Full text: Comparison of rates of duty in the Tariff Act of 1930 and in the Tariff Act of 1922

Comparison of rates of duty in the tariff act of 1922 and the tariff act of 1 930—Continued 
caragraph . 
Imports, calendar year 1928 Ll on 
Rate of duty 
Actual or com~ 
puted ad valo- 
rem rate 
Unit of 
\ct off Act of 
1922 | 1930 
; Value 
Quantity | Value |v we Act of 1922 | Act of 1930 
Act of 1922 | Act of 1930 
Act of | Act of 
1922 1930 
718 720 Kippered herring... coeeeccencrecrnaccresen—aae ‘OUNd_... 979, 920 $185,984 | $0.160 : $24,498 | $29,398 
717 720 | Fish cake material..ececemrccrccccececcncasarasee  «G0cacaan 1,437, 840 126, 491 . 088 31,623 31,623 
717 718 | Mackerel canned. .comcececccacmaccsaccaccuaamssne cal maaaan 472,225 53,812 L114 13,453 13, 457 
17 718 | Anchovies, In salt cove omen ccnmmmcccmrrmmemee oC Vaeoaes 4, 500, 000 670, 000 . 149 | 167, 500 | 167, 500 
717 718 | Other Bh... .onmsanninsnsmsossmssossassnssnpsnmien Sallummpme 4,814, 576 307, 395 . 064 76, 849 76,84 
Total, paragraph. ..ouweceeceaccacconcacn'aaal0manaa| 46, 711, 570 7, 849, 493 pp 2, 264, 941 | 2, 269, 841 
17 | 719 | Salmon, pickled or salted. ..ccecmccncanacemeecens =o@0c manne 644, 000 75,500 | 117 18,875 18, 87  mmaw 9 
Pickled or salted cod, etd.: 
718 719 Containing more than 43 per cent moisture..|...do._.... 7, 000, 000 210, 000 mn 87, 530 J 52,50 114 cents per pound... ..ooaooo.. 
718 719 Containing less than 43 per cent moisture..--.|-..do--..._| 20,000, 000 700,000 LC. 250, (2° 250,00 QO eecrermanenen——— 
718 719 Skinned or boned. ......ocooceaceeneacnezamannfeai@Omaan 1, 830, 000 184, 000 | 10} 22,875 36, 600 fre 00 omega 
719 719 | Herring pickled or salted in bulk or containers do. 1 46,439, 695 3, 064, 147 08* 464,397 64, 397.1 1 cent per pound net weight__.__. 
weighing with their contents more than 15 
, pounds. 
719  JAackerel, same as 8bOVe_ ocvcccnumnan-n main 8, 130, 849 36° 700 
719 ther BSB. ceooooeeciomcmoceoneoennen A 500,000 wd 
Total, paragraph. .cceavemcevcemvnannane  A0uaon..|_ 84, 544, 544 | 5, 82,047 ___ e 
Kippered herring, frozen. .oeceeeecaecccmccccacceac}eaa®o| 1,000,000 | El : 
smoked herring, dried. ccc cccaimamom memes’ amen 3, 521, 400 1 o , 050 ‘ 
3moked herring, boaters... coe mcacamcmmcmanfoonl lemmas 200, 000 2 200 
Smoked herring, skinned or boned. ..—ccaemmaacnnn}oc Coan 73,020 | 1,811 L107 3) 
Smoked finan haddie ocoeeaoacmccmccncmnanmanafoondoo as 1,237,452 107, 230 087 | 26, . 
3moked fillets and portions of cod, haddock, |...dn 6, 000, 000 660. 000 110 75. 000 
hake, pollock, and cusk. 
