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As the maximum interest on this issue is $96,000—the 
$168,000 in effect guaranteed by the lessee, is more than 
ample to meet all interest and amortization under these 
bonds, and the stability of the lessee gives the bonds a 
good investment position. 
(New York City) 
10-Year 5%% 1938 Sinking Fund Debentures. 
Amount: $7,000,000. 
Dated: February 1, 1928. 
Maturity: February 1, 1938. 
Interest: February 1 and August 1. 
Denominations: $1,000 and $500. 
Taxes: 2% Federal—Penn., Calif, Maryland, Mass. 
Redemption: 10215 to 1932, thereafter 14% less for each suc- 
ceeding year. 
Trustee; National City Bank. 
First Mortgage Fee and Leasehold 20-year 6s 
Dec. 1, 1945... cv veveiininnnnnrenen.....$10,500,000 
Realty Extension First Mortgage 5% Gold 
Loan due 12-1-45................. even... 4,000,000 
Ten-year 5%%% 1938 Sinking Fund Deben- 
tures (this issue)......................... 17,000,000 
Property: The Obligor owns the land, fee and leasehold, 55,000 
square feet, on the east side of Fifth Avenue, between 58th 
and 59th Streets, New York City, (1) plot fronting on the 
Avenue 200x150x150 being improved with a 29-story hotel 
and (2) the contiguous plot in rear, running parallel to the 
main plot 125x125x200, from 58th to 59th Streets (through 
center of block) being improved with a 6-story addition to 
the main building. 
Security: The Savoy-Plaza Corporation, owner of the proper- 
ties and obligor on these debentures, is a subsidiary of 
United States Realty and Improvement Company. This 
latter company, and the Childs Company (corporate owners 

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