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Security: Fee estate in plot running through entire city block, 
with a frontage of 155 feet on north side of West 57th 
Street, to a frontage of 135 feet on the south side of West 
58th Street—and the 26-story hotel and clubhouse erected 
thereon, completed in 1929. 
Lease: The building is leased by American Woman's Associa- 
tion, Inc., for 25 years at an annual rental of $600,000 plus 
one-half association’s annual net profits from operation of 
Note: This building has not been in operation a full year as 
yet, but has a present occupancy of 88%, and a substantial 
working capital and cash reserves. 
One Park Avenue Building 
{New York City) 
First Mortgage Fee 6% Serial Bonds 
Amount: $5,750,000; outstanding, $5,433,000. 
Date: November 6, 1924, 
Maturities: November 6, 1927 to 1939. 
Interest: May 6th and November 6th. 
Denominations: $1,000 and $500. 
Taxes: 2% Federal. 
Redemption: 102. 
Trustee: Straus National Bank and Trust Company. 
Appraised: Horace S. Ely & Company. $7.500.000. 
Assessed 1930: $6,350,000. 
Security: Fee estate in land with entire east side frontage on 
Park Avenue, between 32nd Street and 33rd Street, extend- 
ing back on side streets to middle of block, ground area 
45,000 square feet—and the 17-story office. stores and loft 
building completed in 1926. 
Earnings: Issue has been reduced $307,000 in principal amount, 
and data furnished show occupancy of 613,955 square feet 
out of a total area of 656,869—with a rent roll of approxi-~ 
mately $1,200,000 against which interest and amortization 
charges approximate $460,000. 
Price Range: January-May, 1930—98-96. 

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