Full text: Comparison of rates of duty in the Tariff Act of 1930 and in the Tariff Act of 1922

Comparison of rates of duty in the tariff act of 1922 and the tariff act of 1980 
[The equivalent ad valorem rates are calculated from the quantity and value of imports in the calendar year 1928] 
Imports, calendar year 1928 | Comite on 
Actual or com- 
puted ad valo- 
rem rate 
Act of | Act of 
1922 1930 
Unit of 
Rate of dut) 
Act of Actof 
1922 | 1930 
: Value 
Quantity Value | oe | Act of 1922 | Act of 1930 
Act of 1922 
Act of 1930 
Rayon yarn: 
Co. . 9, 890, 738 | $7,055,522 | $0.796 | $4,495,832 | $4, 405,832 | 45 cents per pound—not less than 
Weighing 150 deniers or more.............| Pound_._. ® 45 per cent. 
Co . 1358, 386 | 1478,612 | 1.335 215, 376 215,878 |= cman ceeded ccc 
Weighing less than 150 deniers... o-..|..@0uuaces 1, 442, 062 1,723,801 | 1.195 775,710 2880,341 | dO 
2 or more yarns twisted together— 
oC : (281,202 237,208 | .848 | 140,646 126,681 | 50 cents per pound—not less than 
Weighing 150 deniers or more......cc-._[--.d0oo._.._. | 45 per cent. 
344,139 | 355,724 | 1.262 | 25,076 25,802 Lalbusnuievmnummaenmenanuen 
Weighing less than 150 deniers... cee olen e omc cecmacmaeceeee, mE Str 3 mit fd w 
Total, rayon yarn. ..._oooeoooooo....| Pound... , 5,652,640 | 5,745,902 errr cemeneeee eens 
Artificial horsehair: 
i 19, 966 11,783 . 590 8, 985 7,986 | 45 cents per pound—not less than 
Weighing 150 deniers or more. _.._-..___{...do.___._[¢ 45 per cent. 
183, 034 197,399 | 1.078 88, 830 88,830 {avait conde seman 
Weighing less than 150 deniers... ooo o_l oo...» RRR EER ARS ASRS mm SRE Sa ei Crt llly ph SRA RE do HE if We Bie 
2 or more yarns twisted together— | 
Weighing 150 deniers or more.............| Pound.._., 660 | 693 | 1.050 | 330 346 pn Dor Dara less thar 
5 per cent. 
Weighing less than 150 deniers. .........._|cceooeon.. commer ar nee femme fee ceca dO eS — 
— ——— nk ————— ee oe — —— 
Total, artificial horsehair. .............| Pound... 203, 660 209, 875 sxesiors 98, 145 97,162 .ceen. © PRR SR A elt 
Total, paragraph. o.oo ooo. toe 12, 320, 277 10, 660, 737 — 5,750,785 | 5,843,184 eames i i acca 
ee ree ee ee ene 
Rayon waste (including noils) +... .._.__..__[._.do_.....| $2,779,229 8358, 516 L128 35,852 35,862 | l0per cent o_o. 
Staple Sin (cut rayon filaments other than |._.do...... 42,340 17,087 404 3,417 2, 372 | 20 POU ORI ccm ewan misrsmrimmmiisms 
Tay paragraph, comparable items |...do..... 1, 821, 569 7375, 603 A 39, 269 40, 124 foonnneem en mmmemamenn 
only. . 
Se PI 2 ee SY E——— 
3pun rayon yarn: 
BOGE omni inn assim co ss mss ogg SO ss 12, 360 16,051 | 1.299 7,223 8, 768 ngs per pound-—not less thar 
5 per cent. 
91,378 57,458 . 629 27,413 |.ceuuneu-n-o| 30 cents per pound—not less thar 
2 or more yarns twisted together... ________|___ d0.o..... ! 45 per cent. 
42, 537 20, 848 L702 13,432 00,302 J. illu cucimin pum mms mr is w 
— — 
Total, paragraph... oemiieaeecee| ode 146, 275 | 103, 357 rena] 48, 088 00,200 | cin mummies mmm Simm wpm mm sim 
Rayon yarn put up for handwork and rayon |...... 8) ®) co - \eeeem---| 50 cents per pound—not less than 
sewing thread. 4 per cent. 
