Full text: Comparison of rates of duty in the Tariff Act of 1930 and in the Tariff Act of 1922

Comparison of rates of duty in the tariff act of 1922 and the tariff act of 1930—Continued 
Paracraph | 
Rate of duty 
Actual or come 
puted ad valo- 
ram rate 
| . 
Imports, calendar year 1928 Con op on 
Unit of 
Act of| Act of | 
1922 | 1930 
quantity | Value | ee | Act of 1022 | Act of 1930 | 
Act of 1922 | 
Act of 1930 
Actof | Actof 
1922 1930 
ontaiu'ng over 0.6 per cent of any metallic ele- 
ment used in alloying steal: | 
Valued over 214 cents, but not over 334 cents ' Pound... 
per pound. 
valued over 3% cents, but not over 5 cents | _do....___ 
per pound. 
valued over 5 cents, but not over 8 cents ABs 
per pound. 
Jalued over 8 cents, but not over 12 cents | _do__..._. 
per pound. 
alued over 12 cents, but not over 16 cents |...do..._...| 
per pound. 
7alued over 16 cents ner mono 
RHA m—— do. _.... 
$13 | 0.8 cent per pound plus 8 per cent.| 0.8 cent per pound plus 8 per cent. oA zr 5 
11,987 | 1 cent per pound plus 8 per cent...| 1 cent per pound plus § per cent... 20.55 | 20.56 
10,342 | 1.7 cents per pound plus 8 per cent.| 1.7 cents per pound plus 8 per cent.) 31.61 31.61 
4, 868 | 214 cents per pound plus 8 per cent. 2}4 cents per pound plus 8 per cent.' 31.40 31.40 
4,400 | 334 cents per pound plus 8 per cent.| 3% cents per pound plus 8 per cent 34.11 | 34.11 
'5, 992 | 28 per roped pero) 28 POL CONt annua 28.00 | 28.00 
ATB02 | ooeormoeeoemnca reece To0.07| 20.97 
mupie| (E38) EEN eee BEEmtEEEo jester pound ) 2.32 
1,825, 616 92, 575 | L019 | 24,128 | 24,128 0.5 cent per pothssrnen 0.5 cent per wy 2.06 | 26.06 
1,972,273 61, 608 ,081 i 15,778 | 15,778 | 0.8 cent per pound. .....--co-..-.| 0.8 cent per pound. cceeeoooooooooa] 25.61 25.61 
3,751,353 ! 1686, 589 L044 37,514 37,514 | 1 cent per pound... ..__-_... Lleent per pound. ceoomeaall 22.52 22.62 
5 3, 200, 000 217, 600 : . 068 | 54, 400 78, 400 | 1.7 conts per pound...-.eeoceme---. 2.45 cents per pound. _._........ 25.00 36.03 
i 5,314, 734 | 356, 692 | . 067 90, 350 90, 350 gordo 1,7 cents per pound. -acoenrouuaa-o 25.33 25.33 
557, 140 59, 451 | .107 13,928 13,928 | 215 cents per pound. _...ooooee--- 234 cents per pound. moo 23.43 23.43 
1,180,378 173,782 © 147 41,313 41,313 | 315 cents per pOUDd.--...-...._... 3% cents per pound. -....o........| 2.77! 28.77 
174, 962 | 35, 216 | . 201 7,043 7,043 ! 20 per CODY wean mmm] 20 per Gent. ooeoococcemmnooeaoeo| 20.00 | 20.00 
179. 791. 204 Thema om 728.230 | 754.899 TT eerie 24.40 | 26.40 
304 | - 304 
04 304 
04 | 304 
04, 304 
04) 304 
wel 30a! 
04 | 304 
304 304 
304 304 
304 | 304 | 
304 304 
Steel bars: 
Valued not over 1 cent per pound... ovememaneae.i.. do... 
Talued over 1 cent, but not over 114 cents per |___do....___ 
rated over 134 cents, but not over 214 cents |.__do....... 
per pound. 
ralued over 21% cents, but not over 334 cents Onn] 
per pound. 
Talued 314 cents, but not over 5 cents per don] 
raed over 5 cents, but not over 8 cents per 
nound— ’ 
Hollow bars, drill steel, ete. woo... edo... 
Other. occveonamommamm mmm mca cama aanes =-G0uunnn| 
7alued over 8 cents, but not over 12 cents per |___do__..... 
valued over 12 cents, but not over 16 cents per do 
5lued over 16 cents per pound... | __do....__. 
TAD] mame emmmemammamennemannan] G0... 
Joataiping pr 08 I cent of any metallic element 
used in alloying steel: ; 
Valued ad 1 cent, but not over 134 cents per |___do..._.. 495 5 .010 2 2, 0.3 cent per pound plus 8 per cent. 0.3 cent per pound plus 8 per cont.| 
Valued ov 114 cents, but not over 2}4 cents |___do._..... 20, 358 508 025 142 142 | 0.5 cent per pound plus 8 per cent. ~~ 0.5 cent per pound plus 8 per cent | 
per pound. . 
