Full text: Comparison of rates of duty in the Tariff Act of 1930 and in the Tariff Act of 1922

r 3 
Comparison of rates of duty in. the tariff act of 1922 and the tariff act of 1930—Continued 
| Unit of 
Imports, calendar year 1928 Goria duit on 
Rate of duty 
Actual or com- 
puted ad valo- 
rem rate 
Actof | Actof 
1922 1930 
Act of| Act of | 
1922 | 1930 
Quantity | Value |por tie] Act of 1922 Act of 1030 
Act of 1922 
Act of 1930 
Cheese having the eye formation of the Swiss | 
or Emmanthaler type— . 
At specific rate. ovo eeeeloceeooo | Pound... 56, 004 
At minimum rate... ____|___ 
Cheese not having the eye formation of the | Riomnnen| 88,500 
Swiss or Emmanthaler type— 
At specific le 8,783, 380 
At minimomorate o.oo... Ome 52, 585, 319 
Total, PRABIADR -—-eremceencnenne |. do... 79, 953, 003 | 
Birds, and pouliry live: = 
ive poultry. cee .. do 
From Cuba. cee aaa qo oT 
Live birds valued at $5 or lesss_______________ "Number. . 
Jive birds valued at over $5° .....__________ | do _. 
Sobwhite quail, live ooo TTT 
Total, paragraph... 
Sirs, dre or i 5 
Soultry dressed or Undressed. «eevee. _ 
“oultry prepared in any manner... _...______ p.. iid 5 iy 
Jame birds dressed or undressed-...._.__.__ "go "77" 316 384 
Jame birds eanned.. oor coenvmmeeeneoo TT 7d0 CTT 60, 447 
Total, PAragraph. oooeomoooeecueceee . _do__..| 6 354748 
iggs of poultry in the shell, frozen, whole eggs, = 
volks and whites, and dried whole eggs; yolks 
7] A 
Tggs inthe shell... ooo PD 
WVhole eggs, frozen or otherwise prepared or nn 
preserved. 3 nee 
igg yolks, frozen or otherwise prepared or | __do._ 
preserved. . TTT 
Tgg albumen, frozen or otherwise prepared or __gdo 
preserved. Tome 
dried Whole @gES--vumeenomocmrecrcaeneoeio___do__ 
dried egg YOIRS - «cmamecccnccmccmaeee do CT 
ried egg albUMeN «eee oem do 
Total, paragraph. ooo 
- E and ple : S00 por lord = 
orses valued not over per head. ..._____ Nu , 
Jorses valued at over $150 per head __._._____ ae Z iy i 0 iy oe g o 
Mules valued not over $150 per head....._____| "qo "TTT 9 "196 | 98. 000 ar | 
Mules valued at over $160 per head.....______|""7gq5" 77777" 3 981 327. 000 198 
“Total, Paragraph. c mmm oeaeoceo | do... 2,876 | 700,822 |--ceooe. 151,107 
ve animals, vertebrate and invertebrate: = = = - 
and DUITOS- wcoccommemmene | dol. 20 637 | 81.850 96 96 | 15 DOr CONb a meneame ccm mane 
DOE grr nt Lag2| seo) STOD| re) ras |.ooodo.. IIIT 
Other live animals (5p. 1 III 0 00 ele (TR RIS Rae 
Total, POIBBIADD = ome com scl coe BBTR BEL 78, 661 {mmm eO meme emamee eee mnee ne 
Honey, under general tarifl coo Pound___| 96,614 2,716 | .2% | 9,808 2,898 | 3 cents 
fom . 3 PEF Pond, «cuss sims: 
From Cuba... mee do ’ 600 Tar | L078 | 14 ""14 3 cents per pound less 20 per cent, 
Total, paragraph. ooo} do....._. 97,214 24,763 |... 2,912 2,912 eee 
mol 710 
no | 710 
nof 710 
01 710 
16 cents per pound, not less than 
3744 per cent.’ 
SSE, I, RO, 
- cents per pound, not less than 25 
ner cent. 
ene ae 5 A 
Per cent| Per cent 
7139.53 36.89 
37. 50 35.00 
7 cents per pound, not less than 
35 per cent. © 28,73 40,23 
25.00 35.00 
28.14 36.33 
11 711 
711 711 
711 711 
711 711 
“11 | 1682 
cents per pound. ..____..___..._ 
cents per goad less 20 per cent... 
Scentseach. _____________.. .... 
Jpercent...__._.._. ——— 
Scents each e._.__. m— 
cents per pound. ________._.__._ 
cents per pound less 20 per cent 
“cents each. nu- ws 
Bement Sika er 
«1.89 51.70 
12.00 33.33 
28. 64 28. 64 
20. 00 20. 00 
52.28 Free. 
24.63 28.97 
712 712 
712 712 
712 712 | 
712 712 
cents per pound..._____...._... 
J DED CONE cnn npn wa mmm 
s cents per pound... oooovoocuaoo. 
356 percent... cima. 
10 cents per poURA. vac acrcncanan 
ores Oc cg gi a 
mim DN wi A 
wT pm SRR as] 
22.48 37.46 
35. 00 16,34 
23.31 20.13 
35.00 48.13 
24, 55 33.80 
713 713 
713 713 
713 | 713 
13 713 
713 713 
713 713 
13 713 
83,226 | .200 22,930 | 28, 663 | 8 cents per dozen __....__........ 
948, 878 A177 18320,000 588,481 | 6 cents per pound 0... _______._... 
