Full text: Comparison of rates of duty in the Tariff Act of 1930 and in the Tariff Act of 1922

Comparison of rates of duty in the tariff act of 1922 and the tariff act of 1930—Continued 
. i Computed duties on 
Imports, calendar year 1928 1928 imports 
Rate of duty 
{ Actual or com- 
puted ad valo- 
rem rate 
Act of| Act of 
1922 | 1930 
Unit of 
: ! | Value | 
Quantity | Value [of 1%, Act of 1922 Act of 1930 
Act of 1922 
worm | Ager] Aster 
Woven fabrics in piece (broad silks)- 
All silk— 
In the gray— , 
Inthegum._._.__..___.____________ | Pound.__.| 97,412 
_ Ungommed...__...._________7V qo TTT 1,035 062 
Piece dyed, printed, or advanced._._______ dg | "670, 201 
Vag Aga i me ’ 
ot weighted. ooo ________ 
WOH evan sing wos ig mim tram wan om free Piedute 
Mized with cotton or other fiber, silk chief RE ’ 
In te hp 
_ Ungummed_ LITT geese) SIS0 260 
Piece dyed, printed, or advanced_..____ “go 189 218 579, 014 
Runs 2 Tee ‘ ' 
Of Welghled oe ceeeeee LL doa. 35, 949 151,794 
Welghtedaaaoaoemamanne 0 doll] 32,823 185, 541 
Tota) ao] 3,423, 950 | 16,417, 235 
PATEL... A mm me . i oT 
Tacquard-figured........ 0 TITTY ~. 
Total, paragraph... _____. » j 3.493 950 
he » 
pile fabrics: Hof silk To 
atter's plush of silk. .__..__...._.______.___ p 7 
Silk plushes other than hatter’s plush. ________ i 2 0 
Silk velvets. o.oo do... 962. 254 
Silk velvet ribbon... o.oo... | do." 75 997 
“henille and silk pile fabrics ms. p. f_._____ |" go. 77777 73 (89 
Total, paragraph. eevee dol. 1,122,157 
silk ribbons: - 
Plain. oom ieee Ld | 
Jacquard-figured. ea. Tae 30, 251 
Pa otitis 
Total, silk ribbons... .oo.oeeoeeei | do... 30,951 
Silk small wares other than ribbons: or 
Bandings and hat bands not over 12 inches |___ 
wide with fast edges. TTT 
BOLE and DEB... ncn wwps owns wes sadn re fe 
Binding not over 12 inches wide with fast [z2emeemeen- 
edges and tubing. TTT 
Cords and tassels. o.oo. LL ___|.__ 
Garters, suspenders, and braces. ..._....2110] Be . 
Total, silk wares. ooo. 
Total, paragraph... _____ 
Si pt ons i 
Fabricin the piece ooo : 
Tae i io Pound 1,718 
HOST Yon ansesmmacmm canner eee D2 Bate TTT 2 0 
J Passes i 14, n 
DULETWEAT «oo mem mmmmmmmeeL TT 
Total, Paragraph «cece oo. 
0h | _ | Sil poadionniks and mufflers: . 
vot hemmed - «ooo 70, 14 
209 | 1209 | Hemmed or hemstitehed 1-111 ii aus shove TROL anaes 
Total, paragraph... 1 go 474,979 | 940, 627 eee] 558,000 
1210 1210 Hi yeas os 11 t b ) . ) | 
Men’s shirts and collars not embroidered. __ . FO 
io! 120] Noto logo or embroidery... 7.1 “| Number. 92] ood 0] a mares 
0 1210 From CUDA. emeecmeemneeeo TTT - TT gy TTT 10 10 60 per cent, less 20 per cent... 
Total, paragraph... 3, 846, 293 — 2,307,774 | 2,500, 087 ohne --- 
! 4 S sremmeemeneeaaaen 1,166,436 | .o.....l 609,862 758,183 | 60 percent... oooooooicann 
20° 121 From Ct cssmsrs neers tenn] oT * 7 500 eemeeee] 432 468 = 00 per cent, less 20 per cent... 
Total, paragraph... oo En] 700,204 | 758,681 © Lior oeooiieemeecememanee 
: fr meme ee 
Total, Schedule Prussssstmmmensssmmmiloermemeepssermter 32, 440, 182 fo] 18,348, 161 | 19,181,350 | eenmeormaamuae 
1205 : 
1205 . 