Valued 270 214 cents, but not over 3% cents |___do._.__._ 843 29 034 9 9 | 0.8 cent per pound plus 8 per cent. 0.8 cent per pound plus 8 per cent 
per pound. ; 
7alued pve 314 cents, but not over 5 cents per |___.do....._. 1,223,128 54,812 | 045 16,616 16,616 | 1 cent per pound plus 8 per cent. 1 cent per pound plus 8 per cent... 
_pound. . 
Pe por 5 cents, but not over 8 cents per |___do_...... 7, 555, 874 458, 355 | . 061 165,118 165,118 1.7 cents per pound plus 8 per cent. 1.7 cents per pound plus 8 per cent.’ 
- ned oer 8 cents, but not over 12 cents per |. _do___._._ 1,065,280 | 116, 313 . 109 35, 937 | 35,937 | 214 cents per pound plus § per cent. | 214 cents per pound plus 8 per cent. 
alned os 12 cents, but not over 16 cents per |_..do.....-.. 438, 454 58,825 133 | 20, 012 20,012 | 314 cents per pound plus 8 per cent. 334 cents per pound plus 8 per cent 
ralued over 16 cents per pound... _..____|___do-..... 700, 157 175,454 L251 49,127 I 49,127 | 28 Der Cent. oceeecccrmcmnnncne 23 DOT CODb eee 
OLA roeeormemnemmmmmmmm meena] a0s canna] 11,004, 508 863.801 O78 | 286,063 26.968 ioeoeoioieecemecene co ommmmmemmmmeseesicceseessseoooes 
hay 2 plates fees steel circular-saw plates) 
and steel, n.s.p.f.2 
Valued gar 1 cent, but not over 134 cents per ' a 5,493, 813 74, 089 | ois! 16, 481 16,481 | 0.3 cent per pound - ee 0.3 cent per pound. --c-cecceeens’ 22.257 22.25 
Valued over 114 cents, but not over 2}4 cents |. _do__....| 1,276,845 20,052 | 016 6,384 6,384 | 0.5 cent per pound. _o—.o.-..—..| 0.5 cent per pound. -...oc.eem-n--| 31.84 31.84 
0! . 
Pps 214 cents, but not over 3% cents |.__do__.__. 37,051 L214! 083: 296 206 | 0.8 cent per pound. —.oo-eoeoee---| 0.8 cont per poOUNd._ooceoeneannoo| 24.42 24.42 
er » y 
oh 314 cents, but not over 5 cents per |___do.._.... 608 28 | . 040 7 7 1cent per pound.....oceavacnnvo- | CODE POE POUNG.nnronconcconmann| 24.83 24.03 
OU; . 
Joe 5 cents, but not over 8 cents per |___do...... 115, 538 | 8,031 | .070 1, 964 1,964 1.7 cents per POURd..eeeeeoeeoc. L7 cents per pound. —c.ocecnmmeens| 24.460 24.46 
od 8 cents, but not over 12 cents per | dO eeen 60, 743 6, 691 | .110 1,519 | 1,519 | 214 cents per pound. .............. 2}4 cents per ponder] 22.70 22.70 
Palnd ger 12 cents, but not over 16 cents per |... .do_.__.__ 9,320 : 1,345 | L144 327 327 | 314 cents per pound. ......._...-.. 334 cents per pound... ...........| 24.28 loam 
7alued over 16 cents per POUNd..ereeececene | doo... 67,022 21,203 | L316 | 4,241 4,241 | 20 per cent. .oooooemmnmcaanenacee 20 DET COOL Leo eeooiemean] 20.00 | 20.00 
a _—— fe mm pe 
Tatal meer] 00 7,061, 039 132,653 | .010 a1, 9v" 31.910 mmm nm———— cmemmmeieeee- 23.53] 23.83 
be 08 Dot of any metallic element Co - 
1sed in alloying steel: 
by 5 cents, but not over 8 cents per -do....... 22,814 1,789" .078 531 831 | 1.7 cents per pound plus 8 per cent. 1.7 cents per pound plus 8 per cent. 
7 alued a 8 cents, but not over 12 cents per |...do.._... 11,369 1,307 L116} 389 389 | 214 cents per pound plus 8 per cent. 74 cents per pound plus 8 per cent. 
Vi a Sree 12 cents, but not over 16 cents per |...do_..... 24, 501 3,632 1 .148 1,148 1,148 | 834 dents per pound plus8 percent 3% cents per pound plus 8 per cent 
Valued over 16 cents per pound... wemaeeoofo G0.ceeee_ 100, 480 20, 769 | . 206 | 8,335 8,335 | 28 POL CBOE unc ocmemmmcncanmnnns + 28 DOL COD eee 
TOE] neem meee cmmm mmm meena meemeaonna oe a@Oue ol 159, 164 36.497 | L220 | 10.40% TAS econ mnonmmmmmmn mmm dii Jo BARS tn 
Fantnntas nt and of schedile. nage 36. 
304 | 304 
304 | 304 
04 | 304 
oa | soa! 
qa! apa 
504 | 304 
304 304 
304 304 
304 304 
304 304 
304 304 
104 304 
104 | and | 
04 | 
504 | 
304 | 
29.70 | 20.70 
20.75 | 20.75 
31.61 | 3L61 
28.00 | 28,00 
8.50 | 28.60 

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