43,922 | .201 | 1132482 | 242,884 [deter 
95,756 | .158 | 103,386 | 66,708 |__.._do.1o Lo. neen 
450, 112 . 528 153, 408 | 153,408 | 18 cents per pound... .... 
961,976 | .449 786, 782 786,782 |oonec@0m moe meee 
L, 554, 080 565 495, 365 05,968 evr mol cram mmmmmiiiiim  n awawi 
8, 537, 960 lean 1,948,343 I 
65,610 | $30each. o_o iiiceenn 
85,241 | 20 per cent. ccevemacrcccecacoan.. 
60 | $30€8Ch. occa mraccnccemanae 
196 | 20 per cent... i ——— 
151, 107 |o meee mc come comme cme arone 
.0 cents per dozen -eovecwecannn-. 27.55 | 34.44 
21 cents per pound... caaeauaonooo. 33.83 62.02 
wl smensmnmmramasanmrnd 29.84 | 54.71 
eee0e me ecmeiiecceeee 38,00 69. 66 
8 cents per pound... -ecucacnc.. 4.08 34.08 
ceel0 cic ceaaeeen 40.10 40.10 
wanes amp mmimmawnmmmnal Sle 87 31.87 
35.18 42.66 
4 | 714 | 
14 | 71 
714 | 74 | 
4 | 714 
Beach 1 Lea. 48.90 23.99 
0 per cent Mo. 20.00 20. 00 
30 each few sneeerean 30, 61 30. 61 
0 per cent 11_ mecmeeaeeal 20.00 20.00 
mis wmmmniminnwuawwael AS 21.42 
i5 por eotil. onvnsmmmnrns imma 
creer Cl em tm ss hm 
ceQ0 ma 
ae mime 
so cm on sms mm sm sm nS 
3 cents per pound. _ ooo. 
J cents per pound less 20 per cent 
i5. 00 wb. 00 
15. 00 15.00 
15. 00 16.00 
15.00 15.00 
5.00 15. 00 
11.73 11.73 
30. 64 30.64 
11.76 11.76 
716 | 
716 | 
Halibut. ooo eee dO 
38I0ON. ecco TTT 
Mackerel oom TTT 
eS eo ane. 
resh-water fish... oococeamanmee TTT TT" 
rerring, frozen artificially. .ooeeeooo LTT g mT" 
8H, 1.8, D0 Fe comma angen en ws ath eee do... 
‘od, haddock, hake, and pollock...__.____"7771""" 4," 
ish n. e. s., skinned or boned in bulk or con. Sao 
tainer weighing with contents over 15 pounds,|™™™ ~"" 
almon, dried. .__...______.. 0 do. 
Lerring, dried... __ TTT" ee 
dried fish, unsalted—Cod, haddock, hake | ~~ ~~" 
pollock, and eusk eo oeeemeeeee 0 | 40 
Allother fish. ooo TTT TTT 
Total, paragraph... | _ do... 
720 718 { sardines packed in oil. . ooo |. do. ____ 
20 718 | Other fish packed in oil oo. TTT" TT 
"18 718 | Salmon, €anned  -oceo cea TTg TTT 
footnotes at end of schedule, page 50. 
1,357,977 : 87,160 | 2 cents per pound... c.coccmua.... 
3, 028, 342 | 120, 567 fucae QO ccm emcees 
2, 169, 342 UB, B87 Loman’ Dom ss seats se i imi 0 058 mi 
802, 045 JB, 04] Jumma mms eo ono is sn 
891, 000 8,010 | 1 cor” per pound... oceaae noo. 
i2, 458, 338 2 B83 Jeune Fummn wis sst is wm a i ide i im 
2,219, 299 FHB0. |emuent Jumneiisimmnns nmin tim mmn mmm ms 
1, 581, 794 15,818 |ocaecCOmmae rt ———————— 
829, 906 8,299 | aaealOmmnn cannes 
3,238,115 30,828  2%4 cents per pound. uoeeireeaneen 
4,225 4 134 cents per pound. ....___.._... 
, 036, 843 ey Bb. 0mm ce eme mmo 
3, 800, 000 | 456, 000 .., 500 15, 000 fromm eens 
2, 674, 000 430, 000 425 33,425 . FRG BATES we Smaps i, 
)2, 086, 226 9,375, 969 w———- L121,725 0 1,147,022 |. emeemndesemmmenaeaan 
29, 243, 203 5,154,491 L176 | 1,546,347 1 1,546,347 | 30 per Cent comme ceacaneae 
5,132, 716 1, 336, 820 . 260 401, 046 401,048 |-nnnGO0c coc cccrmceanan 
131, 000 14, 500 «111 3,625 3.625 | 25 per cent wm oe eee 
2 cents per pound-. o_o. ._ 
ier sms am 
cm CD cw 
i OLY i BT 
cent per pound. oaocceuaoaaoans 
mdi SHR RR ARH Sed 
TOO Bema ecececceaaanm aaa] 
~gnt per pound. .oaeeemmmmmcana- 
0 emcee mecca] 
4 cents per pound. «ceeeeomeaaoo! 
1} cents per pound. .coocaaeoa ol 
SRO wn mR 
214 cents per pound. cameos 
134 cents per pound. ._._______.__ 
50 Per COMM occa cece cmc 
se Pit ve 
wb DET CONE oo ee eee etme 
17. 65 
29. 69 
5 9.82 
au 22.45 
14 22.14 
1.96 | 11.96 
4, 99 24.99 
10. 42 20.83 
7.77 7.77 
11.96 12.23 
—_— ame 
30. 00 30.00 
30. 00 30.00 
15.00 25.00 
C 1 

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