Full text: Comparison of rates of duty in the Tariff Act of 1930 and in the Tariff Act of 1922

Comparison of rates of duty in the tariff act of 1922 and the tariff act of 1980—Continued 
Imports, calendar year 1928 | Compass iss on 
Rate of duty 
Unit of 
| Actual or com- 
puted ad valo- 
: rem rate 
Act of Act of 
1922 | 1930 
Quantity | Value | Jal Act of 122] Act of 1030 
Act of | Act of 
| 1922 | 1930 
Per cent| Per cent 
$1,106 | $0.073 | $294 $204 | 11960 cents per pound. .........._.| 11%o cents per pound. ....--......| 26.58 | 26.58 
518 L111 128 128 | 234 cents per pound. ..............| 23 cents per pound. .....c.ooceao.| 24.70 24.70 
1,219 . 130 351 351 | 8% cents per pound. ..............| 3% cents per pound. ..coceenneoo..' 28.75 28,75 
3,478 . 252 730 730 | 34 cent per pound plus 20 per cent.| }{ cent per pound plus 20 per cent.| 20.99 20.99 
6, 321 . 147 1, 503 | it I. 23.78 23.78 
Steel circular saw plates: 
304 | 304) vated ove: 5 cents but not over 8 cents per | Pitas] 15,075 
304 304 Vanied fuer 8 cents but not over 12 cents per I 4,652 
304 304 - Valued ver 12 cents but not over 16 cents per |...do....___ 9,347 | 
304 304 Valued over 18 cents per pound... “do._____. 13, 791 
Total o_o... moan Ayn 42, 865 
Containing over 0.6 per cent of any metallic 
element used in alloying steel: 1 
Valued over 8 cents but not over 12 cents [~e 1] 86, 120 9,906 | .115 | 3,161 | 3,161 | 234 cents per pound plus 8 per cent_| 234 cents per pound plus 8 per cent.| 31.91 | 31.91 
per pound, 
Valued aves 12 cents but not over 16 cents |._.do_...___ 11, 046 1,450 L131] 530 530 | 3% cents per pound plus 8 per cent. | 33 cents per pound plus 8 per cent_| 36.57 36. 57 
per pound. 
Tok cn nnsss subnmnminm ema mm mm wes mmm mae do... 97, 166 11, 356 L117 3,691 3,691 EE — i 32.50 32. 50 
Total, paragraph... .. _____._._...._.__" doo...) 246,113, 712 4,928, 496 er] 1, 291, 300 | 1,350, BBE |r imimpinmnais ei mais rem —————————————. meena] BB) 27.58 
Cem le LL —_ ————| min emmy 
Alloy steels: 
Bolypsepyn gin in le of 6 per cent— 
teel ingots, blooms, billets, ete... : 
Steel DATS. oo wooo oon TT )oto | 3,026 eee 1.967 
Tungsten content in excess of 0. 6 per cent— 
Steel ingots, blooms, billets, ete... .....__ . 
Blea] DATS... ocunesiviimmiiditmm meanness ! 
Sheets and plates and steel, n.s. p. f_.____|}..do._____. 29,236 |-ooommamee.. 
Steel bars, cold rolled, cold drawn, cold . 
hammered, or polished. 
Total, BE le 32,262 |. ooo_.e...|._......| 023016 | $37,386 emma 
Total, paragraphs 304 and 305.._..__... ao] 246, 113, 712 4,929, 496 — 1,314,316 | 1, 396, 898 A 
oe ee eee ee ee 
Definition of steel .._._.._.._._.....__.__.._____... a cmmaelimmmec mma] ema. A WE a rm rr 
oiler or other plate iron or steel, sheets, common 
or black, not thinner than 19%{goo inch, and 
skelp sheared or rolled in grooves: | 
307 Valid set 1 cent but not over 3 cents per |.__do....__! 17, 807, 727 
pound. : 
307 ! Valued over 3 cents per pound...._...__....._|...do..._... 59, 044 
Tatal, paragraph... .____.._.___|.__doe..._. 17, 966, 771 
3heets of iron or steel, common or black and skelp, 
valued at 3 cents per pound or less, and sheets 
or plates thinner than 0.109 inch: 
Thinner than 0.109 but not thinner than | ..do.._...] 
0.038 inch. , 
Thinner than 0.038 but not thinner than 0.022 ' _do.__.... 
Pinner than 0.022 but not thinner than 0.010 ._do..___. 
nch. . 
Valued over 3 tents per pound-....__.__..._....._do-..... 
Corrugated or CO over 5 sans |-00- 10 
Corrugated or crimped, valued over 3 cents |.__do...... 
per pound. 
