Full text: Comparison of rates of duty in the Tariff Act of 1930 and in the Tariff Act of 1922

Comparison of rates of duty in the tariff act of 1922 and the tariff act of 1980—Continued 
, fo —— 
Actual or com- 
puted ad valo- 
! rem rate 
| Act of | Act of 
Act of 1930 1929 | 1030 
Commodity | Rit frig 
: | { Value 
Quantity Value per id Act of 1922 | Act of 1930] 
| Imports, calendar year 1928 
Computed duties on 
1928 imports 
Rate of duty 
\ ct of Act of 
1922 | "1930 
Act of 1022 
1109 | 1109 ' 
Joh 2nd pine hepvy melt fabrics of wool: 7 me 1 
oven fabrics of mohair— er ce er cen 
Valued not over 60 cents per pound....._.| Pound._.___ 166 | $99 | $0.60 | $79 | $132 | 24 cents per pound plus 40 per cent. | 50 cents per pound plus 50 per cont | 980. 24 | 9133.33 
Valued over 80 cents per pound (mohair |...do...... 2.710 6,095 2.25 4,267 5,012 | 45 cents per pound plus 50 per cent.| 50 cents per pound plus 60 per cent.| 9 70.01 | 9 82,23 
Ww. Sone. : 
Valued not over 60 cents per pound.......i...do... -| 17,701 10,092 .57 8,285 | 13,896 | 24 cents per pound plus 40 per cent.| 50 cents per pound plus 50 per cent_| ® 82.10 | © 137,70 
Var over 60 cents, not over 80 cents per ---do-—-o 21, 081 15,905 75 15,752 18,493 | 37 cents per pound plus 50 per SN 999.04 | 9116.27 
Valued over 80 cents per pound (wool |...do..____| ' 044, 200 2.957,3151 2.83 | 1,048 548 2. 206,489 | 45 cents per pound plus 50 per cent.| 50 cents per pound plus 60 per cent_| 9 65.89 | ¥ 77.65 
Worl content). . 
oolens— ) 
Valued not over 60 cents per pound.......i-..do_...__ 092, 714 | 553, 227 .56 459, 542 772,970 | 24 cents per pound plus 40 per cent.| 50 cents per pound plus 50 per cent_} © 83.07 | 9 139.72 
valu) over 60 cents, not over 80 cents per a $12, 752 | 228, 614 .73 230,025 270, 683 | 37 cents per pound plus 50 per cent. |-———.dO_ oo oiinooecaenoo-|?100.62 | 9118.40 
vilngs gd 80 cents per pound (wool |.._do._____ 5,113,384 13, 280, 770 2.17 | 8,391,408 | 11,025, 154 | 45 cents per pound plus 50 per cent.| 50 cents per pound plus 60 per cent_| 9 70.71 | © 83.02 
From Cuba. ccemeeccmceccrcercmcaccceeaalod0_ 48 96 | 2.00 56 | 65 | 45 cents per pound plus 50 per | 50 cents per pound plus 60 per cent |? 58.00 | ¥ 67.71 
cent less 20 per cent. less 20 per cent, 
—_—_— ee ee [mre eee 
Total, paragraph 1... oon ceeecaafeodoo 8, 504, 75¢ 17,052, 213 — 12,057, 962 | V4, 402,804 Lc nnimsnmnwrnwsmammi nmin wsanmm lume: 1 I 970.71 | 984 46 
ile fabrics of wool or hair, and manufactures of: — 
Plushes, velvets, and other pile fabrics... ..on|eocdooo ooo 298, 321 745,307 2.50 491, 982 503,915 | 40 cents per pound plus 50 per cent.| 44 cents per pound plus 50 per cent. | $66.01 | 967.61 
Manufactures of Pile Aries. - ..—on.----n-ooo|-2 dO oo. 2,810 63,133 | 2.77 40, 694 | 47,607 |-moe cm oe mecoeeoeemm woe ooan QO eee meen 1964046 | 965.90 
Total, paragraph Mo. ocoeeveeeneneeeenn]-nc@0 creo] 321, 140 808,440 |-_._._.| 532,676 | 545,522 |ocooa@0 ooo eemmaceeendd AO. ceemecau 965.80 | 967.48 
‘Vool blankets and similar articles: o - 
Valued not over 50 cents per pound. .......__|...do..._.. 55, 607 24, 825 | .45 17,457 25,610 18 cents per pound plus 30 per cent.| 30 cents per pound plus 36 per po. 970.32 9103. 20 
Valued over 50 cents, not over $1 per pound...|...do.._... 347,311 265, 618 .76 180, 100 * 199,816 27 ow per pound plus 32% per |.oo.doo oo. [67.80 275.23 
" cent. 