‘Total, paragraph. ...ococeemaononoooooo roid] 12,000 072, 1,77 ML tees. 289 Far a I 16. 78 25.70 
Srab meat prepared or preserved in any manner..|...d0-....| 12,506,130 | 4,8" oo T34,0.5 5 DOE COMbe nme emeemommemoonen| 16 DEF COE io ooioenmemnnen 15.00 | 15.00 
Fish Paste 20d BSH SAUCE - ~x -nemeemomomommemeomalon oC Von ’ 402, 676 Te 28,036 30 POF COME. --vo oom ooooomofononnnn| SO DEL CONE. eoeeemcmmmeeeeot 30.00 | 30.00 
Javiar for {00d PUIPOSES. como ccemccaoececamome]oee€ Mammo 472, 257 # 5, J HUT AIO oo dO moomoo oom mane 2me@Om eee cimmemeeeee 30.00 30.00 
Jther fish roe for food PUrPOSeS. - -—ceueerecamnvan|eaaC Ieuan 299, 492 3 16,79 59,898 dO. ---emnoeomememmnmmnnnnnn] 20 cents per pound Xo... 30.007 105.83 
AINE, CANOSA «emesis mn senna Emp al in 1, 671, 000 2,000 Free. 75,600 FTO. .oooooooomooooooooo_} 85 DEF CODY mecmmmmmmnmemmmaneena!  FTO8.1 35.000 
Total, PAIAgraPh. nmmeeemmeennaannfonnas one oo 5, 08° 777 1,027 “°° | 1,4 aemmmmammmemen  mmmesesswsmesmen-ceocm-om-ee-n-nnn| 16.87 | 18.82 
pms =m. = mmm; mem . 5 —_——— === 
Barley, hulled or unhulled...o..eeoceceeeeoooon...; Bushel.._. 7, 347 7.531 | 1.025 1,469 1,469 20 cents per bushel.._.._.._.......| 20 cents per bushel..___..._......| 19.51" 19.51 
Barley Mal. oo onemcmooeomomommomoommmeomoee--| Pound __ 865, 410 | 34,43 | 040 3,462 3.462 40 cents per 100 pounds...___._____| 40 cents per 100 pounds......-.---| 10.04 10.04 
Barlay, pearled . cowmuruummmsommms mummmmmmnnmmme| nasi ummmncn 706, 060 | 29, 081 L041 14, 121 14,121 2 cents per poun~ "| 2 cents per pound... .coweccenn--a| 48.56 48.56 
Barley flour and patent. uoocevurrinconmcecacac fee i@Omnnno 308, 030 102, 519 . 258 7,961 7,961 ....do._. + rene ———— A i pe awd) TH 4D | 7.76 
ee emi 
Total, PATAgTaPR . « oeeecue cam cmeccccie = —cmmaan 173, 604 {-cceenn 27,013 20,018 eerenm mm eem mem ese sessment stent soos 15.56 ' 15.56 
723 | 793 | SO 100 pounds| 31, 680 57,236 | 1.807 3, 168 7,020 10 cents per 100 pounds...........| 25 cents per 100 pounds. ...........| 5.53 | 13.84 
723 723 | Buckwheat flOUr .aeeemcoeaces coaaaaenaaan  -.| Pound____ o4, 127 | 2,378 | .025 472 472 14 cent per pound................-| ¥ cent per pound. ..ceeaeeeeoaooo} 19.85 10.85 
Total, PAragraDh cocoa ammaccle oceans smeemeceneof 59, 614 — 3,640 8,802 |eeeomommmmmmmnamcamenmnasmasmamennns|mamssemmmmmmmemnaneneoemeoae 6.10 | 14.08 
1658 | Grain Our, 1, 8. D. foveemomemmoooemeooemameeene| Poundo...| 12,495 1 001 | . 080 200 200 20 DEX CONE. o meee eeoemmemena] 20 DEF CEAL. ooo. 20.00 20.00 
1558 From Cuba... emooomomooo 40m ’ 720 "0! .125 14! 14 20 per cent less 20 per cent.........| 20 Der cent less 20 per cent.-....... 16.00 | 16.00 
JE seemed —_— 
Total, paragraghoooooueoeoiooon doo 13, 21% | D7 AN MU ————————————— YJ JU: 
724 | Zorn (Aint t¥D)-- - -—mmemmmmmmamcemennensmnnecnn. BUSHEL... 574,120 | j 616, 976 | 1.075 86,118 | 143,530 15 cents per bushel ___._..._......| 25 cents per bushel ___........... 13.96 23.26 
724 | Cracked CON ou eeoremnnnnanaeacancemencmemenmmnp = 200 ameann 9, 25¢ 10,510 | 1.135 1,389 2314 Oooo mmemcmmmmammmmmmon| mmm 00a ameeeaee 18.214 22.02 
724 | Corn meel, OUT, GIItS, 660. -------orn-----------.| 100 pounds 31 283 | 9.130 9 18 10 cents per 100 pounds_____..__.__| 50 cents per 100 pounds. .......... ~~ 3.18 5.65 
4 From CUDA. ever meencmcncmmmemnamaman——— do. ..... 66 n2% | 3.879 6 26 30 cents per 100 pounds less 20 per | 50 i per 100 pounds less 20 per ~~ 7.05 11.66 
cent. cent. 