“ontaining over 0.6 per cent of any metallic ' _do..___. 
element used in alloying steel. 
Total, paragraph. __...__.._..._.___.._ 
Galvanized and other advanced iron and steel: 
Galvanized or coated with other metal— 
Bar iron, valued over 334 not over 5 cents | Amnon 560 
per pound. 
Wire rods, not smaller than 28400 inch in do__..__ 8. 811 
diameter, nail rods, and flat rods up 
to 6 inches in width, valued not over 
4 cents per pound. 
Toop, band, orscroll iron or steel and bar- 
rel hoops, § inches or less in width, 
valued at 3 cents per pound or less— 
Thinner than 3% not thinner than | ..do.. eer] 
1094900 inch. 
Thinner than 2°%oo0 not thinmer |.__do...... 
than 334000 inch. 
Thinner than 3{eo0 inch.____....____|._.do.._...} 
‘beets of iron or steel, common or black 
and skelp, valued at 3 cents per pound 
'T less, and sheets or plates— 
Thinner than 19%og0 not thinner donne 
than 384000 inch, 
Thinner than 39400 not thinner than |...do.___.. 
224000 inch. 
Thinner than 234000 not thinner than J 
194000 inch. 
Valued over 3 cents per pound....._..|__.do.__.. 
otal. innnsn seers foo O 
footnotes at end of schedule, page 36. 
4.374 | 65 cents per pound. _.._____.___..| 65 cents per poUNA. _.---omeeeeelooeeceeaeees 
305 305 
305 3056 
305 305 
305 305 
72 ONS POr POUNA - ceennenm cco jeca canna cceoen 
ei | 26. 68 | 28. 34 
cemem em mr me —mmmm mmm mel mmm mo 
200,586 | .013| so,530 | 895% | 0.5 cent per pound. ...........__  0.5cent per pound. ............... 
10,817 | .183 2,163 | 2,163 | 20 per RU [| <2 J — 
260,403 |e | 0L702 | 9L702 |e 
wy | 
37.37 37.37 
20.00 | 20.00 
36.62 | 36.62 
308 | 308 
308 308 | 
308 | 308 | 
308 308 ! 
308 308 
308 308 
308 308 
765,318 | .018 © 189,473 | 189,473 | 0.45 cent per EET 0.45 cent per pound. - —eeemooeo. 
13,586 | .018 4,218 | 4,218 | 0.55 cent per pound.._...._...... 0.55 cont per pound. ooo... 
114 . 027 32 32 | 0.75 cent per pound. _.oo....... 0.75 cent per pound. oo oeeeee-. 
7,814 L287 1,463 1,463 | 20 per ont. ooenocaoeiioen. 20 DOL COM eo eeaeaees 
5, 242 . 064 612 612 1 0.75 cent per pound-._—......._._. 0.75 cent per pound... oo..__. 
23,793 . 004 4,759 4,759 | 20 por Cento eeoceeeeeoooo. 20 DOF COD oom 
104 ,1331 29 29 | 28 DOT CMY acm ee cemeeceacee. SDB COD ooo 
R15, 471 — 200, 586 | 200, 586 ees EEE 
24.76 | 24.78 
3.04 | 3104 
28.04 28.04 
20.00 20.00 
11. 68 | 11.868 
20.00 | 20.00 
28.00 28. 00 
24.00 | 24.60 
7 | 1.2 cents per pond. 1.2 cents per pound.........._.__ | 30,55 | 30. 55 
24 10.5 cent per vound__.._...__..... | 0.5 cent perpound........_.._____ i 26.611 96.61 
300 | 309 
300 | 30 
200 | 300 
10,361 | 0.45 cent per pound... ...c......| 0.45 cent per pounda...__________| 23.73 
2,359 | 0.55 cent per pound. ...__...._...| 0.55 cent per pound......_...____| 19.45 
325 | 0.75 cent per pound. .............| 0.75 cent per pound......._....___| 25.72 
309° 309 
300 309 
300 | 309 
ng ane 
2,530 | 0.65 cent per POUR. ..-..«.......| 0.65 cent per pound. .--..........| 30.84 ' 30,84 
14 | 0.75 cent per pound. ..._..........| 0.75 cent per pound. ..___......_..! 25.43 ' 25.43 
38 | 0.85 cent per pound........_....._| 0.95 cent per pound...___..._...... 95.00 95. 00 
254 | 0.2 cent per pound plus 20 per cent..| 0.2 cent per pound plus 20 percent. 22.96 22.96 
PBL Los cssmmmnssmmnsmonss stn tumnuen mwmwmassesnmemnnasesmammae 2 23.91

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