Full text: Comparison of rates of duty in the Tariff Act of 1930 and in the Tariff Act of 1922

Comparison of rates of duty in the tariff act of 1922 and the tariff act of 1930—Continued 
Imports, calendar year 1928 | Gai duties on 
Unit of 
Actual or com- 
puted ad valo- 
rem rate 
Quantity | Value Lal Act of 1922 | Act of 1930 | Act of 1922 
Rate of duty 
Act 2 Act of 
1922 1930 
Act of | Act of 
1922 1930 
Per centl Per cent 
cents per pound... oecooaeo....{ 35.97 35.97 
ents per pound. oo ooeoooooo...| 5.40 5.40 
fcentsperpound.........__.__| 5.72 5.72 
1s cents per pound............___| 82.71 32.71 
i mn 30.97 30.97 
— | ——y 
dine metas. i 
oz | 3 Zn i, pigs, or slabs, and dust.._____.__ Folds. 202, 153 $14,213 | $0. 049 | $5,113 | $5,113. i34 cents per pound. oooonne oo. 
9 Sheets. nena dO 5, 904 © : 
395 394 Zine sheets plated with nickel or other metal_| “do... 8 20 2 oe 2 | do » S000 Tp DOIG grr: 
305 | 304 Old and wornout, fit only for remanufacture..|_ "do... 5,670 | 20 | 04 | 35 85 | 35% cones id EL ————— 
Total, paragraphe--.._.____....._________| do... 305,350 | 17, 274 — 5,350 | 5350 |... eee 
] Print rollers and print blocks: = ® 
iy 2% fi TOLER. ew wrm mewn amma mm mena Number. 352 | 7,771 | 22.077 | 34 5,595 7,365 | 72 percent 34. onion. aach plus 72 per cent_...._ 72.00 94. 65 
» Cy or tea wrt mm wm ins 55500 mom ] 28 65] 2.321 39 39 60pereent.. ....___....______.. pereent.... o.oo... 60.00 60.00 
| eee eee (2) [) mmm | amen fame 30 DET conto. ooeoooo._.| oOpercent... . ._.__.C_______T_, 80.00] 30.00 
Total, paragraph. _.__._..ooc.oo.o.._._____ Bn 380 7,836 |... 5, 634 7,304 [rrr smcnsmsmenegepopmpinn  THI0 | GLH 
99 | 306 Mechanics’ 8001S meme wm TT femme 
Manufactures of metal, n.s, p. f.: 77 TTT ( TTT TTT Tent Teen . 
Progeus metal wares, 2 Ss. p. L.— 
atinum manufactures, not jewelry______ | 
Other plated ware except cutlery and Bun, voy 3 
jewelry. } TTTTmmmeeslrmeenton meee 
Gold-plated articles... ____.._._____._____ | 
Platinum-plated articles. ____..____  ____7|/T7TTTTTm mmm mmmemee ey 
Gold manufactures, ns, p. foo... | TTTTTTTrmm Teme mem meee 
Sterling-silver tableware. _.____________ [|The Em 
Silver manufactures, n. 8, p. fo.________ il TTTTTmTms Teme smomnnes 
Told lacquered GRE permanent Rm Em 
3,146 | 80.667 | 1,888 | 2,045 | 60 Der 0ent. ._._..oooooooo..| 65 PET COOb. ooo 
£98, 988 |... 419, 393 | SM, B42 LevnunlB piu papi diame gaa o |e wea 00; mem se mm mm em 
66,321 [ocooeeos| 99,703 | 108,109 ooo GOiemoioiies emo oeomnOm oo 
6,461 | oo.. 3,877 4, 200 sesso. TTI de I 
30,378 |oooo..| 23.627 25,596 |. do... III IIIT I ag TT 
184,033 |-C_I0| 410,420 | 119,621 |oo--ldo. oll lIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT TI IIIT 
£9,422 | _..._._ 233, 653 253, 124 Tre ee 
64,246 |._._____ 38, 548 AL, TE ed ecammrismmmmemistmmssan srs iit a A BA RS remms 
661,905 | _._..| 931,190 1 1,008,707  .--d0ueooiemmiioiaene. A 
50. 00 
50. 00 
50. 0 
50. 02 
30. 00 
50.00 | 
46. 00 
35. 00 
85. 00 
85. 00 
85. 00 
85. 00 
309 397 
0 07 
00 | 306 
300 | 306 
300 | 307 
399 | 307 
99 | 307 
wl ag7 
iron or steel wares, n. s. p. {,— 
“Manufactures of wire, n. s. p. Fr | 
7, RR Wu TTT ae 
Yighanins fo In. s. p. fone bon... e0t 
ther twist drills, reamers, ete., n. 8, p. fi) Pound... |" 
dinges and hinge blanks... Pol... = = 
Builders’ hardware, n. es... __ [777mm 7 9 
ron or steel manufactures, n. s. p. f., not |e Trem 
nlated. m—————_— 
From Cuba. ceo EE 
Jonferrous metal wares, n. s. p, f.— : 
Aries manufactures, not plated, |.________ 
n.s. p. f. i 
Copper manufactures, not plated, n. s. p. f_|_____ 
3rass manufactures, not plated, n.s. pf _|_ 7777777 —— 
Manufactures, not plated, n. s. p.f., from | ~~ 7TT TT T7|TTTTTTemmn 
Cuba, EE 
jronze manufactures, not plated, n.s. p.f |. ___ 
«ead manufactures, not plated, n.s. pf. | __"7TTC i 
{ickel manufactures, not plated, n,s. p, f_|____  _--°"7TTTTTTTTTeon 
sine manufactures, not plated, n, s, pf. | TTT momma 
>owter manufactures, not plated, n.s, p.1.| __-77TTTTT|TTrTmmmeen 
Pin manufactures, n.s. p. fo _______ _ ~  7|TTTTmomeereepmoonoomm nee 
Fi Imes s, Pes EE 
Upholsterers’ nails, thumb tacks, n.s. p. {| Pound. |=" "1 290 
Jther metals and compositions and ol] Ponte 1,29 | 
nfactures, n. s. p. f., not plated. | Three 
from Cuba... mmm mm me eee ee 
Potal. on © eee B 
Ilectrical apparatus, n. s. p. f— 
Switches, circuit breakers, fuse choke | __ : 
roils, reactors, sockets, cut-out attach- | Tm 
ment plugs, and other distribution 
ndustrial electric furnaces and ovens ___ | Number 3 84 oo QO uo. 40. 00 35. 00 
“herapeutic. apparatus and X-ray me. | Moar] 3B J rr reef ress, 008 | 540 
chines. TTmTmTTTEmnmmmmmmeer ’ ! 
