Full text: Comparison of rates of duty in the Tariff Act of 1930 and in the Tariff Act of 1922

Comparison of rales of duty in the tariff act of 1922 and the lariff act of 193N—Continued 
| . 3: 
Imports, calendar year 1928 ' Comps duis on 
Actual or com- 
puted ad valo- 
rem rate 
Act of 1922 i Act of 1930 
Unit of 
Act of | Act of 
1022 1030 
er | Value 30 | 
Juantity | Value ns | Act of 1022] Act of 1930 
Act of | Act of 
1922 1930 
Pen, pocket, pruning, budding, eraser, mani- 
cure, and other knives with folding blades— 
Valued not over 40 cents per dozen. .......| Number... 3,704,108 
Valued over 40 cents, not over 50 cents |. _do_..-... 311,736 
per dozen. 
Vainas over 50 cents, not over $1.25 per niimns 101, 456 | 
Valued over $1.25, not over $3 per dozen..|___do...-... 19, 141 
Valued over $3, not over $6 per dozen_....|_._d0o_u-___ 38, 287 | 
Valued over $6 per dozen_-_..__..........| ..do....._ 34, 504 
Assembled, but not fully finished— 
Valued not over $1.25 per dozenocuoc cones!  c@0mmanss 2,854 
Valued over $1.25, not over $3 per dozen..;...do...ea.. 8, 959 
Valued over $3, not over $6 per dozen.-._._..d0ome.-. ‘8,139 | 
Valued over $6 per dozen... cuceococcaocloon@Ommmaenn 7, 669 
Blades, handles, or other parts— | 
Valued not over $1.25 per dozen._...__..__|__.do_._.__. 198 
Valued over $1.25, not over $3 per dozen..| __do....__. 300 
Valued over $3, not over $6 per dozen.._..|___do_..._.. 1,143 
Valued over $6 per dozen... oococeeo]i dO iaenn. 463 
Suticle and corn knives, nail files, tweezers, |.__do 247,325 
forcens. and parts of 
Total, paragraph... o.oo... |...doo... 
able, kitchen, butchers’. artisans’, and similar ! 
wmtlery: , 
Table, kitchen, and butchers’ cutlery, 
cleavers, forks, and steel— 
With handles of shell, ivory, horn, or |___do._._.. 
metal other than iron or steel, nickel | 
silver, or aluminum. ; 
Nith handles of rubber, bone, celluloid, [nedOoenaen 
pyroxylin, casein, or similar materials. 
ith handles of other material— 
Less than 4 inches long... __._..........|...do.._.... 
4 inches long orover.._.___...........l___do__._._. 
‘Without handles— | 
Blades less than 6 inches long-.....-.\__.do_i..... 
Blades 6 inches or over_____.___......l.__do....... 
Hunting, curriers’, farriers’, hay, tanners’, | 
painters’, shoe, beet topping, and similar 
<nives— } 
With handles of shell, ivory, horn, or dic un 
metal other than iron or steel, nickel 
silver, or aluminum. 
Vith handles of rubber, bone, celluloid, | _do....... 14,470 
pyroxylin, casein, or similar material. 
~ith handles of other materials— , 
Less than 4 inches long. oo_ee....l___.do.l__.__ 12,387 
4 inches long or over... ccoceeoooo|. do... 8.576 
Without handles— 
Blades less than 6 inches long.........|...do....... 1,221 
Blades 6 inches or over... __....|._.do....... 216 
Total, DBEREI. orcs wereeln 0vies ww 592, 804 
ower or hand machine knives... ..._.__....._.|]...do_.__.. 190, 332 
‘nigsors, shears, and clippers: 
Pruning and sheep shears and blades for— 
Valued not over 50 cents per dozen.-.._...|___do..__.. 12, 535 
Valued over 50 cents and not over $1.75 |___do_..... 420 
per dozen. 
“alued over $1.75 per dozen __ oo... |...dO..._.. 47,316 
TOs mums wis: Sw endo 60, 271 
Other scissors, shears, and blades for— | 
Valued not over 50 cents per dozen_._....|_..do__.... 375, 080 | 
Valued over 50 cents and not over $1.75 |___do_. ..._ 308, 565 
per dozen. 
Valued over $1.75 per dozen .— -.eeveon..f. do. _... 412, 572 
Fatal | iiiicimececeeeemceeenleeaGOon Lol 1,006,217 
Clipper, nail, barbers’, and animal— 
Valued not over 50 cents per dozen. .......|...do.__... 18,324 | 
Valued over 50 cents and not over $1.75 |...do._.__. 10, 098 
per dozen. 
