Full text: Statistical manual

Denominations: $1,000, $500 and $100. 
Redemption: 104 to February 1, 1935; then 103 to February 1, 
1938; then 102 to February 1, 1941; then 101 to February 1, 
1944—then par. 
Sinking Fund: Semi-annual—to retire $97,500 per annum com- 
mencing August 1, 1930. 
Legal for trust funds in New York. 
By Chas. F. Noyes & Co, Inc. ....... 
By Adams & Co, Inc. ....... 
Assessed 1930: $3,650,000. 
Security: Fifth Avenue and 29th Street Corporation is the 
owner in fee of the plot of ground at the southeast corner 
of Fifth Avenue and 29th Street, New York City, 98.9 on 
Fifth Avenue by 160.6 feet on 29th Street, containing 15,850 
square feet—on which is erected a modern 25-story store, 
show-room and office building, 4,633,000 cubic feet, with 
297,000 square feet of net rentable area—completed in 1929. 
Actual rents as of October 1, 1929............ 
Expenses, including taxes and operating...... 
Bond interest ........... . ce... 195,000 
Note: During this period the building was not under full 
Price Range: Januarv-Mav, 1930—88-801%. 
Fifth Avenue and Fifty-fifth Street Building 
(New York City) 
First Mortgage Leasehold 1945 Sinking Fund 6%% Bonds 
Amount: $1,800,000—retired $120,000, outstanding $1,680,000. 
Dated: June 1, 1926. 
Maturity: December 1, 1945. 
Interest: June and December 1st. 
Denominations: $1,000 and $500. 
Taxes: 2%—Penn., Conn., Maryland, Mass. 
Redemption: 105 to 1931; then 104 to 1936: 103 to 1941; 102 to 
1943; 101 to 1945. 
Trustee: Chatham Phenix National Bank & Trust Company.

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