Full text: Comparison of rates of duty in the Tariff Act of 1930 and in the Tariff Act of 1922

Comparison of rates of duty in the tariff act of 1922 and the tariff act of 1930 
{The equivalent ad valorem rates are calculated from the quantity and value of imports in the calendar year 1928] 
Imports, calendar year 1928 | Conrail outs on 
Actoff Actof ; 
1922 | 1930 
701 701 | Live cattle: 
Weighing less than 1,050 pounds. . ...-...-..--| Pound....| 233,833,575 
701 701 ‘Weighing 1,050 pounds or more. .....-- alOen 16,463,776 
Boel snd veal: 
701 701 BOS uo rm ea bm i 50 a AU wn 
701 701 v ea CMDB sim wwii om Soe pmme aC momma 
701 701 OB) ag sess RR RASS pra CU ere ce 
Tallow, oleo oil, and oleo stearin: 0 
701 701 Beef tallow... doo... 
701 701 Beef tallow from Cuba... | qo. oT 
701 701 Mutton tallow. oo ove do 
701 701 Oleo stearin.......... erence men] dO 
701 701 Oleooil edo 
1505 701 Albumen n.s.p.f.___. a en 
Unit of 
Actual or eom- 
puted ad valg- 
rem rate 
4 Value Let of | Act of 
Quantity | vale | VE a) Act of 1922 | Act of 1830 st 4g 
Fro _ mmf sessing 
| 2 pps iran 700 omy Per cent| Per cent 
18, 638,930 | $0.080 | $3,509, 004 | 134 cents per pound..___.______.__, eac cents per pound; 7001] 18.83 
$ 1,419,087 | . 086 | "300,295 |1'80.787,128 es per pound 227 pounds or more each, 3 cemis|l on } 133.84 
Der pound. 
3 cents per pound._......_._._._.__; 3 cents perpound.._....______._| 25.60 
3 cents per pound less 20 per cent__| 3 cents per pound less 20 per cent..! 12.68 
} cents per pound._.._.._._...____| 6 cents perpound..___..____.____.| 17.33 
4 cent per pound.._...___..______ % cent berpound...._...___.____.| 6.46 
4 cent per pound less 20 per cent. . 4 cent per pound less 20 per cent..| 4.62 
4 cent per pound-..___.___._.____ %% cent perpound........__.._.___| 6.69 
-cent per pound._........__...____| 1cent perpound..._...___._______| 11.23 
peB8 eg, remem G0 8.06 
free. _____._____ -------| Dried blood albumen, light, 12' Free. 
cents per pound; dark 6 cents 
per pound. 
ee) wa | 35.61 
32perhead-..ooeeueone ._..__| $3 per Be nenmreesaasenend 23.19 | 34.78 
wren ii ARR A Rem mt mmm wien SR Tn] ‘TODIRE 164.79 
244 cents per pound............__.| 5 cents per pound. ...._......___| 29.59 59.17 
4 cents per pound. _..______.____ "| 7 cents per pound... cocoa... 22.32 39.06 
REE mmm ts mms 4 meee 23.33 | 40.01 
% cent per pound_......__.___..__| 2 cents per pound..............__.1 5.68 22.74 
% cent per pound......__..__ "| 21% cents per pound.........._.__. 3.90 13.02 
reents per pound..__.__..___.__._| 3} cents per pound......_...__.... 6.64 9.16 
pnt en se Sem rere rm meri Wu wwwanm nis gamnisimimmmenenne] BIL 8.31 
Leent per pound.._....___________| 3 cents per pound. __________.____| 5.45 16.17 
4 cents per pound ..._..______._._7| 5 cents per pound... ._..__._.___| 29.14 36.41 
mT em ee em em meee mmm 4.81 11.66 
4 cents per pound.__..__.___..______| 6 cents per POU. coniccngmpmmnnes) 10.10 19.73 
rw Dna ER Reem errno II 7.04 10. 55. 
min atl i i ew mere errr meee llO nm mars m mma 1B 78 28.17 
rma Oe feeeandon CITI 30.77 | 46.16 
ld 25.54 | 38.31 
—_——— emma 
5 cents per pound _......__._.....[ 15 cents per pound. . mmm mmmenewain 1077) 10.79 
Total, paragraph... eo _________...|___do.._.. wees] 
Sheep, lambs, and goats: | 
Sheep and lambs... coo oooceeooocenann...| Number... 21, 802 
GOALS oo ono | dO 195 
Teats, mutton and lamb: 
Mutton, fresh... ____...o._.o....| Pound... 834, 699 
Lamb, fresh... | do... 2, 447,729 
Total, paragraph. ooo 
grrr ee] Pound... 3,619, 453 
Fresh POR. ceo | To. "7681653 | 
Iam, bacon, shoulder, and other pork, prepared 
or preserved: i 
Hams, bacon, and shoulders..____.____..____|___do...._. 900, 495 | 50,735 | 82,444 
Pickled, salted, and other cured pork......__|__.do...... 986, 937 50, 456 81,992 
LATA ene TT30 TTT 666 33 98 
Lard compounds and lard substitutes......_..____|__.do....... 1, 280 373 466 
i dai ——— 
Total, paragraph oo creeeomoaeeo doe 3,683, 17 ee 177, 306 429,430 
Reindeer meat... eooocoacccocmoneoeeeee_| dou. ge Tor 304 123 199 
FIO Ie aceon AO 4 3,695 1 568 260 39. 