Valued over $1.75 per dozen _..._..........|...do.__... 34, 029 
Total ceo cciecedeee | eedO oa 62, 451 
Total, paragraph. . cusssnusssnmeronunsuene 0 mans 1,218, 939 
358 358 Safety razors, handles and frames_............[...do__.... 34, 445 
358 358 Blades for... .oooiieeeiiiiciceaiadocdO.oo_..| 69,602,131 
; - 
| Total nnn] e618 es 
Footnotes at end of schedule, page 36 
$87, 900 
16, 634 
28, 603 
5. 252 
386 | 
19, 980 
$97, 160 | 
21, 035 
16,634 ° 
30, 410 
28, 603 
, Per cent| Per cent 
I cent each plus 50 per Sa ensnd 144 cents each plus 50 per cent...._| 86.42 95. 52 
3 cents each plus 50 per cent_.___..| 5 cents each: plus 50 per cent.......| 172.76 | 172.78 
11 cents each plus 55 per cent... 11 cents each plus 55 per cent_.....| 167.14 | 167. 14 
18 cents each plus 55 per cent_.____] 18 cents each plus 53 per ecent__....} 142.28 | 142 928 
25 cents each plus 50 per cent....._; 5 cents each plus 50 per cent......| 113.99 | 113.99 
35 cents each plus 55 per cent......| 5 cents each plus 55 per cent.___..| 94.97 94. 97 
‘5 cents each plus 55 per cent._....| 5 cents each plus 56 per cent...._.{ 146.28 146,28 
8 cents each plus 55 per cent 27) 8 cents each plus 55 per cent..._..| 138.64 , 138.64 
'5 cents each plus 50 per cent......| 5 cents each plus 50 per cent_.....| 113.11 | 113.11 
35 cents each plus 55 per cent......| 5 cents each pius 55 per cent__.___| 98.38 96.38 
1 cents each plus 55 per cent__._.., 1 cents each plus 55 per cent._..._| 236.50 236, 50 
+8 cents each plus 55 per cent__....! § cents each plus 55 per cent_.....| 131.06 131.06 
?5 cents each plus 50 per cent... 5 cents each plus 50 per cent._._. | 106.92 106. 92 
3b cents each plus 55 per cent_..... 5 cents each plus 55 per cent_.._..| 98.68 98. 68 
Moereent. ......oooeoceaooo____.. Der cent cemeeeeao2l 60.00 60. 00 
98.77 | 102, 60 
19, 080 
247, 994 
54,030 | 707 | 
363 | 
213 | 
57, 42% 
2, 530 
34,814 16 cents each plus 45 per been] 16 cents each plus 45 per cent_.....| 54.37 | 
30,715 | 8 cents each plus 45 per cent_.._.._| 8 cents each plus 45 per eent_._____| 67.38 
9,884 | 2 cents each plus 45 per cent...._..| 2 cents each plus 45 per cent_______| 60.77 
7,424 | 8 cents each plus 45 per cent.._.___| 8 cents each plus 45 per cent.......| 67.04 
2,161 | 2 cents each plus 45 per cent_____..; 2 cents each plus 45 per cent....._| 54.40 
2% 630 | 8 cents each plus 45 per cent... | R cents each plus 45 per cent....__.| 38 93 
54. 40 
58. 93 
.505 | 1710 2,449 | 2,449 | 16 conts each plus 45 per cent... 14 cents each plus 45 per cent......| 54.36 | 54.36 
326 | 3,218 3,278 | 8 cents each plus 45 per cent.._.... ’ cents each plus 45 percent_.____.| 69.56 69. 56 
1,893 | -153 | 1,099 . . 1,099 | 2 cents each plus 45 per cent___...., 2 cents each plus 45 per cent___.._.| 38.09 | 58 0g 
2,524 | .384 1,662 1,662 | 3 cents each plus 45 per cent______.| 8 cents each plus 45 per cent....._.| 65.84 65. 84 
100 | .089 | 73 73 | 2 cents each plus 45 per eent..._| 2 cents each plus 45 per cent_..._..| 67.40 67. 40 
55 . 255 42 42 | § cents each plus 45 per cent_____. | 3 cents each plus 45 per cent.......| 76.42 76.42 
238,509 |.eoeeoo. 146,131 146,131 | 62.56 | 62.56 
i AE) 256 620 
76,502 | L402 15,312 15,312 20.00 | 20.00 
468 L037 | 649 849 38.75 | 138.75 
54 L129 87 87 161. 67 161. 67 
32, 646 | . 690 | 24, 154 24,154 73.99 73.99 
33,168 | 550 . 24, 890 24, 890 75.04 76.04 
13,746 | L037 19, 313 | 19,313 | 314 cents each plus 45 per enn] 315 cents each plus 45 per cent.____| 140.50 | 140.50 
37,973 .123 63,373 | 63,373 | 15 cents each plus 45 per cent......| 15 cents each plus 45 per cent____. ' 166.89 | 166.89 
164,981 | .400° 156,756 | 156,756 | 20 cents each plus 45 per td 20 cents each pins 45 ver cent... 95.01 | 95.01 
——— ee fe — 
216,700 | 10% 239, 442 239, 442 wveeaee 110.49 1 110.49 
751, .041 979 979 | 314 cents each plus 45 per J 314 cents each plus 45 per cent___._ 130.40 | 130. 40 
378 0.136 2,133 2,133 15 cents each plus 45 per cent......| 15 cents each plus 45 per cont. 7] 155.32 | 155.32 
18,628 | 547 15,188 15,188 | 20 cents each pls 4a ner ant | 20 cents each plus 45 per cent......| 8L54| 8L54 
| ——— | — rei iin 
20, 752 I .332 18, 300 18, 300 88.18 88.18 
pm I a 
270 RN R32, 632 282, 632 104. 44 104. 44 
: 38.79 38.79 
194.19 194.19 
reeeanl 181.04 | 181. 04 

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