Full text: Statistical manual

Ing on them may examine them. We set forth this fact, and 
the basis upon which it rests, each to interpret, accept or chal- 
lenge, asi he sees fit. 
The purpose of the Exchange in issuing this booklet is to 
place before the investing public facts which may enable them 
to know more intimately the set-up of the securities in which 
they may be interested. It has no other object to serve. It 
advocates no one’s securities. It judges none. It offers to ac- 
cept for publication any pertinent facts which the sponsors 
of these securities may furnish, : 
The investing public who have contributed the capital to 
these vast enterprises are entitled to know these facts. 
While the Exchange cannot assume responsibility for the 
completeness or accuracy of the data at its disposal it will be 
pleased to make any revisions that may be in order if brought 
to its attention. 
New York City, June 15, 1930.

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