Full text: Statistical manual

Earnings: Bing & Bing, Inc, do not report the earnings of 
their buildings separately. The consolidated income of 
the parent company is as follows: 
1929 1928 
Total income...... $4,006,573 $4,267,026 
Expenses ......... 495,004 1,235,684 
Depreciation ...... 11,0942 1,308,634 
Balance ...... $2,417,523 $1,722,708 
Price Range: January-May, 1930—9814-95. 
The Dorset 
(New York City) 
First Fee Serial 6s 
Amount: $2,750,000; outstanding 7-1-30, $2,602,500. 
Dated: May 1, 1926. 
Maturities: January and July 1, 1930 to 1941. 
Interest: January and July 1st. 
Denominations: $1,000, $500 and $100. 
Taxes: 2% Federal-—Penn. and Mass. 
Redemption: 103 to July, 1931: then 102% to July, 1936; there- 
after 102. 
Trustee: Nicholas Roberts. 
Assessed 1930: $3,050,000. 
Appraised: Pease & Elliman, Inc, $3,825,000. 
Property: Fee estate in plot 194 feet 7% inches by 100 feet 5 
inches, on the south side of 54th Street, between 5th and 
6th Avenues, and the 18-story apartment hotel erected 
Earnings: This property is owned by a subsidiary of Bing & 
Bing, Inc. Iis earnings are consclidated in the income 
account of Bing & Bing, Inc., which is reported above. 
Price Range: January-May, 1930-97-96. 
Hotel St. George 
(Brooklyn, N. Y.) 
First Fee 5%% Bond Certificates—Series A 
Amount: $8,000,000. 
Date: November 1, 1928. 
Maturities: May and November 1, 1932 to 1943, 

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