITOETRBIAB «veniam mama Hyp) 
(VAIIRIAD. oer EB ARE RRA SRR fi, Teagan 
AEI0 emcee mmm em aman m emma meme 
dxalate. cence macadamia cmc emcee fame Jaman 
>hosphate (except pyro), n.s. Dol... ______|-_cn_.__ 
Shosphate (except pyro), containing lessthan |._. co _. 
45 per cent water. 
NHEOBROIIAB. oc wr wes iwa wham swe sms sofa cD oasmns 
Sulphate, crystallized. o.oo ooooecraaoeooaao]oodooolll 
Julphate, anh YAroNS.. cuisine sammmnin| see vie 
sulphide, containing not more than 35 per |-..do..._... 
cent sodium sulphide. 
sulphide, containing more than 35 per cent do... 
sodium sulphide. 
JNO0EBL. cision ai memes ess wm mss HA bea 
DIR, oc ccgrnsn peguenmmspemisnsamane nmin wll 
3isulphite and metabisulphite..coccoeaeoooat doo. 
ThIoSUIPRBI0.- cs noun mmm mimes se sa wns Li 
Total, Paragraph. cceeemmccaccmcmccmcmmnne. do... 
Jodium hydrosulphite, hydrosulphite compounds. ._.do..__ .. | 
3ulphoxylate compounds and combinations and -do_____.. 
Total, paragraph. coocevemeccmccmcvcnacan. odOoaas 
12, 403 821  .066 128 124 
33, 880 1,142 L034 85 Free 
210, 534 o> 08 | L023 263 263 
108,252 “game | Trea TTTTTTTe Tar 
35, 208 1,005 | .020 83 8 
2, 595, 107 | 96,025 | .037 38,927 38, 92; 
7 210, 103 52,877 | 007 7,931 7,931 
19, 082, 208 Lo | .o01! 34,358 34,358 
1,752 ag7 | TIRE TUTTLE 
20, 112 L120 402 4 
1, 624, 586 136,441 °° 32,492 32,47 
109,179 47601 1 546 5 
107,739 4158 .( \  m4848 4,8 
2, 690 28¢ 104 70 ( 
9, 63%, 905 40,193 022 98,105 | 147,32 
25, 000 550 022 125 37. 
3, 585, 935 125,288 035 | 31,322 53, 78¢ 
3,100, 160 17,651 006 1,384 1,38 
7. 156, 800 79.742 .0L1 6,390 9 58; 
836, 590 17,056 020 3,137 3,13 
3, 376, 425 166,301 | .020 62,823 62, 89° 
149,235 3,187 | L021 560 ° 560 
995, 364 30,699 | 031 3,733 3,737 
2, 054, 427 46,640 | .023 7,704 7,704 
62, 969 1331 .o021 236 or 
107,135, 572 1,307,756 |.o_.. 36,015 410,00 
389,123 68,482 | .176 23,969 | 23,960 | 35 per cent... 
448 70] 156 25 25 1... Au. 
mre fr eee fp eee 
389, 571 68, 552 I 23,994 23,904 
cent per poundaaceeeeaarecmeaaco 15.11 15.11 
TOO ooo] 7.42 Free. 
5 cent per pound-.___.....__._..! 5.36 5.36 
reents per Pound. cor ecmmeen femmes 
“cent per pound. cococeooe.o 8.11 8.11 
relB miter] B90) 5.70 
4centsperpound......._______ 40.54 40.54 
cents per 100 pounds__.._.____| 15.00 15.00 
cents per 100 pounds__—..________, 55.50 55.50 
cents per pound. eaeeeaeeooeo | 25.00 ec, 
{ cents per pound..--—......____| 10.68 10. 68 
sents per pound. -cee-eeaeooo___.| 34.90 34. 90 
erll0e rw mr mm magmas naman] 2 81 23. 81 
‘cent perpound......o_____.| 5.70 3.9 
yeents per pound... .._____ 1116.60 116.60 
3 cents per poun@u. oe eeoeooo.| 75.00 23. 04 
cent per pound. ceovomemeoaoat 22,31 33. 46 
“cents per pound. ceeeeeaeao. 22.73 68. 1F 
welll nen spaces mmsnnnany 28, 00 42.93 
1 per tOn. encima] 7.84 7.84 
Bper ton moe 8.01 12.02 
4 cent per pound. .aceeeaao_____.{ 18,39 18.39 
{centperpound......_._._____| 37.78 37.78 
jeent perpound eee. 17.56 17.56 
iP Bo pc cim ann nm an wamanaanwsass] 1510 12.16 
wm Immmsdnnsneienessssauneneesl 16,82 | 16,22 
mwa mmm mn me 17.48 17.48 
ecmemmmmmmmmm momma mmm. | 25.70 | 31.43 
cme SB per Cent eee 35.00 "35.00 
doo oll 35.000 35.00 
35. 00 35.00 
49.45 70. 64 
14,76 22.14 
©, 27.45 
0 10. 67 
Le 28. 50 
<.38 Free. 
