Full text: Statistical manual

bs 22-story club residence erected thereon completed spring 
of 1929. 
Actual net earnings for 10 months of 1929.. $302,862.94 
Interest on bonds ..ovvevvernennes . 139,025.00 
The Barclay 
(New York City) 
1945 Sinking Fund Leasehold Convertible 672% Bonds 
Amount: $1,200,000. 
Dated: June 1, 1925. 
Maturity: June 1, 1945. 
Interest: June and December 1st. 
Denominations: $1,000 and $500. 
Taxes: Federal 2%—Penn., Conn., Maryland, D. C., Mass. 
Redemption: 105 to 1935; then 104 to 1940; thereafter 103. 
Convertible: Into Series B common stock 2 shares for each 
$100 of bonds. 
Trustee: New York Trust Company. 
Leasehold by Brown, Wheelock, Harris, 
Vought & Co....ovvvennn 
Cost of Building ... 
Prior Lien on Fee estate, for money advanced 
toward cost of Bldg... 
Equity for this issue.... 
Assessed 1930: 
Land convqssopsne $2,850,000 
Land and building ...... vee... 6,500,000 
Security: Leasehold estate in ground west side of Lexington 
Avenue, entire block frontage from 48th to 49th Street, 
20010” on Lexington, and 205 feet each on 48th and 49th 
Streets (certain planes underground excepted fpr train run- 
ways, etc.) fee owned by New York Central interests. On 
this site there is built a 14-story residential hotel, “The 
Barclay,” completed in 1926. The lease extends to 1946, 

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