Full text: The reconstruction of agriculture in the Soviet Union

technical methods. Moreover, even wherever there are 
no tractors as yet on the collective farms (and there 
is still a considerable shortage of tractors, despite 
their ever wider distribution throughout the agricul- 
tural areas of the U. S. S. R.), the advantages of 
large-scale production are clearly in evidence. 
First of all, one must point out the increase in the 
productivity of agricultural labor as a consequence of 
the uniting of the small peasant holdings into large 
collective farms. Thus the number of hectares sown 
per farm laborer in the collective farms has increased, 
in comparison with the peasant holdings prior to their 
entrance into the collective farms (in 1929): in the 
Ukraine—31.6 per cent; in the Middle Volga Region 
—78.1 per cent; in the Central Black Soil Region— 
23.0 per cent; in the Lower Volga Region—78.0 per 
cent; in the Northern Caucasus—>50 per cent. 
At the same time, there has been a considerable 
increase in the utilization of draft cattle, which in the 
small peasant holdings had never been fully utilized. 
Thus, according to budgetary data, the percentage of 
draft cattle which were not used had been as follows: 
In the Ukraine—68.6 per cent. 
In the Northern Caucasus—78 per cent. 
In the collective farms the draft cattle have been 
utilized much more productively than was the case 
in the petty peasant holdings. In the Ukraine the 
utilization of draft cattle has increased, in compari- 
son with the peasant holdings prior to their collectivi- 
zation (in 1929), 24.1 per cent; in the Middle Volga 
Region—380 per cent; in the Central Black Soil Region 
—17.4 per cent; in the Lower Volga Region—25.2 per 
cent; in the Northern Caucasus—34.6 per cent. 
The significant increase in the productive possibilities 

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