Full text: Comparison of rates of duty in the Tariff Act of 1930 and in the Tariff Act of 1922

Comparison of rates of duty in the tariff act of 1922 and the tariff act of 1930—Continued 
imports, calendar year 1928 [ Cerdpl id Ji on 
Actual or com- 
puted ad valo- 
rem rate 
Act of Actof 
1922 1930 
Per cent|Per cent 
50. 00 50. 00 
50. 00 50. 00 
Act off Act of 
1922 | 1930 
Unit of 
Rate of duty 
i Value : 
Quantity | Value oe Act 07 1922 | Act of 1930 | 
Act of 1922 
Act of 1930 
233 | 233 | 
233 233 
tlabaster and jet manufactured into vases or 
other articles. 
gate, rock, crystal, and other semiprecious stones 
Soh Sh SRE of, not suitable for jewelry 
1.8. p. I. 
srmemnrrrnnfenemnrnenene| SRE, BE [oeneen.| $00,325 | $110,126 | 50 POF COE. emer annr ana 
196,496 |__| 98,248 98, 248 Joo 0 weemcmmeenceoaeeeaaneonn]onon dO. 
50 per cent mao. 
Total, Paragraph. -ooeeec ore or] 416, 747 208,374 | 208,874 | .__.. oo F000 
1640 | Burrstones bound up into millstones..__...____..| Toz......., 2 84 | $42.00 13 | Free. | 16 Der cent -—........ooooeomenned| es 
Granite: oo =— = —— REE lee 
i EB —— Cubic fest. 142,907 | 2 ” | 2.00 oa | 85,726 15 conts per cubic foot. .oouowouamn. 8.801 14.82 
SSR RR tt rr ound ._._. 5, : 3 » 5 re Ry RB RRR 3 J 
andstone, limestone, free stone, lava, and other | 5,745,326 3, ? 146,077 50 per cent 50, 00 60. 00 
monumental or building stone, n. e. s.: i 
Quarry block, rough..._....._.._...._.___.__; Cubicfeet. 279, 866 269,965 | -. 961 41,980 41,980 15 cents per cubic foot............ 15 cents per cubic foot..._.........| 1561 15. 61 
Hewn, dressed or polished _________. 7277) Pound... | 1,084,256 | 40,589 | .037 20, 205 905 50 por GORE oT per Gent. «oir i 50.00 | 50.00 
Travertine stone, unmanufactured...........___j bi ammmmefeimeoceaeoi|acmeooo... 15 cents per cubic foot... _... ’5 cents per cubic f00b. o_o. ii ae|eceenen 
Total, paragraph... ww 794,073 |... 205,442 | IEW vr: SR eli 95.87 30. 74 
JEON fens sip pep TOs 1,583 114,874 | 72.567 | 2,770 | Free. $1.75 DET FOB coneeeecanmmcemneens| pron 2.41 Free, 
lates, roofing, chimney pieces, mantels, slabs, |._______ 7 7\ 44,778 |... 6,717 11,195 | 15 Per Conte vovonoeomoenenaonr oj 25 PET CeDE ooo ooooeooeoo] 15.00 | 25.00 
and other slate manufactures. | 
Wateh Crystals. «oo omen eeeneneeeeeeeeeeeo| Gross... 131,608 159,272 | 1.209 95, 563 95, 563 | 60 Per eent____...._._..........| 60 per COL. e2ececmcneremecnracecns] 60.00 | 60.00 
Total, Schedule 2, for which comparable caleula- |______._____i___._.__.__.. 5,925,814 | _______| 25,511,007 | 20,985, 159 [rortccmcrmuemcimoeocamnanaeonem ann iann eccmeceaceaneces| 45.62 83. 62 
tions have been made. Sooo Ty mm] k c ; 
34 1 
35 | 
35 | 
35 | 
(n the following paragrapns rates of duty are 
o classified for some articles in the tariff act 
of 1930, that the rates of duty therein can 
10t be applied to available import statistics 
‘or those articles for 1928. Available data for 
these noncomparable items are shown below: 
Statues, statuettes and bas reliefs, wholiy or in 
chief value of plaster of Paris, n.s. p. f. 
‘fanufactures of which plaster of Paris is the 
material of chief value, n. s. p. f. 
fica splittings: 
Mies films and splittings o.oo ooonieiioL 
Not cut or stamped to dimensions... ..._._ | 
Jot above 12/10,000 inch in thickness _________|¢FPound._..} 3,496,353 
Dver 12/10,000 inch in thickness.............._. 
1440 | 
35 percent. ....._. een] 60 per cent or 35 per cent. ..___._. 
37.314 | 
<0. 560 
35.00 |-eeeee 
i, 025, 790 | .203 | 
307, 737 |e. 
25 DOL COMb « — oo eee eee 
30 per cent. ooo !40 per 4 AY 
30.00 |... 
