Full text: Statistical manual

panies have been organized, including the Fred F. French 
Management Co., which supervises the management of the 
buildings constructed. The Fred F. French Investing Com- 
pany, Inc, which underwrites the securities of the French 
separate owning companies, the latter being distinct and 
separate corporations of each building project, also Fred 
F. French Operators Inc, a subsidiary of the underwriting 
Fred F. French Operators Inc. 
(Controlled by Fred F. French Investing Co., Inc.) 
Incorporated: Under laws of New York, 1928, to buy, sell, op-~ 
erate real estate properties, to deal in mortgages and to 
buy and sell securities. In Dec. 1929, the company pur- 
chased the Hippodrome occupying the block front on the 
east side of Sixth Avenue between 43rd and 44th Streets, 
New York City, for approximately $7,500,000, and announce 
they will build an 83-story building thereon. 
Funded Debt: None. 
Capital Stock: 
Authorized Outstanding 
Preferred $100 par ........ $50,000,000 $15,000,000 
Common no par............ 500,000 sh. 150,000 sh, 
Offered in 1929 by Fred F. French Investing Co. Inc, New 
York, in units of three common shares and ten preferred 
shares at $1.075 per unit. 
Officers: Fred F. French, Pres. and Chmn,; P. P. Edson, G. A. 
Walker, Rodney Dean, V., Pres; C. T. McFarlane, Treas. 
and Comp.; S. G. Walton, Sec’y. 
Directors: I. S. Broun, P. P. Edson, Fred F. French, C. IL. 
Goodlove, C. T. McFarland. J. A. Olsen, G. A. Walker, H. 
W. Schaefer. 
Annual Meeting: Last Wednesday in October. 
Office: 551 Fifth Avenue. New York City. 
American Woman's Realty Corporation 
Incorporated: May, 1924, for the purpose of owning and leasing 
a residential Club House at 353 West 57th Street, New York 
City. Club House opened in April, 1929, and leased to 
American Woman’s Association for period of 25 years at 
annual rental of $600,000 plus all operating expenses. 

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