Telephone apparatus, n. e.s.._.._...____ | ___ . 790 AO do. 40.00 
Blectie apparatus aid pats, 5.3.11 1111122 TT 200, 864 1-222 don 2 IIIT Ie IIIT 1000 | see 
TObRL oe eee] ee 207,014 |-ceenen tmecammmcmmcneneanneaaa| 40.00 | 35.00 
Vehicles, except agricultural, n. s, p. f.— ) . 
Cp aun parts for railways—metal chief | Pound. __. 2,193 2,125 | .969 850 956 | 40 per OBE nnn mmm] 45 POF CBN. oo cmecec aceon] 40.00 | 45.00 
“arriages, drays, trucks, and other vehi. : 
Fes Gnd bart, b. 5. p. -metal eh f---do....... 24,511 1,685 | .069 674 788 | B00 40.00 45.00 
rr iid ees mmr] oil mimi 
26, 704 | 3,810 | . 143 | 1,524 | 1,714 loos ——— seseremmmmmramnlem ee arane remem ams nee] 40.00 | 45.00 
421,657 |cccacann 168, 663 189,746 40 percent... ....__. tS perecent oo. ooo... 
2,226 | 6.115 890 | 1,002 oe dO a0 es AR 
285,344 fo... 114,138 28,405 j-eeadoooL aL e————————— i SE 
11,014 | .539 4,405 | 4,07 |e ann ee RI RT ER RE 
69, 007 .073 27, 603 | BLD" owned cmmmmommmmn mmm mms fu in RA RRA Rm wm 
53,190 |eeeneon. 21, 276 ZR ii icine EE PR GEER rm tm mm mmm 
+ 990, 866 cob 796,346 1 895,890 (--oa-O.ooioooo tn EE hm msm mre mr ——— 
121 136 | 40 per cent less 20 per cent........_| 45 per cent less 20 per cent.__.._... 
er 1,275, 124 [moe ieeaas RS 
113,801 |oeaeees) 45, 556 51,251 | 40 per LL ——————— 45 er cent. omooooeeeeeaeeen. 10.00 | 45.00 
86,789 |.ooeoo_. 34,716 89,055 amano @Ou odo... 10.00] 45.00 
TL 902 |vsmnnsn 684, 798 770, 396 A eel _.llo. 10.00 45.00 
150 [cvismmnn 48 54 | 40 per cent less 20 per cent......_. 1b per cent less 20 per cent..____._. +2.00 36. 00 
726,612 |... 290, 645 26,975 | 40 per cent... _ mmmmonms FH PEC ccvnenvrmen men Ry 3 0.00 45.00 
134,995 | oooooo 53, 998 BO, 748 |i mee€ Vem ee FY nme rss esses amtannan, O00 | 45,00 
185,471 | eceaoes 74,188 83,462 | cea” mmm seme! Janne neem mnenannn 0-00 45.00 
115, 784 |.oooooon 46, 314 52,103 {---. mn t— ————————— ws i een mms mom en 0.00 45.00 
91,231 fooooo 36, 492 41,054 |... ———————————— HR ron ym ene mmm on 1.00 45.00 
252,263 |.ooee 9, 905 13018 [ees EAA HARES H5E wma ——— TL 15:00 
7, TH |ccvegunn 3,009 3,480 lo... po mee fre moe emnO0 cian. LC 45, 00 
354 |. 200 142 3 fot Yn RR ra cents per pound ....—._.._...._ 10.00 | 10.45 
4,040,035 |- Tou 918,016 | ._..¢ irmmeemmemeeen BER CRDG eile... 40.00] 45.00 
127 143 | 40 per cent less 20 per cent_.._... 15 per.cent less 20 per cent_...___. 32.00 36.00 
2, 187, 042 | 2, 460, 209 | Sr ————————— RR ERA em 40.00 45.00 
40 percent -....._......o...{ 35 D6 CONE. enn emreneoaannoeanean 40.00 | 35.00 
00 5.00 
00 5.00 
“00 5.00 
00 5.00 
200 15.00 
0.00 45.00 
0.00 15.00 
12.00 | 36.00 
10. 00 45.00 
99 | 
397 | 
09 | 307 
99 | 307 
we | 307 
9 97 
08 | 107 
09 | 807 
oa | 397 
PY 367 
yo | 57 
09. 397 
99 331 | 
300 | 347 
a9 | 397 
1 353 | 
» | 27 353 
99 | 27 353 
09 | 27 353 
99 1 27 $53 
g9 i 
ORAL eee don 
footnotes at end of schedule, page 36.

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