Full text: Comparison of rates of duty in the Tariff Act of 1930 and in the Tariff Act of 1922

Comparison of rates of duly in the tariff act of 1922 and the tariff act of 1930 
[The equivalent ad valorem rates are calculated from the quantity and value of imports in the calendar year 1928] 
Imports, calendar year 1928 | Corse Suis on 
Unit of i 
Rate of dito 
: ' Actual or com: 
puted ad valo- 
rem rate 
Lot of Act of 
1022 | “1580 
Quantity | Value 
Value | | 
| ve unit] Act of 1922 | Act of 1930 
Act of 1022 
Aot of 1930 
| Act of Act of 
1922 1930 
me — 
Jigar wrapper tobacco: ! 
Unstemmed— . . Per cent Per cent 
Under general tafe] Pound....| 5879,810 | $12,517,168 $2.13 ls1z, 347,601 ($13, 376, 568 | $2.10 per i pT TITTY $2.2734 per pound... eecenuone. | 98.65 | 106.87 
From Cuba. eecmceevncramcecnecencacmeeeen]o-.d0 - oo. 195, 986 533,279 2.72 329, 256 356,695 | $2.10 per pound less 20 per cent....| $2.2734 per pound less 20 por cent...| 6174 66.87 
Total cigar wrapper tobacco, un- ~ 
SYOIOMEA. oem fone | 6,075,796 | 13,050, 447 |ocooees| 12,676,857 | 13,733,263 neo oceoooeoemcemmeemmmmme|ome mmo mem em mmmmmemm mm emeemenes| 97.14 | 105.28 
Stemmed....-oooo. SR matron pe ma iy RR RAR ER ai ¥ csnsamms BOTS DOT porn $2,923 per pound... ooo eons] —ememenfeenaenea 
Total cigar Wrapper tobacco. ........._.|.__do.—.... 6 075,796 13, 050, 447 |e onne-.| 12, 676,857 | 13, 733, 263 eee eee | 97.14 | 105.28 
Jigar filler tobacco: i - TT 
Under general tariff _...oooevueoeeoe.__|._.do.____ 35 cents per gh 35 cents per pound..o.—..ceceen_...| 68.73 68.73 
From Cuba. ooo dol 35 cents per pound less 20 per cent.| 35 cents per pound less 20 per cent. 35.46 | 85.46 
Total cigar filler tobacco, unstemmed._.|.._do_.__. RRR] DADE 85. 57 
stemmed — . . ere 
Under general tariff... _..........___.._| _ do. __ 50 cents per pound. ..___.___.....| 50.84 50. 84 
From Cuba acon ceecmaeeeeoL Cdo 50 cents per pound less 20 per cent. 42.47 42.47 
Total cigar filler tobacco, stemmed...._.|.__do.___ mmmeeiecmenancenaaanoan| 42.48 42.48 
—— ee |e 
Total cigar filler tobacCO-mmeeeeoee |. do... wn nmmmmmmmnsnnnamnessesns] WBE] A238 
- pl Sp—— 
‘her leaf tobacco, including cigarette filler: 
Under general tariff... ____._....____._} do... 
From CUb8. oeommee meee do LT 
Total other leaf tobacco, ete-—-....._.__|._.do..____ 
Total, paragraph... ooeeomeeeeneo | ._do..__. 
dministrative Provisions. om ee eoeeeoeccmmaeoo_________ 
'1 other tobacco, manufactured or unmanufae. 
sired, n. s. p. fu: 
Under general tariffi— J 
Tobacco manufactures, 0. 8. D. f....______| Pound 
Tabacco unmanufactured, SCrap. .o...._.|___do.. _— 
Total under general tariff... cooocmenen.. eeaGO. 
from Cuba— 
Tobacco manufactures, n. s. p. f....._...|...do. 
Tobacco unmanufactured, Scrap. -----....|" do. .00| 
Total from Cuba. ...ceueenocacamnnncesd __do...___. 