1205 - 
1225 | 
Per cent] Per cent 
55.00 (2) 
55. 00 ® 
55.00 ® 
55.00 [2 
55.00 * 
1205 | 
35.00 | (2 
55.00 | (%) 
55.00 | (3) 
55.00 | (2) 
55.00 | (2) 
AS D0r QERLY coi seas aismennuneens| DOB 00 455. 00 
35 Pr CONt a mua aac cece aimancaaan| 05.00 65. 00 
ate cmmmmneemmeemmennnaennea| 55.00] 3356.00 
of} POF COIL enum nmin mn mesma 
wenn man was RRS EE Sr 
5 per font Savanna arene 
J0percent. oe aciinnnmaenna 
pee n80e eee ccc e——. - 
1206 1206 
1206 1206 
1206 1206 
1206 1206 
12086 1206 
N00 ol. 00 
30.00 + 60.00 
60.00 £65.00 
60. 00 60. 00 
60. 00 60. 00 
eeceeool 60.00] 64.38 
i] 1207 
1207 1207 
55 per COD ommend 55 POF COD - on ooemoeeeeeoanaenano| 55.00 | 55.00 
0 ee... BhDErCENt.____iceeecaooan.-o| 55.00 65.00 
SR nm an i Fm oe eemcmemermmmm——— 55.00 | 3586.00 
12,177 — 65,6071 6,697 55 per eee oesesmee eee 55 DOT CEDLO er oeeemmeemonemnnn. | 55.00 6 55.00 
4,898... 2,661 | 2,661 |e 0mm eee sommes oae eB ee oieeeoneeaeeaact 55.00 | 55.00 
8483 12000 4,666 600 Len aos IIIT soo | 55.00 
17,686 |ooooeee| 9,645 9,645 |.oee@0emnmemeoeeeeecommaeeee mee fmme ne @O cee reaeamoeeacze 55.00 | 55.00 
17,523 [I 9, 638 8638 LT dono dos IIIT Bon | 5.00 
6 557 eeeen 33,307 53,307 oem oemamemaon lems en ane eemanaannnnncnnne 55.00 | 55.00 
ec cn rs NP 
237. 024 130, 364 132,128 oie c mcm cma —— em RR ROR AR 55.00 55, 74 
1207 | 
1208 1208 
1208 1208 | 
1208 1208 
1208 1208 
1208 190% 
55 Per Cent. cre cccerecmamane 
sopereent. commie 
een QO eimai can 
iD sass a  ———————— 
dO pre — Sn 
pg oy 
30.00 | 60.00 
0.00 | 60. 00 
0.00 | 60.00 
0.00 | 60,00 
9.80 | 59.80 
55 DET Cent «ooo oooevmmrmemmmnnan-| 55.001 55.00 
BO DET CON. -novoomomermnnmnnamennn| 60.00 | 60.00 
ememmmmnemmemmmmmmneens| 50.32] 59.32 
85 DOF CODE eannemomonnoaeeeen. 60.00 | 65.00 
rem remem game age nme nss any, 00D | 65. 00 
55 per cent, less 20 per cent....._..1 43.00 | 52.00 
SRR | 65.00 
$5 DOT €Nb. 2moeoeooemoceonnnnennna| 60.00 | 65.00 
35 per cent, less 20 per cent_..___.| 48.00 52.00 
—— ly  F 
I 56.56 | 59.13 
A ————— 
« Estimateu 
; A Lae Pan and Jacquard-figured fabrics, computed duties and ad valorem equivalents are not shown (see footnote 3). 
1 Act of 1930 provides for woven fubi 1% Lis estimated that 10 per cent of import values are Jacquard figured and 90 per cent plain fabrics. nL . . 
port statistics are not available to pL) the LI ol exceeding 30 inches in width, whether woven with fast or split edges, wholly or in chief value of silk, including umbrella silk or Gloria cloth, 60 per cent ad valorem. 
' orts Statistics not segregated 10 § es thereon. See footnote 3. . . . 
= Ippe ts i fk segregated to show whether the pile is wholly cut or wholly uncut or if partly cut. Of the two rates effective on silk velvets, the rate of 65 per cent ad valorem is here used for computation of duties as the 
ia s i 5 a ols on of be type with a wholly-cut pile dutiable at this rate 
mports not segreg ated to show the effect of 65 per cent ad valorem if J Gard RRGrd.

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