Total Schedule + 
17, 034,918 — 
25,849,308 |... 
50 Imports, 
Zountervailing duty. | 
mport statistics not segregated to show quantity and value of glazed and unglazed. 1t is assumed that all are unglazed. 
neluding countervailing duty. =~ ] 
- verage unit value would not be indicative of dutiable value of the various commodities subject to duty under the paragraph because of the great differences in price, quality, decoration, or types of articles. 
Rate of duty on crude magnesite changed by presidential proclamation from 546 cent per pound to 1342 cent per per pound, effective Dec. 10, 1927, 
Rate of duty on caustic calcined magnesite changed by presidential proclamation from $§ cent per pound to 154s cent per pound, effective Dec. 10, 1927. 
Imports not segregated. 
9 Not comparable. See figures at end of schedule, 
! Partial. ~ See additional figures af end of schedule. 
2 Rate of duty on fluorspar containing not more than 93 per cent calcium fluoride changed by presidential proclamation from $5.60 per ton to $8.40 per ton, effective Nov. 16, 1928. 
3 Included in “ Other manufactures of n, s. p. 1.” 
$ Included in “ Unmanufactured, valued at not over 15 cents per pound,” and “ Scrap mica.” 
8 Estimated. 
8 Duty calculated on ad valorem rate only; specific rate of 10 cents per dozen pieces not included; estimated at 55 per cent. 
7 Import statistics not segregated to show imports of toys. Act of 1930 transfers toys to paragraph 1513. : 
¢ Import statistics not segregated to show quantity and value of imports of curling stones, which are transferred under act of 1830 to paragraph 1665. 
# Imports for manufacture in bonded warehouses amounting to $26,139 are not included. This item did not enter into domestic consumption, 
' Rods transferred from paragraph 231 to paragraph 218, 
Hand blown 75 per cent, machine blown 25 per cent; calculated at 75 per cent. 
Rates of duty on window glass (cylinder, crown, and sheet glass, unpolished) changed by presidential proclamation, effective June 13, 1929, as follows: 
Not over 150 square inches, from 134 cents per pound to 17§ cents per pound. 
Jver 150 square inches and not over 384 square inches, from 134 cents per pound to 214s cents per pound, 
Jver 384 square inches and not over 720 square inches, from 156 cents per pound to 27{e cents per pound. 
Over 720 square inches and not over 864 square inches, from 134 cents per pound to 25% cents per pound. 
Jver 864 square inches and not over 1,200 square inches, from 2 cents per pound to 3 cents per pound. 
Jver 1,200 square inches and not over 2,400 square inches, from 214 cents per pound to 336 cents per pound. 
Over 2,400 sqiuare inches, Irom 234 cents per pound to 334 cents per pound. Z 
3 Specific orl. Fase that none of the foregoing shall be subiect to a less rate of duty than 50 per cent ad valorem,” on glass weighing less than 16 and not less than 12 ounces per square foot (imports not segregated 
or applica TOV. . 
#4 Polished cylinder, crown, and sheet glass takes same rate as cast polished plate glass, and under in act of 1930 is transferred to par. 222. . 
2% Estimated. For purposes of calculation, it is assumed that 50 per cent of the bracket “over 720 square inches" is transferred to the new bracket “over 720 and not over 1,008 square inches.” Equivalent ad valorem rate is ealeu- 
red for groups instead of by brackets, . 
6 Import statistics not segregated to show thickness of glass. Therefore, the provision for a minimum rate of 50 per cent ad valorem on glass one-half inch or more in thickness is not applied. 
Rates on polished plate glass are as follows: 
Not over 384 square inches, 1214 cents per square foot. 
Iver 384 and not over 720 square inches, 17 cents per square foot. 
ver 720 and not over 1,008 square inches, 1714 cents per square foot. 
Jver 1,008 square inches, 1934 cents per square foot. ] 
ates of duty on cast polished plate glass, finished or unfinished, and unsilvered, changed by presidential proclamation, effective Feb. 16, 1929, as follows: 
Jot exceeding 384 square inches, from 121% cents per pound 10 16 cents per pound. . 
Jver 384 square inches and not over 720 square inches, from 15 cents per pound to 19 cents per pound. 
Over 720 square inches, from 1714 cents per pound to 22 cents per pound. 
Import statistics not segregated for full application of rates of duty in act of 1930. The disproportionate increase in specific and minimum ad valorem rates, respectively, renders it necessary to apply rates by total brackets, 
* Import statistics not segregated to show imports of broken glass or glass waste. Act of 1939 transfers to paragraph 1555. 
! Imports not segregated for application of rate, if polished, 6 cents per superficial foot additional. 
+» Import statistics not segregated for full application of rates of duty under act of 1930. 
Minimum content of calcium fluoride changed {rom 93 per cent to 87 per cent.

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