Full text: Statistical manual

Assessed 1930: 
Land, $2,940,000; Land and Building.......... 4,400,000 
Security: Leasehold estate in ground located at Herald Square, 
New York City, fronting 212 feet on Broadway, 197 feet on 
6th Avenue, 60 feet on 35th Street, and 136 feet on 36th 
Street, area 20,000 square feet—24-story office and sales- 
room building erected on the north portion, and a three- 
story building on the south portion, connected and operated 
as a single structure. 
Earnings: Rogers Peet & Company lease 10,686 square feet 
of floor space on the ground floor at an annual rental of 
$150,000 to 1933, with renewal privilege. 
Present rentals (25% vacancies)............ $554,000 
Operation, ground rent, taxes. . . 349,000 
Net applicable to bond interest... ........ .. 
Interest on outstanding bonds............... 
Price Range: Jan.~Mav, 1930-—7316-70. 
Times Square-—46th Street Building 
(New York City) 
1st Mortgage Leasehold Sinking Fund Gold 6% 
Amount: $2,400,000; outstanding, $2,355,500. 
Dated: April 1, 1928. 
Maturity: April 1, 1953. 
Interest: April and October 1st, 
Denominations: $1,000 and $500. 
Taxes: 2% Federal. Refunds certain state taxes, D. of C. taxes, 
Redemption: To April 1, 1933, at 104; to April 1, 1938, at 103; 
April 1, 1948, at 102; to Oct. 1, 1952, at 101. 
Trustee: Interstate Trust Co.. New York. 
Guarantee: Guaranteed unconditionally as to principal, interest 
and sinking fund by Bethlehem Properties, Inc., by endorse- 
Appraised: American Appraisal Co., $3,660,000. 
Assessed 1930: Land, $1,600,000; land and building, $3,050,000. 
Security: Leasehold estate in ground L-ing around the corner 
of Broadway and 46th Street, fronting 60 feet on Broadway, 
4 24

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