Total, PATBGIRDH. em mememeesmces ac em|omnemmmennns meas 627,092 |--noo., 87,832 |  145,88¢ eeeeememommemmmmmnn. wmmemmmnmmasemasocsnssmmeeemeeess 13.94 | 93.23 
725 | Macaroni, vermicelli, noodles.....-eeocueenee._| Pound... 3,496, 118 369,951 | .108 68, 522 68,522 cents per pound.....oeeoeeeen-. CeOtsperpound Boo... 18.52 18.52 
796 | OBES.omooooooooooooooooooeeomeeseoneon.| Bushel...| 480,368 | 820,608 | .655 73, 406 78,200 i5 cents per bushel... ...eae.o.. Scemtsperbushel............. 22.90 24.43 
726 | Unhulled ground oats... ._o-ceaaccmccmeaaanaa-n-| 100 pounds] °3 113 | 4.913 10 10 45 cents per 100 pounds... ...... cents per 100 pounds........_.__| 8.85 8.856 
726 | Oatmeal, rolled oats, oat grits, and similar products.| Pound... 521,383 51, 147 . 098 4,171 4,171 30 cents per 100 pounds..........- cents per 100 pounds........_.__| 8.16 8.16 
— 2 ims sibiert mtir el eer cent mess 
Total, PAragraDN. «enc cvecercaccmeme cafeacumacamene mcmama mene 371, 76° .. 77, go 82,480  .eevccccnceme— ceuvammmmmman—. cmunemnmmmenanacmeacanunaunna] 20.87 22.19 
=== —_— —_—— er = . — | 
Rice paddy or rice having outer hull on... Pound... 3,423,646 . 169,368 |. 049 34, 236 42,796 cent per pound. ......ceceecn.. 4 COOLS DET pound... aeoe..._..! 20.21 25.27 
Uncleaned rice, or rice free of the outer hull, ete._|-.~.do ceca. 2, 205, 862 118, 754 L053 27, 573 33,088 14 cents per pound. ..ccceneean- 4 cents per pound. _.......__._..| 23.62 28.34 
Clean TCR. —aemamamamecammnmianmemnmanemaenennn-enQO0en oo 20, 147,475 872, 357 .043 402, 945 503,687 2 cents Der POUBAa-eecmocoeeano.  ScCeDtSDerpound.. | 46.19 57.74 
Rice flour, meal, polish, bran, and broken rice.-..|...do...... 1, 496, 470 55,412 | 037 7,482 9,353 14 cent per pound. cacececemnnen cent per pound... ........| 13.50 16. 88 
Total, paragraph. ..occeveeemcaacmmnea-] --G0- on 27,273, 453 | 1,213, 892 = 472, 236 588,024 .ooereneemamnceaceeamcmemacemmen mmom=ee=ms moeammesmeescecocceaono| 38.80 48.62 
RYO. coamamnr emmesmesomememoeae--e. Bushel.__. 1,523 1,668 735 2 228 15 cents per bushel. ____...........  13centsperbushel_.__.._________.} 13.70 | 13.70 
RYE HOUr. -eeorncacacncccanaccacacueacmeareumeman 100 DOUNds 101 487 4.822 . 46 45 cents per 100 pounds..---217| 45 cents per 100 pounds..eeceee-nn.| 9.45 9.45 
Total, PATARIADH - «ce oeecmececocmomomon: mmmmmmmmns  cemmmneee [— 27 | DTA [eee eeememe mam mm mmm mmmn mma eed] 1270 1271 
Wheat (except for grinding in bond)...oacaanae.-. Bushel... | 224, 133 | 280,6.0 | 1.252 94, 136 | 94,136 | 42 conts per bushel ¥__________.._.| 42 cents per bushel 15 ____...____..| 33.54 33.54 
Wheat HOUr. «co ceeocacanenancnacaranemamaremnazoe 100 Pounds, 7,577 | 26,017 | 3.552 7, 880 7,880 | $1.04 per 100 pounds W____._______.| $1.04 per 100 pounds.....cocoeeee-o| 29.27 | 29.27 
3rits, semolina, crushed or cracked wheat, and do__..... 404 | 4,546 | 9.202! 514 BLE Lor BD sim iinmsmria naman cen Br cms maw wmmmnnnmenmnnnnnanme eel 11:50 11.30 
other wheat products n. 8. p. f. 
'Cotal, PATAETAPR. aveemnmecemeeeanans wnesmmassrne nesses nes RS ee eens any ene SOD ES | 32.85 
| er mr 
Bran shorts, by-product feeds obtained in milling 
wheat or other cereals: 
730 730 Wheat by direct importation._—...co—.ceaoo-.| Tone... 
130 730 Withdrawn from bonded mills coca cecaneoo |--doouen 
730 730 Other than Whol... cc. easussssnsrpeen-rsnrmn lie 00. aummn 
130! 730 ' Oat, barley, buckwheat, and other grain hulls. .....! 100 pounds 
Footnotes at end of schedule, page 60 
“er cent! Per cent 
4 cents per ponNd....-ecaca-.-.-| 3 cONts per pound. ec carmmmeeene., 13.17 15.82 
25 re" 25 1p ook. ————————————— "2 2 
errr eee emer Foreman ima amma] 900 | 22.08 
BN 00 25.00 
————————————————————— .85 28.92 
Ar BNL. comer imeenen mm ——eanan 00 25. OC 
“cont per pound. oeecrecnccnes| 41.67 25.0 
4 cents per pound....ciccweceon.| 14.71 14.71 
cents per pound. ..cm-mcaceeaae-a| 12.43 | 19, 89: 
cent per pound net weight__.....1 15.16 ' 15.16 
1459 | 
380,908 7l4percent™®. ... . .ocoeooeeo-n..| l0pereent. cee... 7.50 10. 00 
421,080  ooG0ummmoommeaanmm mmm mmm meme omen n@Omaa ieee) 7.50 [10.00 
1,796 15 DOF COMbo mov ceammecammmm commana G0 ema ceeniceaeen]| 15.00 10. 00: 
17.489 ; 10 cents per 100 pounds...........- 10 cents per 100 pounds ....-...-. 13.38 13. 38-

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