. . ] 128,442 118, 688 L924 | 70. 643 | 57,799 | 55 cents per pound—not less thar 
Rayon in bands or strips (visca and cellophane | Pound... | 45 per cent. 
suitable for braiding and weaving). . 13, 529 19,811 | 1.464 WG Lowen vm wm ries ais 
Tred; ERP cancanasnmecasasase edo] 141,971 138, 469 le - 79, 558 - 66, 714 | SH SS A ge 
1306 | Woven fabrics in the piece... .ooooooeomamaooo. or smmstamionsd] ® ® ree ae ----| 45 cents per pound plus 60 per cent 
1307 Pile fabrics, including pile ribbon and articles of... ....._. ® | ® sssusfomncilfBoninmnnrnmamanansme -- 
1308 ' Rayon ribbons (except pile) and small wares_____|_..._........ ® oo aman QO eccrine 
Knit goods: ~ 
1309 Knit fabrics of rayon... .coooocccancenaaooo| Pound... 12 10, 398 1244, 708 1 4.300 31, 504 BU Livnun0nccan semus semunpmeeon 
1309 Knit goods of rayon... _coomomomioaooox|oodooLll 219,022 12 102, 692 | 5.400 70,175 75,808 [nue el0uiemcnnn i nnmn mms aman 
Te, paragraph, comparable items |...do-..... 12 29, 420 12 147, 400 Jemeeend] 101, 679 106, 813 [TS 
et om ae ee es 
1310 | Handkerchiefs and woven muffiers............... Eee *) ! nN — - lemmmmemmm eco Oe eee 
1311 Clothing and articles of wearing apparel... __|.c.o__.._._. \ Ce swsrn alone 0icuinuss nme 
1312 Manufactures of rayon, 0. 8. P. freee ocmomoeo mee] ammccceaan \ meme mm fmm ew Bm RRR SSAA EE 
ME DalllON Ol TAYON. cision pai ws wo siiasasa viel ose son so 0 wm mn emma eo moo emo manne 
Total, Schedule 13, for which comparable |. .........| 15,459,512 11,426,596 |ooou--cl 6,019,350 | 6,125,965 eee eee 
| calculations have been made. : ! 
Footnotes at end of schedule, page 89. 
| Per cent| Per cent 
45 per cent—not less than 45 cents | 56. 51 56, 51 
per pound. 
JOR Ape pent, | 45. 00 
50 per cent—mnot less than 45 cents | 45, 00 51.07 
per pound. 
wn tlc mama mime mmamme smal) DOSY 53.36 
wands puevsngugue mesg ainesnes 45.15 50. 00 
55 per cent—not less than 45 cents |__......|_______. 
per pound. 
| 09 | 4.08 
1213 | 1301 
1213 | 1301 
1213 | 
1213 | 
t5 per cent—not less than 40 cents | 76.25 67.78 
per pound. 
wed QOc iim bane mnneam wim sgeenvueel 15,00 [+ 45.00 
50 per cent—not less than 40 cents |. __..._|...._._. 
per pound, 
50 per cent—not less than 45 cents | 47.62 50. 00 
per pound. 
35 per cent—not less than 45 cents |... |... __. 
per pound. 
em eens — 46.76 | 46.30 
cxmvs amass msnteernsensenntomn) 30.00] S081 
"per cent. oooeiocooooaoaoao.| 10.00 | 610.00 
percent  __ooceecaoao 20.00 25. 00 
em eames 10.45 | 10.68 
244 cents per pound plus 45 per | 45.00 54.62 
acne m mmc meceaemmmmemmnnnn| TLL 
234 cents per pound plus 50 per | 45.00 69.17 
RRR Res Ree nea nney| 46.8) 66. 91 
55 per cent—not less than 45 cents |--_.._._|....__. 
per pound. 
16 per cent—not less than 45 cents | 59. 52 48.70 
per pound. 
aed aean| 45.00 45.00 
cm —— wa wvaosa sows] Stl 48. 17 
45 cents per pound plus 60 per stan 
cent. 1? 
cron i mm mmm mm mm Nim m—— 
15 cents per pound plus 60 per cent. 70.47 70.47 
45 cents per pound plus 65 per cent_i 68. 34 73.34 
RRP SH mas sssen-sin) 08:08 72.46 
mse eet 
45 cents per pound plug 60 per a. 
45 ny per pound plus 65 per cent. ceo ojocoooo 
wit HB cima 
eee | 52. E 53. 62 
1213 | 1301 
1213 | 1301 
1213 | 1301 
1213 | 1301 
1459 | 
213 1 
1213 | 
1213 | 
1213 | 

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