VOIISOI - ceo QO 168, 679 35933, 213 6, 747 10, 121 
Game, 0. 8. Po funnel TTT 475,702 61, 836 130 19, 028 28, 542 
Total, Paragraph. oc oe oloeonoeoeneo | dome 102,487 | __.-- 26,163 39,245 
Sxtracts of meat, including fluid... _.___.._.._.... ---do._| £50,834 766, 086 | 1.391 82,625 82,625 
eats, fresh, prepared, or preserved, n. s. p. Lf, | = 
including pickled and cured beef, sausage, and 
canned meats: . 
Canned beef. __..eeereeeeccncmemeeeneeoeoont do......| 52,735,688 | L287,495 8,164, 141° 20 DOr COMb..o-oeooneoooooooo.. Scents per pound, mot lessthan20 20.00 49.15 
ver cent. 
Other canned meats... .c.coceeeeeoooo). doOeoooo.. 850, 308 129 21, 980 LOIS |. lsssanniniiesssmsenmm———— wlll awit slim ee mmmmannmume®  JG0 46.42 
2repared or preserved, m. 8. p. fo... ___ [| _do.. lll 14,827,342 .120 355, 338 889,641 A0ueecenocamoT TTE O's SY 72 
Bologna Sausage. «nvm eeacre eevee cree QO 7,422 .307 45¢ 466 0m cee eee RR 00 20. 00: 
Other fresh or dry cured meat sausage... | __do....... 276, 00€ 167 9, 207 16,560 +oendOoeme J IIITIIITITTII IIIT mmm 00 3597 
Beef and veal pickled or cured......._._______| __do._.____| 8,455 483 118 199, 756 07,800 weno IIIT IIT .00 50.79 
©dible offal (livers, sweetbreads, ete.)...._.__.|...do._.....| 3,753,822 142 106,304 . 225,229 ___ _ do... llTIITTITmmln Oe 0.00 | 42.37 
Meats, fresh, n. 8. Po fo ocean Cdoo ol 880, 834 2114 20, 139 52880 oe One I do I mm 0.00 52.49 
Total, paragraph. ...__ coool oo dOmeeoos|oes. 2.000, 673 | 4,907, 224 | sts mm i A mr ms J 49. 06 
Milk and cream: i 
707 707 ME. ionnnyp wm me ing unnnmuy ssasusnasssnind ANGER umm 5, 499, 424 955, 963 are os 137, 486 357,463 14 cents per gallon 3.___._._..__..| 5} cents pergallond__.._.__._..__ 14.38 37.39 
707 707 Sour milk and buttermilk... _.__.....___[ do... 132, 213 40,163 . 304 1,322 2,710. cent per gallon... ....._...__._| 2140 cents per gallon. ...._.....__| "3.99 6.75. 
707 707 | CPHL. cunanimmsnsnmsmmenssin nin mmm eos lr Hee 3, 620, 903 5,897,636 | 1.629 | 4724181 | 2,049,431 .0 cents pergallons._..____.._____| 56.6 cents per gallon._....__.......Is 12. 98 | 34.75 
Total, paragraph. ..cooceeooooommenconcioe G0 .n 9, 252, 540 | 6,898, 762 cue. 862,980 | 2,409, 604 me ee cteel! meee | 12,52 34.95. 
ere ee, ee = ——]. 
Jondensed or evaporated milk and related prod- PRR 
Cream powder... ....oooceoooernenn.o.....| Pound....| 1,826 | . 160 214 cents per pound.....__...___. 
Condensed milk in hermetically sealed con- 
Sweetened... ooooooooaoaaeioeneooo doe. 
Unsweetened... mooeoeooa co vcmmaceee|.oCoorn 
All Other. oo cae doo 
‘Whole milk powder. ..ooveceoooommmeneaecnns|odoo no. 
Skimmed milk Ed edo. 
"alted milk and compounds, mixtures, or |.__do._..... 
~~hstitutes for milk and cream. 
Total, paragraph. o.oo ooieomeeon]eaa@On aoe 877,180 |-veo._.. 148, 320 290,705 
09 | 709 | Butter ooo iieiiimneemiocemenneaadO.| 4,334 684 | 1,562,305 | .360 | 6 520,162 606, 856 
Footnotes at end of schedule, page 50.

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