"Total, paragraph... | _do___. f 
Cobacco, snuff, and snuff flour: 
Uni ae sais 
nufl and snufl JOUr eee} go. 24,972 24, 631 L899. 13,735 13,735 | 56 cents per POUR. --oneneeae| 65 cents per pound..-.............| 55.76 | 5576 
Stems, cut, ground, and ii Sm 1,525 2,186 | 1.43 839 839 |oeoealOenn mann. ign swnnlB et annem te—— 5.38 | 32.28 
Total under general tariff. _.____.______ HB rn 26, 497 | 26,817 |... 14, 574 14, 574 sosailitins snsmommnsimmpsamins sents Muti bommmetum mans mana merin 54.35 | 54.35 
ree a teil ne i a 
Pros oe oh 
nuff and snuff our. ...eeooeo odo. 20 9 45 9 9 | 55 cents per pound less 20 per cent.| 55 cents per pound less 20 per cent.] 97.78 | 07.78 
Stems, cut, ground, and paiverizad oor] om] 6 5 .83 2 2 |emeea@0n ccm m ame sp Pou) Bh RRA an 52.80 52. 80 
Jee tt | te tere | ee tr [eee 
Total from AL 2 Mores, 1 12 {ocemcl0m cocoon @0 oo] B.5T | 78.57 
Total, PAIAGIAPR- ooo] ou 26,523 | 26,831 |______. 14, 585 J, 088 [pppoe —— ER 
. — —_———leee—— ——— eee pe | ——— 
Jigars and cigarettes: 
hi general iit . 
igars and cheroot8..eeeeeeeaceeen 4 do.____| . 7.101 | 37, 589 | 37, 589 | $4.50 per pound plus 25 per cent...| $4.50 per pound plus 25 per cent.._| 166.79 166.79 
Cigarettes and paper cigars, including | dono 10, 235 60, 860 60, 860 | Be un) ps pan EL ey ema b ores 102.79 102.79 
Total under general tariff..........._._| L— 17.3% 98, 449 | 98, 449 |-2oe0u er ameaceameameacanceamnimnn ennai One oceans] 120.43 | 120.43 
from Cuba— mee Swim rd Semi pe? 
Cigars and ee a 378, 687 | 3,260,910 ' 2,015,455 | 2,015, 455 $4.50 per pound plus 25 per cont $4.50 per pound, plus 25 per cent | 61.811 6181 
i i 0 : : ess 20 per cent. ess 20 per cent. : 
Cigarettes and paper cigars, Including | __do.______ 2.137 | -3.110 | 8,315 | 8,315 |e c0m mae lamer eesmmmenelenee On mms cmimneeeomcemnnnecennnc| 267.36 | 267.36 
Total from Cuba... do... 380, 824 | 3,264,020 |........ 2,023,770 | BUTI cnn mpninascnsmmnnnnmnnmmammmins: wml ppm s HS SS 62.00 | 62.00 
Total, a NS 398,160 | 3,345,766 |... 2,122,219 \ 9, 122 219 rmeeeeemseoneecmesesesrmsseenmeeden ae aseent eeenneeeeenmeeed 63.43 | 63.43 
= - = eee Te mee 
pata) id Aes commences] 88,120,541 |. ___| 28,382,868 | 20,411,835  ocumiescscmmmmmcummemmcassnamas  coacerecacomemesamesenencmmeneenns| 448 | 77.15 
Cotal from Cuba eeooooooeeo LL TTTITTTITT TTTITITITTTN 240198,083 [Loo o| 10,031 023 | 10,950 362 1eromommso meee oem Ty 45.18 | 45.20 
y ae ee |———— —— eee ee 
Total. Schedule OF memmmenamne| 62,318,624 |oeooo...] 30,314,701 | 40,871,107 |conomcmemeecae wmemrmmmomronemne ne snnnennnnnen] 08.00 | 64.78 
rrr som———— Sin ) — 
Includes filler tobacco when mixed or packed with more than 35 per cent of wrapper tobacco. 
Does not include duty-free imports from the Philippine Islands PE to 6326,334 pounds valued at $4,750,788. 
1196844—20 7 
01 | 
603 | 603 
03 603 
303 | 603 
603 603 
604 | 604 | 
604 Ald 
505 | 

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