Valued over $1, not over $1.50 per pound... |...do__.... 164, 212 | 194,275 | 1.18 117, 260 | 127,043 | 30 cents per pound plus 35 per cent.| 33 vols per pound plus 3736 per [760.36 | ¢65.39 
Valued over $1.50 per pound...cceccceencnn----! dao ~ 04, 971 236, 071 2.49 129, 567 132, 417 | 37 cents per pound plus 40 per cent.| 40 cents per pound plus 40 per cent. | ? 54.89 | ? 56.00 
iin | ei | sree iii is. init Ee 
Total, paragraph eo ooeeecneeennen, on 7a | Po aaa ae © 4pq,805 eee] 961.65 | 967.27 
er rere 
Felts not woven, wholly or in chief value of wool: ; 
Valued not over 50 cents per pound. eoneeennol--Goo 507 .46 349 | 505 | 18 cents per pound plus 30 per cent.| 30 cents per pound plus 35 per cent_| ¢ 63. 80 Pe 99. 61 
vou over 50 cents, not over $1.50 per do_._... 3,633 1.03 | 2,225 2,331 | 27 cents per pound plus 35 percent. | odo oll _._|%6L.25| %64.16 
pound. | : 
Valued over $1.50 perpound._..._____.___._... do.__... 62, 473 | 2.33 i .34,889 35, 602 | 37 cents per pound plus 40 per cent.| 40 cents per round plus 40 per cent_| 9 55.85 | 9 57, 13 
Total, Paragraph. -oooemeoeeeemensl  A0en... 66,613 | 37,463 | 38,528 fremeememmemn men ene mene menace meee] 950.24 | STA 
omg w= ii © - re TER CT, 
¥ ool small wares: | : | 
Fabrics with fast edges not over 12 inches | .do...._. 1,950 6,162 3.16 | 3,958 4,056 | 45 cents per pound plus 50 per cent.| 50 cents per pound plus 50 per cent | 64. 24 | © 65.82 
wide and articles made therefrom. ; | ’ 
Tubings, garters, suspenders, braces, cords, | .do.___... 1,067 3, 030 2.84 | 1,995 2,049 EE wu gw ls gag sauenesasanwassumnnus.d ¥ 60:85 1 267.62 
and tassels (wool content). } , : i 
Total, PAraEraDh meee eee ceeceenanen do... 3,017 } 0102 5,953 o 6,105 l.__do eee edo 964.76 | 966.42 
mm) E—— - TIE 
Wool-knit goods: 
Wool-knit fabrics in the piece— 
1114 1114 Valued not over $1 per pound... ...oo..oon|oo.do. oon 1,221 903 | .74 | 728 
1114 1114 Valued over $1 per pound. -cocooe ooo |on doo. 0,213 06, 8&4 5.29 ¢ 62, 538 ! 
Wool hosiery— . | | 
114 1114 Valued at not more than $1.75 per dozen |...do...__. 7,807 14,952 | 1.92 8, 044 
pair. i ! 
114 1114 Valued at more than $1.75 per dozen pair. _{.._do.-.... 525,821 1,373, 316 3.79 1,468,277 
Gloves and mittens— | 
114 1114 Valued at not more than $1.75 per dozen |...do.--... 99, 251 158, 548 1.60 91, 222 
114 | "1114 Valued at more than $1.75 per dozen pair. |...do....__| 35,088 97,202 2.70 | 64, 796 
Wool-knit underwear— ~ | 
114] 1114 Valued not over $1.75 per pound.......... doo 914 | 1,475 | 1.61 772 
114 1114 Valued over $1.75 per pound. ..c.eeeoea fondo o_o. 18,365 73,734 1 4.01 45,131 
Wool-knit outerwear— 
114 1114 - Valued not over $1 per pound. _..o.....lonodoo oan 380 276 73 247 
114 1114 Valued over $1, not over $2 per pound....|...do__._._ 41,185 | 6A, 428 1.61 46, 367 
140 1114 Yalued over $2 per pound o.oo ooo f...dOoonl. 436, 037 2, 187, 056 5.01 1, 90, 165 
Total, paranraph. couuemss mmavewummans me cdo | 1, 268, 082 5, 080. 804 I 3,078, 287 
Footnotes at end of schedule, page 85. 
1109 1109 | 
1109 1109 
1109 1109 
1109 1109 
1109 1108 
1109 1109 
1109 1109 
764 | 30 cents per pound plus 40 per cent_| 33 cents per pound plus 40 per cent_: ¢ 80. 56 984.61 
63, 548 | 45 cents per pound plus 50 per cent. | 50 cents per pound plus 50 per cent. 952.51 | 959.46 
8,356 | 36 cents per pound plus 35 per cent.| 40 cents per pound plus 35 per cent | * 53.80 | ® 55.88 
". 409, 568 | 45 cents per pound plus 50 per cent_| 50 cents per pound plus 50 per i 961.87 | ¢ 63. 18 
05,192 | 36 cents per pound plus 35 per cent_| 40 cents per pound plus 35 per cent. 957.54 | 960.04 
66, 595 | 43 cents per pound plus 50 per cent. 50 cents per pound plus 50 per cent. ¥ 66.66 | 968. 51 
808 36 cents per pound plus 30 per cent_| 40 cents per pound plus 30 per cent. 9 52.31 | ¥ 54.78 
46,050 | 45 cents per pound plus 50 per cent.| 50 cents per pound plus 30 per cent... ? 61.21 | 962.45 
| ; 
201 | 36 cents per pound plus 40 per cent_| 44 cents per pound plus 45 per cont. | 989, 57 | ? 105, 43 
48,014 | 40 cents per pound plus 45 percent |. 0... ___[Y60.80 | 07228 
1,312,012 45 eents per pound plus A0 per rent ' 50 cents ver pound plus 50 per cent: ¥ 58,99 | 959.99 
3,141,198 |... eect R0. 59 | 61.82

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