Full text: Comparison of rates of duty in the Tariff Act of 1930 and in the Tariff Act of 1922

Comparison of rates of duty in the tariff act of 1922 and the tariff act of 1930—Continued 
Imports, calendar year 1923 | Tompuien duljes = 
Rate of duty 
Actual or com- 
puted ad valo- 
rem rate 
Unit of 
Act of | Act of 
1922 1930 
Quantity | Value [value | Act of 1922 | Act of 103 
Act of 1922 
Actof | Actof 
1922 1930 
der cent| Per cent 
Act of 1930 
Nottingham lace-curtain vue products: 
020 | 020 | "5 points of Spaces to the Inch... _\8q yd... 
6 points or spaces to thejnech_.._._____ 77777) "a5 
7 points or spaces to theineh_..._____ 7777777" Vemma 
3 points or spaces to the inch... __ 777771" I 
® points or spaces to the incl... 777717 TT 
10 points or spaces to the inch.__._____"_""77 a mm 
‘0 points or spaces to the fn-w______ 77777777. a 
‘2 points or spaces to thein ~..._____ 777777 “ay ee 
3 points or spaces to then 1. __ZITTTITTTT[T omoem 
points or spaces to their-n.______ 1777777 i 
Doints or spaces to the in .._ 27 TTT n[TT ome 
points or spaces to the inch... JT TITTTTTT 
points or spaces to theinch_..___TT11T7TTTTTTe Tn 
:0 points or spaces to the inch. ___ 117 TTTT NT 
20 points or spaces to the inch. __ 1 T_T TTT |T ge 
5, 804 
30, 75° 
$1, 553 
10, 930 
$0. 26¢ 
8, 558 
60 percent. co. .oennucececnaa--. 60 per cent... - 
cram eececaen Teena Yala FR. 
snl Fra RAE i ea — "oo i 
ee eee J 
ne I SR RR hr Paige eae BO I 
5.25 cents plus 25 per cent... GR HAR ERR RR RE 
B80 DOP COLE. conus mwmmsammmnas FR 
— Jeamanosemesmn panne niki thi sem meeediledmimmnseesrmdiindones 
——— Jocmrme rm amma rece— mam amm=! a. = mm om = rtm rm mm 
meme Jemccmcccccnaccnmi—————— a metcemeerecammemase——m— 
wert! aircrew ais a —————————— 15 mam meam emia amm———————— 
pt i RS pi BR 
‘2.75 cents plus 25 per ent. aces Lh rience ecmean————— 
) per cent. wa SRA SSSR Te 
secenmnsneass usnst] 0.0 | 60.00 
mmm mecca fees fen meee 
$18, 36 
Total. _..... sgn eee 
Istimated increase under par. 924 for additions) Js 
duty of 10 cents per pound on cotton contained | ~~~" TTT" 
in this paragraph having a staple of 114 inches 
or more in length 
Total, paragraph......._______|8q.yd.... 90, 073 menone ? 
Floor coverings of aatna; 
Rag rugs, hit-and-miss...._......___________ |gq. 29, 610 S5pereent do... 
Other carpets, carpeting, mats, and Tugs of | 59, yds... 20m 5 per eent.__________._._...._. 
cotton.’ Sires ’ 
Total, paragraph..........____..____ do...._| 5,044,136 896,508 oe dOneeo nn connnnen Mrenoasmeseanerenonones|isas nines 
022 | Cotton wiping rags bu coceeemeee | = . paws, D0 P0000 cummins VOMBSTION DOM «omen ngsnin meson ampn iss gra 
————— mam rd ~ IT See 
923 | Manufactures of cotton, 0. 8, Du fo. _.._.__.____ a 416, 906 | 40percent. oo eooooooe-u.. 40pOrCent o_o. _oooooeao..| 40.00 40. 00 
From Cuba. eee ITI iT all. "93, 40 3 cent minus 20 per cent.__.__| 40 per cent minus 20 per cent..._..| 31.94 | 31.94 
Total, paragraph... | 1, 007.537 |. FO SES———————— TX J 
— 924 | Additional duty of 10 cents per pound on cotton hi | = 7 eer ee mmm mem mmm mmm mmm mt eee emma 
contained in this schedule, having a staple of eemmasmedealicaenc eam ca ean aaa . J-- i ww] ——— 
134 inches or more in length,’ 
Total, Schedule9.____._________ ee een 48,300,600 — 19,451, 364 92,422,108 | oomoeoeie mmemeeennereee meee aan | 40.27 | 346.42 
; For purposes of computing duty under Act of 1930, 80 per cent of § is esti i ith an ad A rate of 30 per cent; and 20 per cent of imports, rope for belting, with ad valorem rate at 40 per cent. 
i  Ipapar mii in to Show imports of shirts, Te LT i Lh are shirts of an es value of $100,000 which are dutiable at 45 per cent ad valorem. The remainder of the 
mport velues under 1s portion of paragraph are u ia le at 371% per . ; 2 : 
: Wn a Wan is changed Ment prociamates fom 5 er sent ad valorem based on foreign valuation to the same rate based on American selling price, effective Feb, 28, 1028. 
2 : gh vauation. Equivalent to 35 per cent on American selling price basis 
* Includes chenille rugs, imports not segregated. Rate in get se gp (forei aluation), Act of 1930 40 per cent. ; i 
Jdmports not segreguted. Lmports in 1928 of cotton wining A Such io ie i bo of The at of 199 are gsimated at 40,000,000 pounds, valued at $2,000,000, averaging 5 cents per pound. Oa this basis 
he dary ane rns dStional au 3200.000 under the act of 1930. These figures being estimates, are not included in the data shown. 3 
3 pose isi i ; . 
Sh he Saple iy {4 inches 2 He in dened; which Sa Ri nnd pn from Schedule 7 and included in Schedule So, Menino drone 3 pon Sail fo fi % 
wou © decrease rom x CI cen ial 7 . : : 5 . y pot . i thednle . Na wool Sscheduie, {0 xXgmple. In wil 
material is inolided with coco HOM 26.42 PCT Cent Lo 37.68 ner cent. This shonld be taken inte consideration in comparing Schednle 9. the cotton schedule, with Se

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