43.99 60. 45 
43.83 58. 45. 
25.11 | 40.18 
U. 87 39.79 
33.80 48. 68 
1,306 25 Der €8nbu acne oceceecmcmaneneennf 25 PET CER 25. 00 25. 00 
24,800 0 cecemcueeccnecmmemammeo mere QO eo... 25.00 25,00 
BY LeessilllbcsumminmnssisansnnmasprenmejormetiBuonwmneeensmmsmenismeseieis) 2500 125.00 
90,881 LiveuiOinwinsunmmmernnmannnmnnssseslinsei@Bumommmmieninnnnsmmimenes) 25.00 1 95.00 
5,426 | 15 cents aN OUNCO.erueneeennen--aa--| 20 cents an ounce_..._...___.....__] 48.21 64. 23 
202 ceeec@O0e mecca femme @O | 20.30] 39.15 
5,628 rere illnsenmmemeneneneemmenenened ceeaelO aol] 47.13 62. 83 
83 | 
34 |! 
8 | 
Potato... cic iiammsicominnnanmnmanmnmns suunmunss wunQlummnsne 
Jtarches, N.S. Po fore ee vcmam emma bdo 
RICO. cecmaaccccmcrcncreanamemmamemnanmammmeaan]eea@Ooe une 
JOD ccenccmcnenrc cree samneamcacaneemanmeon|oa 80 cual 
Wheat. . oo eomccacaccrmnnmm————- do... 
ATTOWIOOt «eer cme cor aman nnn JOcecans 
Total, paragraph oc ccocccaccccccomae ema. 200.0 
84 Dextrine, made from potato starch or potato flour." .. _do.___... 
84 Dextrine, 1, s, p. {., burnt starch, dextrine sub- _do._... 
84 Soluble or chemically jreated starch.....ceweeem- ..do._... 
Total, paraglaPh. «cvs sincangasensnnmanmnns  ollluwes 
Strontium compounds: 
Carbonate, precipitated. o.ocooooooaoooo.. Monn 
NIETO comme coc cmccmccmmam mmm mmmeme Ot 
Oxide cc eeecacmcccecccrmemmmccmmcenaammaen AO. 
Total, paragraph. ooo... .do__... 
86 | Strychnine alkaloid. ..occrooccaaoccmeucaouoaoo-.| Ounce... 
86 | Other salts of strychnine. ..ouoceuovaaecueeaan __|ooodo_.. 
| | Total, paragraph... ccmicencearcnccanconcfaad0.n 
Footnotes at end of schedule, page 13. 
17, 216, 209 609, 319 
222,778 15, 094 
365, 723 19, 985 
1, 600 225 
26, 893 1,414 
1,250, 000 81,250 
19, 083, 203 727,28 
1,331, 169 68,329 | 
367, 711 18, 304 
1,144,739 57,546 | 
2,843, 619 144, 170 
301,284 | 430, 40¢ 
2,228 3,34 
3,657 5,48’ 
1€ ‘ 
26¢ 40 
12,500 Free. 
" 319,954 ' 439, 66C 
. 051 29,951 39,935 
, 050 | 4, 597 7,854 
. 050 14, 309 22,895 
48, 857 70,18 
36 | 
92, 908 5,584 1,39¢ 
1,767, 550 99, 579 24, 89% 
2, 205 241 6 
Bo A _ 2 
1, 862, 663 105,404 __. 26,351 
27,132 8,441 | .311 | 4,070 
1,008 516 | .512 151 
28, 140 8,957 |oeoeew. 4,221 

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